Some ideas for a Combine vs. Resistance Mod (Long)


Oct 24, 2004
Reaction score
Combine versus the Resistance (CVR) Mod Ideas

Section 1. Basic Concepts
Section 2. Game Mode Ideas 1st tier: Conquest/Objective based team play
Section 3. Game Mode Ideas 2nd tier: DM, TDM, King of the Hill, etc…
Section 4. Class Ideas

SECTION 1. Basic Concepts

The following post contains some of my ideas for a mod I would like to see made—if you are a modder feel free to take any of my ideas and use them. A lot of my ideas are refinements of other games with little twists to fit into the Half-Life Universe. I like the “Combine versus Resistance” (CVR) theme, so I will use that as the title. Some precursory thoughts before I share some of my specific ideas for a mod:

1. The concept of the Combine versus the Resistance is brilliantly fleshed out by Valve and in my opinion classic Sci-Fi: Monster, machines, and aliens against an oppressed human resistance. Cliché? Maybe. Fun? Oh Yeah! Valve created a wonderfully deep Half-Life Universe, a mod team has a lot of quality concepts to work with from the get go that gamers will pick up quickly. Combine versus Resistance is definitely a theme worthy of an expansive multiplayer mod and would be widely popular.

2. The good news for a mod team taking up this idea is that Valve has not only created a world gamers are dieing to play in with their friends, but with the introduction of HL2DM they have also created many of the in-game assets to get the ball rolling. A lot of mods struggle to get basic models, weapons, etc… created in the first year. Mods taking on this project have a great head start to begin focusing on the finer—and more important—aspects of the game.

3. HL2DM, while fun, is not going to be popular long. Note that straight DM games ended with UT and Quake 3. Games that emphasize teamwork (like BF1942 and its mods, UT2004, and so on) are what gamers are looking for. And if that is not proof enough, note the most popular HL1 mods:

• Counter Strike
• Team Fortress Classic
• Day of Defeat

It is pretty clear that if you want a mod to be played for years and years, the key is to keep players interested. **Games that require teamwork** cause gamers to intuitively form close nit communities (clans) that continue to play the same game many years after the graphics have become old hat. Game modes that encourage teamwork are not only more fun, but are important for the longevity of the mod. And longevity is vital for a mod to reach its full potential.

People are dieing to get more HL2, and people love team work based games like CS, BF1942, and UT2004. I think a successful HL2 mod requires very simple math: HL2 Universe + team based game play = Success. HL2DM is fun, but it will loose its appeal soon enough. Combine versus Resistance is an awesome theme just waiting to be exploited to its fullest.

Immersive teamwork focused gameplay, not death match, is the best way to utilize the immense depth of the HL2 Universe and allow a mod to reach its best potential.

4. It is very easy to lose focus when creating a mod. The best mods do a couple things very well. They first have a theme players can enjoy. HL2 does this. A good mod also has good visuals. HL2 not only allows this, but the HL2DM assets and the HL2 game assets make this an easier task. Good mods also tend to have very good game balance and gameplay and offer a quality experience that cannot be had somewhere else. In many ways this will be easy with a HL2 mod because of the unique weapons and versatility of the engine. But it is important to keep a good balance when approaching this subject.

Quality Game Play > Team play > Innovation > Variety

Spending time making a lot of maps when the gameplay is weak will not help the mod. Having a clunky and confusing interface that makes playing frustrating cannot overcome innovative ideas. The good news is that a lot of the gameplay elements have already been created and only need to be tweaked. The balancing of a class system, weapons, etc… should be the easy part. Building the team play architecture will be the hard part. The good news is a mod based on the HL2 assets can focus almost exclusively to this essential thing we call “gameplay”. Some general thoughts on this:

Most online gamers would rather play a game that was intuitive and well thought out than a game that is unique and has some teamwork elements but has frustrating control and is buggy at the conceptual level.

Most online gamers would rather play a game that requires a lot of quality teamwork than a game that is unique but has weak team play.

