


I need help making my game run better on higher quality than just low. I tried overclocking the graphics but it just froze more. here are my specs.

Athlon XP 2800 Thoroughbred core ~2.08 ghz
Epox EP-8KTA2 Mobo
GeForce Fx 5200 128mb AGP 8x
256mb Kingston Memory
Creative soundblaster LIVE!
Maxtor 40gig 7800rpm hard drive
450w psu
You've got only 256MB of RAM - it's impossible to run the game in high details, but you should run it in medium (with a lot of pagefile usage, but it should be playable). Make sure you have DirectX 8.1 detected under Advanced video settings.
YEah but,

Okay, even when i run it at eveything low it still stutters like i dont have enough ram
definately get more Ram, you'll wan't to have at least 512mb but thats an absolute min. Your Graphics might be okay for the time being, but your frame rate might suffer (overclocking or not)