First Kiss

I don't really have too much more to offer to this other than saying just let it come to you. I can only speak from experience, but at some point it just sorta clicked and I thought it was the right thing to do and went for it.

Also I personally think getting drunk just to kiss someone for the first time is a bad idea, but you werent going to do that anyways.

Good luck!
go with the flow, it happens when it happens.
BTW, in many cultures its considered a sign of extreme disrespect to not have sex after your first kiss. Make sure you remind her of that, after the kiss.
Two stomps means yes, one means no, and if she doesn't stomp you're either doing something right or doing something very wrong.
If she's wearing a skirt it means she wants you to feel her up.
As expected, great responses from the ''we know girls, really.'' crowd at

Kissing, whilst easy, is frankly everything when it comes to women. You know that ***king excellent cure for the will to live song ''It's in his kiss.'' by that cross-dresser Cher? Well, as much as we mock women for it, it is 100% true.

The way you kiss, makes or breaks your chance at anything with the woman.

As for the method, well, unfortunately that's where you're kind of on your own in terms of your own style. First kisses shouldn't last all THAT long. Depends how she kisses you back. You have to gauge her reaction as to how long the kiss will last, and that is something you can only understand when you're in the process of kissing her for the first time. That's not to say if she moves then you stop, pull back going 'what? did I step on your toe? Oh god...oh god I'm so sorry.' and run away like some...some..whatever.

If she's not pushing you away then keep going, anything over 10 seconds on a first kiss is overkill though. If she wants more, regardless of how she reacts, pulling away can work to your favour; keeping you in control and her wondering will make her want to see you again. And ultimately, kiss you again. Which is always awesome.

How you kiss is your own technique. No tongues on a first kiss. End of story. No cheeky feels of her ass. Keep your lip/face/jaw movements slow. You dont actually have to worry about what your lips are doing, but at the same time dont just mush your lips against hers like you're sliding down a window or something; what you do with your hands is arguably more important. I for one have my left hand on the small of her back pulling her in slightly, and my right is on the left side of her neck and face; fingers behind her neck gently pulling her in, and my thumb brushes her left cheek, and I always tilt MY head to the left as I'm using my right on her neck, otherwise it's awkward.

Slow, long kisses between 'breaking apart' of your lips (and then get back in there slowly again) usually gets her goosy.

Now reading all that, I'm bound to get some 'fag' comments. Say what you will, I've only had a handful (genuinely 3, American Pie rule aside) girlfriends, but all have been for a good year. Why? Because, well, I'm a great kisser apparently.

WHEN to kiss her is the unanswerable question unfortunately. It has to be intimate, HAS TO BE ALONE with her, preferably as you walk her to her door, or by a great view and you agree on something, look at her, and she doesnt look away, if she stares at you for a good 3 seconds, you need to kiss her without hesitating any longer. Christ, she's opening the door for you right there. You HAVE to act. HAVE TO. If you dont, you basically dump a pile of doubt into her mind about how you feel about her or, worse, how she feels about you.

And then always finish with a short kiss, brush her hair away, look into her eyes and say 'wow', or something equally cheesy. ''That was incredible'' blah blah blah.

Good kissers get laid. Bad kissers get laid after alcohol...err..usually?

[Edit] that was a really girly 10 minutes I just spent writing all that to help a fellow man in need. Gonna go smoke a cigar and...program a VCR or do a bit of radiator bleeding to get my manhood back.
As expected, great responses from the ''we know girls, really.'' crowd at

Kissing, whilst easy, is frankly everything when it comes to women.

The way you kiss, makes or breaks your chance at anything with the woman.

How about this: stop focussing on thinking about kissing and more about how great it is being with her. If you're constantly thinking 'I should be doing X' maybe you're forcing yourself into a role that you shouldn't, or truly don't want to, be in. Kiss her when it feels right. Be impulsive.
Exactly. Kissing is great because you're sliding your lips against theirs, and sometimes your tongue against theirs, and it feels nice. It also sometimes acts as the focal point of general petting and groping and that's pretty much all there is to how it works.
Dynasty said:
*Instructions overload*

And... he's going to be a nervous wreck, thinking about when and how to do all those things you listed.
And... he's going to be a nervous wreck, thinking about when and how to do all those things you listed.

Just print them out and reference them throughout the process.
I've been full-out lol'ing all the way through this thread, and the lols reached fever pitch at Dynasty's post.

The first kiss is stressful no doubt. I was 12 I think and it took me months to work up the courage to kiss my "girlfriend" on the mouth. But one day after school in the bus parking lot I just went for it, and it was awesome.

That's all you have to do. If you like her and she likes you and there is mutual attraction, it will go great! Just go for it. It's like jumping off a high dive - you just have to get over your fear and JUMP! (smooch!)

As for technique, don't over think it... just do what feels right. Trust me, it will all work out.
How you kiss is your own technique. No tongues on a first kiss. End of story. No cheeky feels of her ass. Keep your lip/face/jaw movements slow. You dont actually have to worry about what your lips are doing, but at the same time dont just mush your lips against hers like you're sliding down a window or something; what you do with your hands is arguably more important. I for one have my left hand on the small of her back pulling her in slightly, and my right is on the left side of her neck and face; fingers behind her neck gently pulling her in, and my thumb brushes her left cheek, and I always tilt MY head to the left as I'm using my right on her neck, otherwise it's awkward.
Say what? Not much of a kiss without the tongue. I can't recall ever kissing without using the tongue.
why dont you post advice on how to kiss the "other" lips.......
You people sicken me. Kissing? Before marriage? Preposterous!
As expected, great responses from the ''we know girls, really.'' crowd at

Kissing, whilst easy, is frankly everything when it comes to women. You know that ***king excellent cure for the will to live song ''It's in his kiss.'' by that cross-dresser Cher? Well, as much as we mock women for it, it is 100% true.