Most gamers would rather play a handful of extremely good maps that emphasize team play instead of dozens of so-so maps that look cool but do not emphasize strategy and teamwork.

It is great to have new ideas, but success is in executing your ideas. A solid game play experience is more important that novel concepts that are not executed well. So innovation is important, it must not overwhelm the team play and game play aspects.

5. A mod does not need to be complex—clean and efficient are good things. While team work is great, this does not require complex maps. Take the Battlefield 1942 mod “Desert Combat” as an example. The following are some of the more popular maps:

Lost Village: A map where the US assaults a small village island. 5 capable bases and 1 incapable, the US must get control points in control to start ticket bleed on the Iraqis. Simple map, but great idea. This would work well for CVR in that you could use buildings from the beginning of the game. Have the Combine assaulting citizen homes. 3 three story buildings, flags down stairs and up top plus some catwalks… could make a great and intense team work map and it would not need to be very complex. This type of map would also make a great assault/defend map.

Birdge: 5 control points, but only 1 starts ticket drain. This flag is on a single bridge that is a choke point between the two sides. Whoever controls the bridge wins. Very simple map but encourages a lot of team work. A CVR mod, with all the neat weapons and SDK to create unique gameplay ideas, can really do well with the concept of choke points.

Basrah’s Edge: Only three control points in a market, a crash site where an aircraft crashed into a building, and some slums. One side has Anti-Air units and the other side helicopters with miniguns. Each side has a light APC. Each control point has more than one way to get there, meaning losing one control point does not mean the others are out of question. The map is simple but very fun and is a great urban combat type map.

El Al: 3 control points on a massive map. Mountains divide the map in half with control points both at the north and south end of the mountain, with passes at each. The US has a flag near their base but do not have the cover of the mountains to protect their base. Simple map that has a lot of air and land battles at the same time.

All these maps are fairly simple but encourage teamwork. This ends the basic concepts section. A mod does not need to be complicated, but PLANNING is essential.

SECTION 2. Game Mode Ideas 1st tier: Conquest/Objective based team play

I think a mod that has a two tier system would be great because it could appeal to many gamers and allow variety without sacrificing a focus. The 1st tier would be for structured team play, and the 2nd tier for fast and furious single player action for when you just want to frag something. I suggest 2 tiers because many of the 2nd tier games are easy to setup and would be fun and get the word out about a mod while letting people experience the new things when they are created. When a new weapon is created it could be put into a DM mod and let people play with it… it would be good testing and it would also keep people baited!

1st tier: Conquest/Objective based team play.
2nd tier: DM, TDM, King of the Hill, etc… type game play

1. Conquest / Control Point Oriented Team Play.

Control points. Games like BF1942 and DoD are great because of the emphasis on control points. Three things made BF1942 so great:

(a) Rock-Paper-Scissors gameplay. E.g. Tanks kill AA units, Bombers kill Tanks, AA units kill Bombers. This prevents any single weapon or class domination the game.
(b) Control point and Objective oriented maps. Clear objectives pulls a team together quickly.
(c) Balance ground and vehicle combat; some levels were all urban combat with no vehicles, some were all ground wars, and others were ground and air—but always balanced where no class or weapon was invulnerable.

I strongly suggest this type of teamplay for a HL2 mod. For those who have not played BF1942 here is the basic idea: There are control points that need to be captured. You capture a control point by killing all the enemies there and then controlling a perimeter until the cap-time has been fulfilled. Some control points allow you to spawn at there, and others do not, which adds a lot of strategy. When you have more flags than your opponent, the enemy team score begins to go down. First team to 0 tickets loses. Now there can be a lot of variation to this (e.g. different capture points can have different values, or can be capturable but you cannot spawn there, etc…) but the basic idea is simple: Capture bases and hold them as a team.

Here are some great variations for this type of game:

• Like Battlefield Vietnam, having control points sensitive to the number of players assaulting is good. So if one guy is at a flag it takes 30 seconds to capture, but if 3 players are there it takes 10 seconds. This ENCOURAGES teamwork. This also makes it so if one guy comes to a fortified flag with 4 opponents, he cannot cap the flag.

