help with physbox please!



Forgive me if i don't say something right, I've been awake for a long while trying to get things to work. Needless to say, I need a little help. I have a func_physbox, a "cage" to say, and it is being used as a sled, however, when the object moves, it kills you, slow or fast depending on the angle. Ok, well, I want the box to move, with players in it! and I don't want them to die! how do i do this? i put a function hurt in the box with you, that gives you health, but when the box REALLY gets moving, you can't get health quick enough and then die. so, is there a way to make a box, with players in it, and have it move, without killing them? how do i do this? thanks for your help!
I have no clue but can offer a possible suggestion.

Maybe make the sled a vehicle of some sort instead of physbox?
Is it the sled itself that kills players, or the fall damage? If the former, a filter_activator_name could be used as a damage filter to prevent the players taking damage from the physbox; if the latter, an IgnoreFallDamage input serves the same purpose.
ok, i tried enabling a filter_activator_name and i must not be doing it right.

I set
Name - cartfilter
Filter Mode - Allow
Filter Name - cart

then I set these outputs


am I doing this right??

and do I set an "IgnoreFallDamage" input?

maybe if you have aim, I can send you my vmf file and you can see what I'm playing with...

thanks alot for your help!!
Well, both of my suggestions were to be used on the players :p You can send inputs to players by targetting "player" or with a trigger targetting "!activator". You can then set a player's damage filter via a SetDamageFilter input, or force him to ignore fall damage with an IgnoreFallDamage input, where the parameter is the number of seconds for which to ignore fall damage (you would need to send this input almost constantly since it only ignores the next instance of fall damage).
would you like to take a look at my vmf file and see what's going on? i'll send it to you through aim if you'd like, my sn is "MDisMasterD"... i'm on and off, but most of the time i'm online.
i can't for the life of me figure out how to plug in what you said, let me send you this thing, it's a fun ride even when you die, but i'd rather fix the dieing thing...