Tutorial: Working with NPCs in DM

hmm yeah it seems like alot of the AI stuff was disabled... but it must be able to be reenabled, because certain AI functions work in Garry's mod... maybe we should try airnodes in that mod, and see if we can get them to work ahah... but anyway.. yeah mess around.. the one thing i keep thinking is if they were going to cut out AI functionality, why not cut out NPCs entirely? hmm food for thought

--Jim :cheers:

PS UndeadsRUs, please post your progress :D
because certain AI functions work in Garry's mod..

Garry's mod is a seperate mod, it has nothing to do with hl2dm or its code.

Garry's "mod", like the Sven coop mod, like Jblo's gravity gun mod of coolness, IS a code modifying, non-dm related, non-dm ai related, non-this-thread relatated modification of the Source Engine.

Garry has ai working because they messed with Source source code. The same way that bots are in CS and not in DM. We're looking for quick fixes to these issues that do not involve modifications to the DM source code.

I'm hoping that bringing the AI back into play can be fixed by a server plugin.

I think DM would be much better if people like Garry and the Sven team were to tear it down and put it back together again. It was NOT ready for general release for a variety of reasons. I can rarely find a server that doesn't lag under an 8 person strain due to the ridiculous server-side physics code.
Well.. i disagree.. when you go to create a mod using the Source SDK, you select whether you want to base it on Half-Life 2 SP, or Half-Life 2 MP.. the difference being that I guess that for multiplayer purposes, AI is not involved.. in SP, it is.. I assume.. in any event.. it asks because when the SDK spits out the files for you to build your mod with, it includes or excludes certain files depending on which you choose... I doubt that Garry rewrote code that already existed in Half-Life, I assume that there is some way for him to implement this AI functionality without writing functions for it.. if you have ever played Garry's mod.. have you? You'd see that the AI is not 100% functional, but it works better than it does in DM.. which leads me to the question: Why, why would a talented individual such as Garry create such a flexible mod, implement a half assed version of HL's AI, and then stop there? That says to me that the AI functionality was a side effect.. when he built the mod that's what happened.. so there must be a way to do it without writing code.. perhaps its CCs, perhaps its copying files.. I don't know.. but I think it's worth looking into...

When I started playing with NPCs, people thought that was stupid.. why would you want to spawn these lifeless things into a DM game? They can't fight.. it's stupid.. just wait, wait for sven coop, or some other mod... and I said NO, because I thought it was possible.. and I found out how to get them to fight.. and how to get them moving.. and I just think that if we have so much as a hunch about how to get them to work better, then we should investigate it.. and not simply say "o it's a seperate mod... it's coding.. NEXT!"

Garry's "mod", like the Sven coop mod, like Jblo's gravity gun mod of coolness, IS a code modifying, non-dm related, non-dm ai related, non-this-thread relatated modification of the Source Engine.
Actually.. they are Half-Life 2 mods, as is DM, so if both are mods to the same game, then wouldn't that make them related?? They don't modify the source engine.. Source is a gaming engine which Half-Life was built upon, all mods are further modifications of Half-Life.. no one touches source.. and this thread is about NPCs in DM, which would make ANYthing that pertains to getting NPCs to work in DM related to this thread..

That is a very EXTENDED rationale you have... regarding the relationship between other mods and DM.

We'd better not start comparing the mods to each other, so I'll just keep in agreement with you on point of getting those npcs working in DM. It certainly adds new life to the mod.

Lets agree on one more thing. With your knowledge of the CCs for DM, you know that the AI is always active. For the npcs, they have behaviors. Thanks to you, you have allowed the community to realize this fact and using the setrelationships entity input, you trigger the "ai" that exists in most npcs.
After I setup the first user-made ain file, the other bells and whistles of npc behavior have come out, and now the really do hunt you down as they would in the sp game.

My major fixations are the npc ragdoll crashes of evil and the understanding of how island17 seagulls function just fine, but manhacks don't budge at all in my test maps.

Opinions aside on what is a mod and what isn't, I hereby declare a mod is any game modification... big or small. This modification can be the simplest extension of functionality (script mods???) or the largest of endevours.. Substance... Sven... Garry's, to name a few. Wouldn't you agree?
Sounds good.. I didn't want to sound mean, but rereading my post.. i did.. so sorry about that... I cannot express how happy I am that someone like you is willing to get this stuff working.. it's pretty sad that out of the entire HL2 community.. there are only two people willing to pioneer this stuff.. I can't believe how far you have come with nodes.. and getting the NPCs to become a real challenge, so thank you! I really don't want to compare how much work we've done for this.. let's just agree that we have both done our fair share of work in clearing this uncharted path..