• Encourage playing safe. Make Spawntime = 10seconds + (5seconds * #deaths). This means after dieing 10 times your spawn time will be 60 seconds. So while you still get to play, you wont rush into things rashly. You would want to allow server admins to adjust these variables, but gameplay that encourages sticking together and cautious gameplay adds to the realism.

• Conquest Elimination. Create a game mod that combines conquest style gameplay (control points and ticket count) with elimination type spawn scenarios. E.g. every player gets 5 lives, after dieing 5 times they are out. So taking flags is very important, but doing so as a team to minimize deaths. Another way of doing this is having a pool: Each team gets 50 lives total.

While this would take serious balancing, it creates all kinds of scenarios that require teamwork: Do you try to control all the flags or do you try to eliminate your foe? Re you ahead on lives but low on Tickets you need to assault flags. Are you low on lives but have a lot of tickets you need to pull back. This would give a sense of finiteness to a war.

2. Push maps. Similar to Conquest, control points need to be taken in a sequence. Team 1 needs to go 1,2,3,4,5 while Team 2 needs to go 5,4,3,2,1.

3. Objective. Make key (and possibly secondary) objectives part of the team game. This is pretty basic and usually includes getting to a set place and destroying something.

4. Assault/Defend. A variation of objective, but one team has the job of either defending or assaulting.

If stuck on ideas, play the MP in games like Halo 1&2, TimeSplitters 2, UT2004, GoldenEye 007. They should spawn some great ideas ;)
SECTION 3. 2nd tier: DM, TDM, King of the Hill, etc… type game play
1. DM. Easy enough.

2. TDM. Easy enough… creation of maps that allow teams to stick together is important. Making interactive maps and maps that allow the use of the gravity gun (for closing off stairs and making barricades, etc…) is important to make it unique. Could also introduce a class system.

3. CTF. Can have variants where you must capture the flag and return it to your base or a central place, or take your flag and put it into the enemy base, or have one team with a flag trying to push it into the enemies defended position. This does NOT need to be traditional CTF. E.g. Make it into a game of “TRANSPORT”—move an important person, who is a player with no weapons, from your base to a way point. Another example is “JAIL BREAK”—your goal it to get into the enemy base and get your friends in prison and return them to your base.

Could also introduce a class system.

4. Tag. Give one person the Organic Gravity Gun. Whoever kills the person with this gun gets the gun. The person who had the gun longest during a 10 minute round wins. Include a lot of traps (like propane flames and plank board catwalks that can be shot) to spice it up.

5. Elimination. Everyone gets X lives. When you have no more lives you are out.

6. Team Elimination. Two teams and every player gets X lives. When the last person from a team is eliminated the other team wins.

7. Headcrab Virus. Start off with one guy with poison headcrabs and the goal would be to infect everyone. The poision headcrab guys could throw their crabs... anyhow make it all grav gun for defense (no guns). If killed by the headcrabs you spawn at a graveyard as a poison headcrab or fast zombie. When zombies die they respawn at a set place like a graveyard. Last person standing wins.

8. King of the Hill and Team King of the Hill. Could make it a rotating spot that people got a point for every second in the “Hill” zone. As a team, the more people in the zone=the more team points.

9. Ant Lion King (from eelektrik at Death match with a twist. Have one set of bug bait and everyone gets gravity guns and no normal guns. When the player with the bug bait dies whoever picks it up gets it. First player to a set number of kills by using the Ant Lions wins.

Even if you do not plan on making maps for these modes, creating them will enable map makers to make maps to support your mod. Allowing other people to contribute to making a mod popular is GOOD!

SECTION 4. Class Ideas

These are just ideas. Many are just suggestions and some are unique. A quick rundown of the new ideas.

Scientist Teleporter – A device that scientists can plant on the map. This device will allow teammates to either spawn there or allow players at the base to use a teleporter to quickly travel there. The upgrade would allow more people to use the teleporter more often.

