Help with the NEW Creative Inspire T7700 Speakers



Hi everyone,

I am desperately looking for a review of the NEW Creative Inspire T7700 Speakers, has anyone found any reviews of it on the net, or does anyone have it and can let me know what the sound quality is like?

I am wondring whether the sound produced is as flimsy and brittle as previous Creative Inspire offerings.


Come on someone must know of a review, or have a set of these speakers!!

Yes my son, funny enough, that was my first port of call. :)

Failing to find the answer to my question in the mighty Oracle of Google I have come to these enlightened boards for help.
I know this doesn't really help but can't you exchange them if you don't like them?

In many shops there are demo speakers you can test yourself. Maybe that would be the best thing you could do.
Well I think a review would help compare these speakers to others he may be looking at.
I have not seen a review for these speakers. Sorry bud :(