Laundry Mat tips


Mar 19, 2005
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so I moved into my own apartment last Monday (woo!) but one issue it doesn't have any sort of laundry machines but conveniently there is a laundry mat right beside me, I've never gone to one before... but I do happen to have a wire hang dry thing contraption so I figure I can let my work clothes dry and they should good by the beginning of the work week (it's a factory I don't care about wrinkles.)

does have any tips to make this a less fail experience.
Leave your clothes in the machine unattended. This is a sure sign of your confidence that you will be able to fight off clothes thieves, and thus potential thieves will be intimidated.
Laundromats are a great place to hit on girls.
If you have pizza in any of your pockets make sure to take it out first before you put it through the washer or it will be no good.
Buy detergent. Soak clothes in soap water in pail. Soak clothes in water in another pail. Hang clothes.

Hamster in a waterproof exercise ball.

Glue on some external shit for friction and you have yourself a very nice laundry ball. Suckers will buy that right up.
In my high school years, we had a laundromat for student use.

Just do whatever the instructions say to do, and you'll be fine. :p
In my high school years, we had a laundromat for student use.

Just do whatever the instructions say to do, and you'll be fine. :p

1) Put clothes in machine.
2) Operate Machine.
3) Watch the impure thoughts against our beautiful motherland wash away from your glorious clothes.
4) Obey.
Hey baby... I see you're using some Arm and Hammer. Check out these perfectly Hammered bronze Arms of mine.
It was a really bad communist joke. "Fixed for Numbers" was also a joke, because Numbers hates communism.
Bring bills of small denominations and/or quarters. Bring Mp3 player. Bring a bag to hold all the panties you've stolen.
Laundromats are a great place to hit on girls.
Back when I was in the apartments, I brought a book or the Gameboy Advanced. Then that got too boring, so I'd pull my car to a spot where I can see inside and worked on it there.

I made the mistake of going back to the house to eat my dinner one time....clothes gone :(
Home washing machines are awesome. The most you lose is a sock or two. But not really.