Here's some mod ideas if ya want em...


Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
If anyone's interested in helping other words, all I can do is think of good ideas and draw.

1) Macgyver Mod: Some how a mod where you have a planning phase of setting traps for the enemy and then play against each other either trying to get through the trapped filled levels alone or head to head. Or you could do it on the fly in the levels. ya don't need guns, just wits.

2) Western done right. Horses, wagon trails... WantedHL was great, but there is so much untapped in that genre ... man.

3) Indy Mod okay, I have a post about this already, but I thought I'd still throw it in here.

4) Seventies funk/action. Afros and bell bottoms, guns and babes. :afro:

5) Robin Hood...again untapped genre.

6) There really needs to be an update of the first Blood game from several years ago. Real world, simple weapons, zombies and werewolves...

7) Incredible Machine Update for some nonlethal action

Just some ideas. Thanks.
8) Battle Royale mod, now that would be cool :) Is anyone making that?
Seventies mod:

/me stares o_O

/me wants :D

okie, heres my contribution:

9) 'teh Blaster' mod.... run around in an enviroment where all the inhabitants of the world speak 1337 :p ..... like GTA 3... but with more nerds :) (ok, that was a terrible one.... look I'll make up for it :) )
10) A revolutionary mod.... where you and your friends are repressed by an oppressive police forc------ SNip!.... sorry, I'm using this one :)
a mod with a few mechs, not everyone is a mech just a few on each side, first come first server kind of deal. there are only a few types of mechs and the are kinda hand me downs, only guns on mechs are machine guns with maybe a small rocket laucher or grenade launcher. infantry can carry a few small but lethal anti-mech weps. mechs range in size from 12 ft. to 15 ft. as to give it a cool not to futuristic feel.
prolly already thought of just wanted to get mine out there.
I would like a car mod with lots of destructible cars
like a mixxed mod of gta3, mafia, carmageddon and battlefield 1942.

like have to shot of tires of your opponent, and putting out mines and with lots jumps and that would be realy cool in the HL2 physics engine.
forget and was to late for editing my post


and different target ´missions
like destroy enemy base
last man standing
convoy, protect a 18 wheeler

stationary weapon at base

u could also have all cars a like with buyeble upgrades

or differnt car types with + or -

normal buggie - all terrain normal machine guns

scout bike - cam(p)oflage, long range cannon

power van - big dual turret cannon, can drop a stationary cannon on ground - slow but hard

rampage truck - 18 wheeler with seats for more people to use cannons
and one big rampage pole in front.

engenering truck- amphibious, to repair and rearm other wehicles