Your goals sound great.. and I see no problem in us both trying to solve these problems.. even if our methods differ at times.. I mean, if we both took the same path in inspecting these issues, we wouldn't get very far, would we?

On your definition of a mod: I like it.. i mean that's what a mod is, a modification of the game.. but I would like to say that I think the mod that you are working on would be a mod to DM, whereas other mods are mods to HL2.. just a minor distinction.. but I think it's interesting how you are really doing something that hasn't been done.. I mean why make completely different mods that everyone has to download just to add monsters and such, when we can just do it your way, and build upon DM? So I completely agree, and I can't wait until everything works.. and people can play a fully stable match of DM with NPCs :D

--Jim :cheers:
Well thank you and props to you sir, for the work you've done. No where have I found a tutorial thats more complete than this. What really gets me is the large number of threads and tutorials out there that are just links, or copies of others. Yours is an original work, like so very few.

I don't know about you but I think we've exhausted the CCs available to us in DM. I'm continuing my search for the answer to the flying npc problem.

It will be some time until I can start my work on the server side plugin... I don't suppose you know any C++?
Also, have you looked at the sdk at all regarding server plugins, they seem really easy. Wanna make some test plugins?
Does your game crash when you spawn a ground or floor sentry?


Do you think that creating npcs would become ALOT more popular if it wasn't for the crashes?
I would still like to add this as a tutorial at my site.

My site gets over 3,000 search engine hits/day and I know putting this tutorial on my site will get it some serious exposure.

It needs to be rewritten though and I don't have the time to do it.

My current tutorials have a total of 2,550 total views so, I'm sure we can get the word out on this, if I can just get some help. :D
DOH!!! I completely forgot about you, I'm REALLY sorry!!!! I've been pretty busy lately, the second I get a chance to rewrite it, I will. Again, I'm really sorry!! =)

--Jim :cheers:
I suppose we could append a few thing to your existing post, jimbro727. Primary what we've discovered on what you can and cannot do with the npcs. Ahhhh, publicizing the limits of DM is such fun!

You see, pro[ph]et does want my ranting in there, that's why he made the comment about "rewriting it".

lol, it's not the ramblings I don't want.

There is a lot of information scattered over these 4 pages. The information needs to be consolidated and organized, that's all. If I had the time to test some of this stuff on my own server I would. :( ;)
Yup.. I'm pretty sure that this Half Life stuff is a second.. or third.. job for most of us hehe.. even if we prioritize it over some things (I know I'd rather play with NPCs than write a paper :P) I need to consolidate this all, anyway... when I do I'm still not sure what I am going to do with it (after I shoot a copy over to you).. I'd love to replace my original post with it, but then the comments wouldn't make sense.. so I suppose I could tack it on the end of this thread in the form of a comment, but I'm afraid people might get mad that they read the first one.. then all the comments.. just to find a consolidated version of everything at the bottom.. so it seems that the best option would be to start a new thread and have a mod sticky it and unsticky this thread (or not). Suggestions, anyone?

--Jim :cheers:
I'm sure that if you rewrite it out they will accomidate you. It's obvious they believe this to be usefull as it is.
Do you need more "scripts"? I have all npc's that are spawnable in hl2dm in my own cfg's with a.i and their commands :)
umm well it's not so much the spawning and relationships that need to be automated.. it's the placing of the NPCs.. and especially, the waypoints or whatever they're called.. but I mean I'm sure they could benefit someone.. so post them or give us a link or something :) Thanks!

--Jimmy :cheers:
Ok, Here are all my npc's working when spawned!


sk_antlion_health 60
sk_antlion_jump_damage 20
sk_antlion_swipe_damage 15
npc_create npc_antlion
ent_fire npc_antlion setrelationship "player d_ht 99"

Antlion burrow/unburrow:

bind "UPARROW" "ent_fire npc_antlion unburrow"
bind "DOWNARROW" "ent_fire npc_antlion burrow"


sk_antlionguard_dmg_charge 40
sk_antlionguard_dmg_shove 20
sk_antlionguard_health 500
npc_create npc_antlionguard
ent_fire npc_antlionguard setrelationship "player d_ht 99"

