

Feb 8, 2005
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im not that far in the game yet and i havent met back up with alyx and them yet. i have gotten the gun on my hover craft and got far on it. is there an time when you ditch the hover craft or do you drive it untill you meet up with every one
wadda wat? um eventually u ditch it but not till a while
You take to hovercraft to Eli's lab (the place where Kleiner's teleporter was supposed to take you) and then you ditch it there.
i was in this one area and there was a copper and he was dropping stuff so after i blew it up i went up on that ladder and oppened the large gate. i went a little farther from there and i dont know to keep the hover craft or ditch it. when do you leave the hovercraft????
head_crabs said:
i was in this one area and there was a copper and he was dropping stuff so after i blew it up i went up on that ladder and oppened the large gate. i went a little farther from there and i dont know to keep the hover craft or ditch it. when do you leave the hovercraft????

Simple answer: When there's no way left to continue on while driving it. If you find yourself trudging across a big long stretch of open water while your airboat just sits floating behind you, turn the hell around. You're just going to have to bite the bullet and go to all the trouble and inconvenience of bringing along the super fast vehicle with the unlimited ammunition.

Eventually, you will have to go inside and then NOT RETURN. You will never be given a choice as to whether to take the airboat past that point. If you CAN take it, you're SUPPOSED to take it.
^ yep and the part with the tunnel i got a way to go through but there is an invisible wall.
Well actually at the end of Water Hazard, you need the boat to jump through the gate you're supposed to open, then when you see land again & a big building in the next chapter, that is where you ditch it.
heh, i managed to get the airboat through the airlock on eli's lab, but the next door was way too small :E
i love the airboat but i didnt know if i should get out of it and go on foot or drive it.
How is this help?
He wanted to know when he gets of the airboat.
OMG I just thought of a way, play the damn game!
^^^ no he was wopndering if he should add like 3 more levels of difficulty and 6 more hours of game play by ditching the airboat for some me Heady, VALAVe made this game for retards and made it as simple as it could be....

Me: Hmmmm how do i put out these flames?

Dead combine solider: Press E on the valve!


Dead combine:uhhh... nothing
in what chapter does a dead combine talk????????????
Nova prospekt, he tells u all the answers to ur Q's its actually gabe

never noticed