Help with signature

Jesus Lincoln

Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
I Revisited Max Payne 2 recently and beat it a few times, the last thing it says in the credits is "Max Payne's journey through the night will continue" (funny because MP3 is announced)--well, for a while, this was my Sig, in italics, while playing the game i found this cool quote

I print screened it and edited it, i cant make it my sig, but i can link to it

My question is, how can i make an Itallics hyperlink to this imageshack photo, when i try copying the text into the hyperlink prompt box in the sig edit and the URL, it looks all funky

You can see my mistake in my sig, unless you see this and i have fixed it--right now it looks really wierd, and when you click on it, it links you to some wierd page(not imaageshack)

For now, im going to delete my sig unless someone can help
"Max Payne's journey through the night will continue" --text
Hrmm, its not working for me, nothings coming up in fact, mabye you can only edit your sig once in an hour or something

Edit: NVM--all working