Here he goes again....(wacko jacko)

The father of the boy who made the claim against Jackson has spoken out :

Father Of Jackson's Accuser Denies Charges
Boy In Center Of Bitter Divorce, Custody Battle

POSTED: 7:45 a.m. PST November 21, 2003
UPDATED: 8:00 a.m. PST November 21, 2003

LOS ANGELES -- The attorney for the father of the 12-year-old boy in the center of the Michael Jackson controversy spoke to the media Thursday evening.


More About Alleged Victim

H. Russell Halper told reporters that his client believes the boy's mother is unfit and does not believe that the pop superstar victimized his son.

"Either she places a child in a home in which he's in danger of being molested, or the alternative, she is encouraging a child to make false accusations," Halper said. "Either way, it makes her unfit."

The alleged victim was featured in a British documentary with Michael Jackson. It was aired earlier this year. The boy is a cancer patient who stayed at Jackson's Neverland Ranch on a few occasions and a child in the center of a bitter divorce and custody battle.

The boy's mother had nothing negative to say about Jackson when she told a British newspaper earlier this year that "at no time has (her son) ever been treated with anything other than love, respect and the deepest kindness by Michael."

Personally I think people want him to be guilty, I don't know if its because they are scared of what they don't understand or because he is a black billionaire and intimidates some people with his success. Jackson is in the Guiness world records as the biggest giver to charities EVER. While other celebrity parents like the Osbournes are getting f*cked up, putting their children into rehab and kicking their pets around MJ actually helps cancer patients and terminally ill children every week. How many pedofiles just molest two kids and leave it at that? Apparently since 1993 jackson has also had 24/7 video footage of everything he does (including a fixed camera in his bedroom) so if it does go to court he will be found innocent because he has video footage of everything over the last 10 years. Thats why there were filmers filming the living with Michael Jackson special because he has film of everything. He probably will roll some heads and sue alot of media outlets for slader after that and clear his name once and for all.
once upon a time jackson was actuallty cool!! :o cant believe it
/me follows iamironsam around the forums

MJs music is cool, so are his dance moves, but as a person i don't find him that cool.

I much prefer Avid Merrion's incarnation of him

"Shamon motherf*cker!"
as an artist.....hes right up there with elvis and johny a person........hes a BIT odd....
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
A benevolent pedofile is still a pedofile ... :dozey:

I wonder why some people keep saying that regardless of the facts. I guess its because they subconsiously know that if he is infact innocent then they have been assholes in accusing him of something so bad, so its easier to keep on accusing him than to learn any facts about the case

You have to admit the guy has serious psychological problems, though. Whether they put him in a prison or a hospital it will be better for society either way.
Yeah he has psychologiacal problems, he is in the guiness world record book for the number of people he helps. he does more good in a year than most people do in their lives... very wacko
Originally posted by smilez
Yeah he has psychologiacal problems, he is in the guiness world record book for the number of people he helps. he does more good in a year than most people do in their lives... very wacko

You sure about that? (not flammin) Ive been reading and watching some things on this scientist named Norman Borlaug, that literally saved 1 billion lives in poor parts of China and Africa where crops are hard to grow. Over the last 20 so years he has been giving some kind of seeds to countries that allows them to grow vegtables in places where there is severe drought or terrain not suitable for growing veggies. Sadly this man, who gets little praise, is being stopped by environmentalist who run around saying the seeds contain poison. If it werent for those mother****ering idiots he could have saved close to another 4th of a million people. I ****ing hate that....ok sorry hijacked thread :P.

Heres a site on him:
I don't know about this time, but last time he was definitely guilty. The boy in that case gave a detailed description of discoloration on MJs genitals that matched his examination.

They probably settled because he's a celebrity, and were afraid they would lose to the millions he could spend on slick lawyers that were good at wriggling criminals out of trouble. *cough* OJ *cough*