Fast Headcrab:

sk_headcrab_fast_health 50
sk_headcrab_melee_dmg 25
npc_create npc_headcrab_fast
ent_fire npc_headcrab_fast setrelationship "player d_ht 99"

Fast Zombie:

npc_create npc_fastzombie
ent_fire npc_fastzombie setrelationship "player d_ht 99"


sk_headcrab_health 50
sk_headcrab_melee_dmg 25
npc_create npc_headcrab
ent_fire npc_headcrab setrelationship "player d_ht 99"


sk_manhack_health 25
sk_manhack_melee_dmg 25
npc_create npc_manhack
ent_fire npc_manhack setrelationship "player d_ht 99"

Poison Headcrab:

sk_headcrab_poison_health 50
npc_create npc_headcrab_poison
ent_fire npc_headcrab_poison setrelationship "player d_ht 99"

Rollermine: (only spawnable on mountains or something... works fine after spawned)

sk_rollermine_shock 20
sk_rollermine_stun_delay 1
sk_rollermine_vehicle_intercept 1
npc_create npc_rollermine
ent_fire npc_rollermine setrelationship "player d_ht 99"

Turret: (1 shot kill)

npc_create npc_turret_floor
ent_fire npc_turret_floor setrelationship "player d_ht 99"


sk_vortigaunt_health 200
sk_vortigaunt_armor_charge 40
sk_vortigaunt_dmg_claw 30
sk_vortigaunt_dmg_rake 25
sk_vortigaunt_dmg_zap 30
npc_create npc_vortigaunt
ent_fire npc_vortigaunt setrelationship "player d_ht 99"


sk_zombie_health 100
sk_zombie_dmg_both_slash 30
sk_zombie_dmg_one_slash 20
npc_create npc_zombie
ent_fire npc_zombie setrelationship "player d_ht 99"

Zombie Torso:

sk_zombie_health 100
sk_zombie_dmg_one_slash 40
npc_create npc_zombie_torso
ent_fire npc_zombie_torso setrelationship "player d_ht 99"

Helicopter: (adrops bombs when exec helicopterfire)

sk_helicopter_grenadedamage 50
sk_helicopter_health 400
sk_helicopter_drone_speed 450
sk_helicopter_grenaderadius 600
give npc_helicopter
ent_setname heli
ent_fire heli setrelationship "player d_ht 99"
"ent_fire heli dropbomb player"

Helicopter fire:

"ent_fire heli dropbomb player"


sk_scanner_dmg_dive 80
sk_scanner_health 100
"ent_fire npc_cscanner inspecttargetspotlight player"
"ent_fire npc_cscanner deploymine player"
npc_create npc_cscanner
ent_fire npc_cscanner setrelationship "player d_ht 99"

Gunship: (attacks ground when exec gunshipfire and when you rename a player to ent_setname player it'll follow that player but a.i wont work on other players)

sk_gunship_burst_dist 768
sk_gunship_burst_min 800
sk_gunship_burst_size 500
sk_gunship_health_increments 500
ent_fire gunship sethealth 300
give npc_combinegunship
ent_setname gunship
"ent_fire gunship dogroundattack player"

Gunship fire:

"ent_fire gunship dogroundattack player"

Strider: (shoots at feet useless... rename a player to player using ent_setname player and it'll shoot main cannon when execing striderfire! A.I wont work on other players after renaming someone to player)

sk_strider_health 350
sk_strider_num_missiles1 5
sk_strider_num_missiles2 7
sk_strider_num_missiles3 7
give npc_strider
ent_setname strider
ent_fire strider setcannontarget player


ent_fire strider setcannontarget player

Hope this solves everything! :)
hl2dm will still crash sporatically due to npc ragolls not liking hl2dm netcode. Make a level in hammer and using onhalfhealth break output you can place as many as you want.


learn hammer and download the tutorials.
Hi guys,
I have read the info about making Striders attach players but it will just stand there and fire its gun an not do any damage to anyone. When i use the "setcannontarget" all it does is kill me nomatter where i am on the map. If any of you have been able to give the strider AI i would be pleased to hear.
ReaperSWE said:
Hey Jimbro727, remeber me? :D

here's some hot news for ya'...

You got me off the starting line, thanks to you I have this Very nice spawnmenu for garrysmod

Awesome!!! I'm not home right now, but as soon as I get home I'll be giving it a try.. glad my tutorial could help :)

boystupid said:
Hi guys,
I have read the info about making Striders attach players but it will just stand there and fire its gun an not do any damage to anyone. When i use the "setcannontarget" all it does is kill me nomatter where i am on the map. If any of you have been able to give the strider AI i would be pleased to hear.

