Here you can see some REAL AI


Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score

But since you're all fanboys (most of you) you probably wont appreciate the movie.
Anyway, keep in mind the AI is not scripted, and that is incredible.

Still haven't seen much of Half-Life 2's AI, and probably never will either untill its released since they keep all information to themselfes :(
i've watched a few movies on this game...none of them showed extraordinary AI or anything really impressive...
wouldn't this be more suitable for the off-topic forum? (where i believe there is a topic about it already...) seeing as this forum is HL2 related, not off-topic.
i believe this is an off topic post as it doesn't contain the world delay hl2 or alyx in it anywhere :P
This movie shows VERY impressive AI.
I wonder if Half-Life 2 will be even close to this.....keep in mind what you see in this small 10MB download is NOT SCRIPTED :)

And I have never seen anlything like this in any of the older Far Cry movies, this is a pure AI-demonstration and it totally rocks I promise :)
pretty sucky compared to hl2.. doesn't seem natural at all.
yeah i wasn't impressed either. when the computer learns to bunnyhop THAN i'll be impressed
lol you guys are so funny.
If something looked strange at some place, maybe thats cause its all NOT SCRIPTED and everything is NON LINEAR and in HUGE OUTDOOR ENVIRONMENTS......three things Half-Life 2 dont know what it is :D

Well well, keep waiting for your game guys, I wont bother you fanboys anymore :)
Originally posted by Seb
lol you guys are so funny.
If something looked strange at some place, maybe thats cause its all NOT SCRIPTED and everything is NON LINEAR and in HUGE OUTDOOR ENVIRONMENTS......three things Half-Life 2 dont know what it is :D

Well well, keep waiting for your game guys, I wont bother you fanboys anymore :)

Everything looked out of place. The men walking didn't look natural. The dust spray from the chopper didn't look right. It is all about blending which as far as I'm concerned raises the bar quite a bit..
Im not a HL2 fanboy, but im unimpressed by Farcry. Seriously, HL2 just seems to wow me more.
The only fanboy here is YOU.
Real AI? Everything there have been done in other games, but true, its neat that they got it into the world they have, and that it seems quite flexible. The only thing that is rare is the taking cover part, most games (ie Half Life) have set positions where they can take cover, Far Cry seems to do a realtime occlusion test. That impressed me. The rest didnt.
Originally posted by [[LuCkY]]
Everything looked out of place. The men walking didn't look natural. The dust spray from the chopper didn't look right. It is all about blending which as far as I'm concerned raises the bar quite a bit..

He isn't talking about the player animations, or the rendering of "dust spray".

He is talking about the AI.
none of the hl2 demos I've seen even had realtime AI enabled that I'm aware of. I'm sure it'll be rock though. Not something gabe really went into huge amounts of detail with, so it'll be interesting to see eh.
Originally posted by Seikeden
none of the hl2 demos I've seen even had realtime AI enabled that I'm aware of. I'm sure it'll be rock though. Not something gabe really went into huge amounts of detail with, so it'll be interesting to see eh.
What about the realtime decision to shoot through a window to pin Gordon down while another dude comes and kick the door in?
We havent really seen the AI of HL2 yet. Until then, the far cry AI is absolutely top notch.

-The AI isn't scripted at all. It has group dynamics, communications, cover taking, reaction to sounds, and also a simulated "fear and strange feeling" (I read that in an interview of a german mag, bad guys are going to investigate little peculiar things they notice), and bad guys can call reinforcements.

- The AI doesn't work on a small level. The AI manages to have controlled group dynamics and all stuff mentioned above accross a whole island (severaly square miles)

-The AI knows in what kind of envoronment they're moving. If they're moving in a dense jungle part of the island, they'll be acting differentely than on a flat, wide rgassy space. (they'll use the bushes and trees for cover, they know they're hard to recognize in the dense jungle foliage, so they'll try to sneak up really close on you)

-The AI can decide to use vehicles.

-The AI actually communicates (shouting and with the radio), similiar like mgs2, but far less scripted

and all that together IS very impressing. Unfortuneatly, AI isn't something that can be demonstrated well in videos, since you have to be able to experience it in game.
No doubt, it's perfectly possible that HL2 already has these features, but we haven't seen any of them yet nor do we have any real infos on that.
But we do know Far Cry has them (not only just from that video).
That movie got me very interested in Far Cry again.
The AI in there is actually pretty good, and it looks like it will be quite a challenge.
I have to agree that the animation could be a bit better, but you'll have to make some sacrifices if you want to have it all working into one big continuous gameworld.
Yeah, the scale of it is a bit impressive. But not overly for me. But if they can get the overall feel of it right, its gonna be nice.
WHOA. OMG I am blown away :O That fly had to be going Mach 2 atleast it was like zzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz... and yeah, huh? Trailer? Bah humbug...
freddythefrog is right.

you'll need to play Far Cry before you can really say how good the AI is, but from the evidence of that video the AI in Far Cry is going to be something special, and will probably rival if not beat HL2's AI.

we'll have to wait and see.
Jeez, I've seen screenshots of Far Cry earlier and it looked like a cool game but after watching this video everything was ruined. The graphics are is horrible, player animations that looks like something out of early CS betas and AI? what AI? I didn't see anything impressive at all with that video.

Idle behaviors? All games have that. It's just randomly triggered model animations.

Formations and tactics? That's not a really hard AI task to solve. Get troops to line up or run zig-zag while others provide cover. Also pretty damn simple.

NPC's that can drive vehicles? HL2 does this as well as many other games.

Reinforcements? Definitively not a hard coding task.

Taking cover using occulsion tests, should be a piece of cake for a HL2 mod writer.

Kill reactions? Lots of games have kill reactions, what's so impressive about that?

Far Cry AI looked no more impressive than the AI in the delta force series to be honest.