


Hey can anyone help me on this one level, it is where you have the airship, and you have to go through the poisen part of the water, i havnt figured out how to get the airship over there, or get to the other side of the swamp
No idea where you are but I'ma gonna go on a leg here and say 'drive it over the poison-swap to avoid getting hurt'
Look for jumps / switches. You do know you can go over the toxic stuff yeah?
I know that i am soposed to do that, but i was trying to figure out how to get my airship over there, i have an idea, go through the pipe system, but i cant get to one part of it cuase there is a barrel in my way and i havnt been able to pick it up
do you know where i am, there is also a ledge that you can go on that i thought would take me to the other side, but you can go to the other way and go across but i dont think that is right, i am sure you have you use the windship
You have to use the Airboat all the way through the level until the end. Just drive around for a bit.
before you get to that section there is a building thing with a dock
looking thing off the river, on the right
how do i use the airboat to get to the other side by the swamp
Well, my best guess is that you said poison, but mean water, and are at the part where there is a ramp half-floting in it. In which case you should move the barrels you mentioned into the box under the ramp, to make it flote upward. Then you can drive your airboat over it and jump to the other side.
If its not there, then ehh.. no clue ;)
ok i know what you are talking about, thanks i really needed the help
Next time you need help, try to post a screenshot of where you are, it will make it much easier for people to tell you what to do :).
yea, i didnt think that it would be that hard to do, i dont know how i would be able to get a picture of it, but i will try the next time
Yeah, that got me stuck for longer than any section but Ravenholm (because I was stupid and didn't notice for over an hour and a half that you had to jump off the roof into that water barrel, so I just ran around wasting all of my ammo on infinitely respawning zombies for that time).

To clarify what to do: Around the area there are several blue barrels. You pick these up with E, and then jump in the water. Swim down and there is a wire cage underneath the floating ramp; put a few of the barrels in there and it will cause the ramp to rise up enough for you to be able to make the jump.

Also, screenshots with F5.
LOL, I know exactly what you're saying. I didn't start up HL2 till like 10 PM, and I stopped at like 8 the next morning.

Ravenholm in the wee hours of the morning, headphones cranked and in a dark room = absolutely terrifying. My mom randomly came downstairs and touched my shoulder out of nowhere, I seriously screamed like a little girl.
Idiots...that puzzle was so obvious. All of hl2's puzzles were obvious. I am smarter than YOU!

except that part where I had to get to the horse statue. I swear, I was running around in circles for hours in that destroyed building.
Pesmerga said:
Idiots...that puzzle was so obvious. All of hl2's puzzles were obvious. I am smarter than YOU!

except that part where I had to get to the horse statue. I swear, I was running around in circles for hours in that destroyed building.

Yes... You run around in circles in run down bildings and WE are the idiots? Oh Pes, You make me chuckle in a way that would make me say, "Oh boy, what a chuckle that was."
Pesmerga said:
Idiots...that puzzle was so obvious. All of hl2's puzzles were obvious. I am smarter than YOU!

except that part where I had to get to the horse statue. I swear, I was running around in circles for hours in that destroyed building.
Me as well! Thats the exact bit and only section i got stuck on, weird eh...
Lol, am I the only one who never got stuck in any part of HL2?
InstInct1085 said:
Lol, am I the only one who never got stuck in any part of HL2?

no, i was stuck at the start because i didn't know how to open a door. :(
MarcoPollo said:
Simply put, no

complexily put: yes

*confused for the 5th time in 10 minutes*

you have now 1000 pots!!
took meh liek 50 hours.. to liek walk out of the train.. striders were wimps though..
I don't think i got stuck anywhere but Nova Prospekt... damn Combine waves + turrents. Curse them!
Lol that part is easy.. just block the turrets with barrels and dont put them too far out.. or the combine will see them through the windows and throw grenades and such.
I am at the bridge where the controls are, and i am trying to figure out what i am to do, i have already shot down the ship and killed all of the guys, i am thinking you have to plug the machine back in but i cant figure out how to get it with the gravity gun
grab the plug. Point at socket. Fire.

Which gunship? Can you get to the top of the bridge yet? If you can then get your buggy over.

The gunship only appears once you plug the plug back in, right?