I haven't played around with this stuff in a while.. been busy with class and whatnot, but from what I can remember, I've had the same problem as you.. I think the strider falls into the same category as the helicopter, and we can't get them to move without nodes.. which JohnnyJigglez was working on, although I haven't spoken to him in a while.. keep checking on this thread, if anyone solves it, it'll be posted :)

As for everyone else.. sorry I haven't been around.. as I said, I've been busy.. as soon as the semester ends, it'll be 24x7 HL2 haha

--Jim :cheers:
FYI - not sure if this has been said but if an antlionguard charges you while you have the grav gun and are holding something with it - the server will crash (well it has for me the last few times I've tested it). Possibly also happens when u throw something at it from close range.
I think antlions too cause a problem, but not sure exactly how.
All other npcs i've had no probs with.
seems that if you're holding something with the grav gun and you get hit (like rammed or smacked over the head, not shot) then the server will crash
will do further testing but seems pretty consistent.
i had trouble creating the gunship at the start - whenever i used "give npc_combinegunship" it would spawn half in me, half in the ground.. i'd have to suicide, but even then it wouldn't be able to move... the "npc_create npc_combinegunship" command works, however only on certain outdoor ground surfaces...

however, the gunship seems to be quite weak.. as far as i can tell the only attack it can do is the belly pulse cannon thingy (dogroundattack command) - which is pretty inaccurate really and doesn't do much damage unless it's a direct hit. Any tips? Is it just like the strider where the guns wont work, only the pulse cannon thing?

Next question is a bit harder, so not really expecting an answer - the gunship has commands to move at top speed which works when invoked - IMO this would be good for dodging missiles. Anyway to let it know that a missile has been fired and to move at top speed to dodge? I'm probably asking a bit much :)
I couldn't help but see the big debate over garry's mod a few pages back.

Garry's mod, as of now, is based off of HL2:DM. It is actually a mod of HL2:DM. I believe they chose to go in that direction to make gmod servers possible.

So everything in this guide SHOULD work in gmod. So far it has for me (except for setrelationship. I've been having some issues getting that to work)

Also, I was wondering if anybody knew what happened to the very lenthy npc tutorial that was stickey'd back a while ago? I remember makeing loads of custom scripts and such, loading them up, and playing hl2 like an RTS. Loads of fun. I lost all the cfgs though (built a new pc and never backed them up) and would like to be able to remake them, so me and my friend can have rts wars in hl2. So far, we are working on getting squad fights working (he's got the setrelationship down. I'll have to ask him later).

If anybody knows what happened to that thread, i'd love to hear. I searched to no avail.

One last Q. Would these commands work in HL2 SP? I don't seem to remember any setrelationship and such commands in the sp guide. I'd like to know, because recently, i'd been having some issues with steam, and thought a reinstallation of steam would help. Didn't help, but I believe I lost all my hl2 save games. I've already beaten the game, and the only reason I see to replay again is if I could get these commands to work, and play through hl2 with a squad of citizens behind me. Think about it, having zombie wars. Your zombies against gregory's zombies. Mind washing the combine. He he.

EDIT: Damn. Didn't realise that putting a : infront of the DM in HL2 DM would make smilies. Least they're happy :D
hi! um check this out, ive been working with cheats for like about like 4 months and for every where ive been heres a quick guide to what ive picked up but jimbro727 covered everything i probly will, but just incase please take a look and tell me what you think maybe i might have cheats that he left out.

Cheats & Tricks
Half Life 2 Deathmatch
Created by whatshisface117 and other internet resources.

NPC Spawning
Type theses commands in the console
Important: Do not create a large amount of monsters because the computer may lag uncontrollably, and can crash the server! Also to create a monster all ways look towards the ground because where ever your cross hair is that is where the monster will spawn, if there are any people or objects in the way the monster will not spawn. I suggest you use an open area to spawn your monster in. If the attempt fails to spawn a monster try again, it doesn’t always work on the first try. Monsters may or may not have the ability to harm you, and some may not move around, however some will follow you around, it just depends on the area and monster.

Note: if you create a npc starting with give the npc will spawn right in front of you. If you create an npc starting with npc_create, the npc will spawn where ever your cross hair is. (if it’s pointed at the ground, or if there’s room.)
Also remember that all npc’s need room! So don’t forget that it won’t spawn unless theirs room for it! So clear lots of room for big npc’s like the helicopter or strider!