The way you kiss, makes or breaks your chance at anything with the woman.

I don't think kissing is really everything. All we're really looking for is intimate physical contact. We don't really care how it happens much (although everybody has their own little preferences and quirks).

No tongues on a first kiss. End of story.

Um...why? As a woman, I'm totally cool with tongues, be it on the first kiss or the 400th kiss. Like I said before, we all prefer different things. I mean, obviously I wouldn't suggest that the OP just stick his tongue down her throat apropos of nothing, but I wouldn't rule out the introduction of it to the first-kiss experience entirely.

WHEN to kiss her is the unanswerable question unfortunately. It has to be intimate, HAS TO BE ALONE with her, preferably as you walk her to her door, or by a great view and you agree on something, look at her, and she doesnt look away, if she stares at you for a good 3 seconds, you need to kiss her without hesitating any longer.

I first kissed Current Boyfriend outside of our chemistry lecture as everybody was leaving. Nobody looked twice at us. It was totally romantic. Everyone around us just sort of disappeared.

And then always finish with a short kiss, brush her hair away, look into her eyes and say 'wow', or something equally cheesy. ''That was incredible'' blah blah blah.

Ew cheese *shudder* I prefer to laugh when I kiss.

OP, my point is that everyone is different, so it kind of doesn't matter how you go about this. Just go with what you feel yourself. That's all you can do when it comes to kissing 'n' stuff really because until you know somebody better, you have no idea what they want. How could you? If she really likes you (and it sounds like she really likes you) she won't care about the mechanics. She'll just be like holy crap we're kissing this is fun.

Once she begins to reciprocate, chances are she'll give you some kind of indication as to what she wants anyway, so basically all you have to worry about is taking that first plunge and putting your face on her face. The rest will take care of itself.
As expected, great responses from the ''we know girls, really.'' crowd at

Woah, woah, hey, EVERYBODY back up, make room for Dr Love over here. Have a seat, sir.


I have to say I don't agree with "the no tongue on first kiss" rule (unless you're like... <14yo or something). I don't think I ever head a first kiss with a girl, that didn't involve the use of tongue - it's natural; just don't stuff it all the way in or start vigorously windmilling with it.

Something I learned from experience - when you are close to each other (ie. while dancing, talking, cuddling etc.) and you feel like going for the kiss, gently slide your hand across her cheek (downwards) and place the side of your pointing finger below her chin (you can "grab" it with your thumb from the other side), lift it gently upwards and kiss her. That way you somewhat make her expect the kiss and can gauge her interest (hopefully you'll start lifting her chin a little, and she'll lift it the rest of the way for you ;)).
Thanks again, guys. The advice you're giving me here is really useful.

As for the subject of tongue, I'm going to avoid that because a) this is my first kiss so I figure I shouldn't try running before I've walked, and b) if she's up for it, she'll probably initiate.

Also, just so you know, due to various work-related things, I'm not going to be able to see her again until Tuesday, so I'm not pussying out or anything if that's what you're thinking.
Do be a little cautious with dat tongue. I had a girl straight-up pull away from me because I used what I felt at the time to be the conventional amount of tongue*. The best advice I ever heard about this is, at an opportune moment during a lip-lock, to press your tongue gently against her lips. If she actually wants that shit in her mouth, they will part and permit it entrance. ROMANCE IS A MINEFIELD AND ONLY WITH MY PATENTED HELP PACK WORTH OVER £299.99 BUT AVAILABLE TO YOU FOR A MERE £298.98 CAN YOU HOPE TO SURVIVE WITHOUT LOSING A LIMB *she then said "hey man, come on" and we simply started again, so don't worry too much.
This is how I imagine your first kiss to go, fishdbaz.

I think now we should focus on advising him as to how to back out of a kiss that backfired. Like, say, he horribly misinterpreted her feelings for him and now she's just staring at him with a face of shock like in that video. No reason to not have a plan B right?

Maybe say that someone dared you to, and that you just won 40 bucks. Then offer to split it with her. Bitches love money.
Maybe say that someone dared you to, and that you just won 40 bucks. Then offer to split it with her. Bitches love money.

Yes, yes we do. I think I'm going to adopt this as my business strategy from now on:

1. Get kissed
2. Pretend to be shocked and unhappy
3. ????
4. Profit!
Just be sure to inform her that you consulted a video game related forum before going in for the kiss.
So did you get your bone on yet or what?
He's too busy getting brains to even report back. Mission accomplished.
Don't pat yourselves on the back just yet - it just turned Tuesday here. I'll report back in about twenty-four hours.
Don't come back if you don't do it.
aske her to close her eyes and have her mouth ready,them you put your dick in there,sussces
We're staring into each other's eyes and I think "it's now or never" and go for it.

As I lean in she says "what are you doing?".

I immediately retreat and say "I... Uh... What do you think I'm doing?". After a few seconds of awkward silence she goes on talking like nothing happened.

The rest of the night we played Left-4-Dead 2 and talked and laughed like normal. It was crazy: I don't know about her - she seemed ridiculously normal, as though she had simply erased the moment from her mind - but I felt like there was a corpse under the floorboards and I couldn't say anything about it.

I've got a few theories: 1. I totally misinterpreted her signals and she just wants to be friends. I find this possibility unlikely from the way we interacted before, but maybe I'm just socially blind.
2. She genuinely didn't understand what I was doing. I was in kind of an awkward position, on top of a couch while she was sitting on the floor. It's possible she didn't get what I was doing at first and didn't say anything afterward in an attempt to avoid awkwardness. Or maybe she never got it at all? That might explain how easily she was able to totally ignore what happened.
3. She just wasn't ready at that time for whatever reason.
