I can't go to the dentist

As Stylo said, if they drilled you before injecting, I think you'd want the injection. I asked for extra injections the last time I got fillings. In terms of physical pain/weirdness, dental injections feel much more comfortable to me than arm injections. And I think someone else mentioned before that you can get a topical numbing agent swabbed on your gums beforehand, so that should make it even better.

As for getting blood drawn, the worst I had was a lady who had to stick me twice because no blood came out the first time. It would've been fine if I'd only been stuck once, but twice was too much, especially since she went for a big, prominent vein right in the crook of my arm the second time. Tears were shed. But the nurse gave me a happy face sticker afterwards, so everything was ok.
As Stylo said, if they drilled you before injecting, I think you'd want the injection.

You see, I can completely understand this rational argument outside of a dentist's chair...but that's the thing about a phobia, it's not rational in the least. I know fillings hurt and that the injection is necessary. It's just that, despite the fact that I understand what it's for, I can't go through with it.

The ironic thing is, I have terrible teeth. I have about seven fillings, it's just that most of them were pretty shallow and I didn't need anesthesia for them. I even had to have a tooth taken out once, but I had a general anesthetic for that because I was so young.
I think I've had over 20 fillings :\