1. npc_create npc_zombie = creates zombie
2. npc_create npc_headcrab = creates head crab
3. npc_create npc_headcrab_black = creates poison head crab
4. npc_create npc_poisonzombie = creates poison zombie
5. npc_create npc_zombie_torso = creates half zombie (yes the creature is still alive even though its legs have been cut off. It just crawls toward you.)
6. npc_create npc_fastzombie = creates fast zombie
7. npc_create npc_antlion = creates antlion
8. npc_create npc_antlionguard = creates antlion guard
9. give npc_strider = creates strider (does not move! Only attacks)
10. give npc_helicopter = creates hunter-chopper (does not move or attack!)
11. give npc_combinedropship = creates dropship
12. give npc_combinegunship = creates gunship
13. give npc_rollermine = creates a Roller mine under you, note that you must be above ground so it can spawn under you
14. npc_create npc_crow = creates crow
15. npc_create npc_pigeon = creates pigeon
16. npc_create npc_dog = creates Dog (the robot dog from HL2)
17. npc_create npc_kleiner = creates Professor Kleiner
18. npc_create npc_mossman = creates Juddith Mossman
19. npc_create npc_vortigaunt = creates a vortigaunt
20. npc_create npc_alyx = creates Alyx Vance
21. npc_create npc_eli = creates Eli Vance
22. npc_create npc_gman = creates g-man
23. npc_create npc_breen = creates Wallace Breen
24. npc_create npc_barney = creates Barney Calhoun
25. npc_create rpg_missile = creates an explosion. Does no damage to any objects only leaves black burn mark.
26. give rpg_missile = creates a rpg_missile but it explodes the instant it’s spawned under you. This is the same rocket command as npc_create rpg_missile only the rocket appears under you and explodes. This does no damage to you or anything around you.
27. give item_ar2_grenade = creates an smg grenade
28. npc_create npc_turret_floor;wait;exec = creates an sentry turrent.

How to set weapons for npc’s
To set the weapon for freshly created NPC's use npc_create_equipment x where x is any of the listed weapons for the give cheat — only certain weapons will work with certain npc_ types, so you may have to experiment with this.
give x
Use listed values. Per use. Use this to give yourself any one of these items. To spawn this item without picking it up, use in conjunction with noclip enabled. List of item names follows:
1. weapon_357 - the revolver
2. weapon_pistol - the usp
3. weapon_ar2 - the disruptor rifle
4. weapon_bugbait - antlion pheromones
5. weapon_crossbow - the new & improved crossbow
6. weapon_crowbar - your trusty pal
7. weapon_frag - frag grenade
8. weapon_physcannon - the gravity gun
9. weapon_rpg - rocket launcher
10. weapon_shotgun - packs a powerful punch
11. weapon_smg1 - renamed from 'the peashooter'
1. item_box_srounds
2. item_ammo_pistol
3. item_large_box_srounds
4. item_ammo_pistol_large
5. item_box_mrounds
6. item_ammo_smg1
7. item_large_box_mrounds
8. item_ammo_smg1_large
9. item_box_lrounds
10. item_ammo_ar2
11. item_large_box_lrounds
12. item_ammo_ar2_large
13. item_ammo_357
14. item_ammo_357_large
15. item_ammo_crossbow
16. item_ml_grenade
17. item_rpg_round
18. item_ammo_smg1_grenade
19. item_box_sniper_rounds
20. item_box_buckshot
21. item_ammo_ar2_altfire
22. item_ammo_crate
23. item_battery
24. item_dynamic_resupply
25. item_healthkit
26. item_healthvial
27. item_suit

Cheats and Tricks

Type all these Cheats into the console. You may Bind them if you wish.

1. noclip = allows you to fly and move through walls. Keep in mind you are not invincible in this state. Unless you are using buddha with it.
2. buddha = you can still take damage to your health but you wont die. Example the lowest your health can go is 1 health.
3. impulse 101 = stocks you with all weapons and full ammo.
4. impulse 102 = makes a skull fly out of some random place on your character. Since the skulls are organic they can not be moved or picked up with the gravity gun.
5. ch_createjeep = creates a jeep in front of you equipped with the lazar gun. The lazar gun can not fire with its first trigger attack only it’s second.
6. ch_createairboat = creates an air boat, with no lazar gun attached to it.
7. give prop_combine_ball;ent_fire prop_combine_ball explode = creates combine ball explosion under your feet. Can do minimal damage to others around you.
8. ent_remove = removes most small objects and all npc’s. Be extremely careful when using this command, because if it is pointed at a person, that person will be removed and then the server will crash!
9. ent_setname freeze; ent_fire freeze disablemotion = freezes objects, the can be deleted and unfrozen. They can not be moved at all even with the gravity gun.
10. ent_setname freeze; ent_fire freeze enablemotion = unfreezes all frozen objects in the map not just one frozen item. So be careful when using it!
11. ent_setname monster; ent_fire monster setrelationship "player d_ht 99" = makes npc move and attack humans. However certain npc’s do not react to this command and some will only look towards your direction it all depends on the npc.
12. ent_fire npc_(name of thing you want to set on fire) ignite = sets on fire and does damage to what every npc in the map you tell it to burn. For example to all set alyx Vance’s in the map on fire type this in the console: ent_fire npc_alyx ignite . And you don’t even have to point at the npc’s to do this just as long as you type this in the console the npc will set fire. Some large objects such as helicopters and gunships can’t be set on fire, while others such as Dog will not die from the fire since hes made of metal. It all depends on what you’re setting on fire. The flame after about one minute will put itself out if the object does not die. If the npc dies from the fire the fire will go out itself.
13. ent_setname Rotor;ent_fire Rotor ignite = sets every one on fire including your self, it does damage and will kill you and every one if they don’t have buddha on. Eventually the fire will put itself out

Binding commands
Binding is where you attach a command for example “noclip” to a key on your keyboard. Here is the command for binding

Bind “key” “command”

For example if I wanted to bind noclip to “x” so every time I hit “x” noclip would be activated I would type this into the console:

Bind x “noclip”

*the “” are necessary for telling console what command it is binding.

unbinding a key is just a simple.

Unbind “key”

That’s all you need to type, Do not type the command it needs to unbind just the key!
For example if I wanted to unbind noclip from “x” then I would type into console:

unbind x
you've covered a lot there, but still missing some things..

eg. You can make specific people "ignite" if you know what you're doing...

You can set targets for Striders, Helicopters, Gunships, etc

You can even make the combine gunship pick up other players or npcs and fly around with them (although when they thing they picked up dies the server crashes so it's not really recommended)

Just remember with NPCs, you will crash the server if you let them hit you (as in a melee attack, like ramming you or smacking you across the face - not shooting you) while you are holding something with the gravity gun. So be very careful.

I didnt know about giving NPCs weapons though, will definitely give that a go in the future. Thanks.
predatorleader said:
way to complicated !!!


Actually, it's quite easy.

Before GMod PLUS! came out, me and my friend would code combine squad wars. It was loads of fun.
Cyan Leader said:
Did anyone got the flying nodes working?
Some guys at the GMod forums got it working, but because they themselves are huge flying ****wads they didn't want to share it. But don't worry, the UN is busy on the plan to bomb their house ^-^
Has anyone gotten npc_combine_s or npc_metropolice to spawn and fight the player (not just standing and rotating to watch the player) using this method or another? Is it at all possible or is the code missing for it (thus requiring a mod)?
Hello all!

Wow over 6,000 people have read this thread.. sweet! :afro:

I haven't checked in on these forums in a while.. been too busy with other things.. and DoD :sniper: I'm going to play with the latest gmod and see what ideas I can grab from it, then fool around some more with this NPC stuff...

I'm glad that people are finding this useful, and that it's an ongoing topic of discussion.. I dropped the ball on my work, so when I pick it back up, look forward to a definitive tutorial on this subject that will take the guesswork out of using the extensive NPC/AI system that HL2DM provides us :D

really nice topic! i've searched a very very long time for this tutorial, giving your dm map some attacking npc's :D
but, actually, i dont want to put every single npc into my map, every time, when i start playing a map with friends. Isn't there any possibilty to build that into a map, so that the npc's are already there, when you start the map?
or is it possible to "save" the map, when you finished putting all the npc's there, whereever you want them?
i think, it would be really great, if someone could explain, how to put acting/attacking npc's into your map with the hammer editor!
Is there any way at all?


Ps: sry if my english isnt so good.. :dork:
Nice tutorial, do you have one on removing RPGs from existing HL2 Deathmatch maps? I am running a source dedicated server that I would like to make RPG free. I am using downloaded maps from the web.