Scientist Gravity Gun Shield – Beyond the primary (push) and secondary (pull) features, a third “shield” option would be given to the scientists. This would use the aux power and would form a small FRONT shield that could deflect all damage from the front.

Cloak – This device would allow players to become cloaked like the VST video.

Headcrab bomb – Players with this skill can call in a bomb that has head crabs. Just point and click and it will come raining in.

Laser Site – This would be a “sticky” site. You would “paint” a target. The normal NON-guided RPG secondary fire would automatically seek any lased targets (primary would still be dumb rocket). With the Guided RPG the same applies—primary would follow players aim, secondary would seek after player lased targets. Lasing targets would be great for vehicle war fare.

The Gravity Gun. This weapon is simply awesome. While not every map should allow EVERY player to have one (it could mess up some maps balance), it would help to make as many maps as possible that make it a central part of the gameplay. The Grav Gun gives players interactivity in the world and that makes HL2 special. The best way to use it is for some maps give it to everyone, and others put it only in special classes (like the scientist class with the upgraded Grav Gun).

The RVC forum (thanks [IAO]Tad Devine) had some good ideas on a mix of a class/buy system. I have adopted this idea here. If too complicated or causes major imbalance it should be dropped, but giving small rewards to players is good (although you do not want to detour from the team first aspect). The basic idea on the forum was for every flag cap you get 5 points and every kill 2 points. Upgrades would be fairly cheap so you could get them. Maybe a tiered system would work:

Default: Pistol
1st Degree (3 points): Pistol + armor piercing bullets
2nd Degree (6 points): Pistol + armor piercing bullets + Laser Dot
3rd Degree (9 points): Magnum

You could also allow players to buy shield units to start off with. This would need some tweaking but could allow a LOT of gameplay value. The key would be rewarding team efforts (like capping flags, repairing vehicles, giving health to team mates, and even defending flags) verses just killing. Also, killing a tank should be worth more than killing a sniper.

Another idea is having a “bleed out” zone. If someone is below 20 health they should lose 1 HP every second. A Medic or Med Locker could stop the bleeding out. This would encourage teamwork and keeping medics close by.

Also, poison Zombies/head crabs should start a downward spiral in health requiring anti-venom from a Medic or Med Locker. Similar situation for poison gas grenades (players with masks, like the Combine, would not be affected by gas grenades).

One final note on classes: Mix and Match depending on level. Not every level will require the same classes, or one class may make a map unbalanced or not fun. Leave it out. Also, you can change up what goes into a class on certain maps.


• Scout
-Speed: Very quick, even faster with sprint
-Armor: Starts off with no armor, max of 75
-Weapons: Pistol, MP7, Crossbow, Grenades, smoke grenades
-Advanced: Can Cloak while standing still with no weapon, 3 second run-Cloak (cannot fire), laser guide
-Purchases: Can purchase large caliber blue-laser site scoped sniping rifle, flash grenades

• Assault
-Speed: Standard speed and sprint
-Armor: Starts with 50, max of 150
-Weapons: Pistol, Combine Rifle, Grenades
-Advanced: Can throw grenades while shooting gun, laser guide
-Purchases: Combine Rifle Scope, flash grenades

• Heavy Assault
-Speed: Slow, slightly faster than normal speed with sprint
-Armor: Starts off with 150 armor, max of 250
-Weapons: 2x Pistols, 2x Combine Rifles, Non-guided RPG (1x ammo), anti-armor mines
-Advanced: Can shoot two guns at once (right/left mouse buttons for right/left gun)
-Purchases: Extra RPG ammo, RPG guidance upgrade

• Engineer
-Speed: Slightly slower than Assault, slightly slower than assault’s sprint
-Armor: Starts with 75, max of 175
-Weapons: Pistol, Shotgun, Explosives, turret, anti-personnel/armor mines
-Advanced: Repair wrench to fix turrets and vehicles, can give other players ammo, laser guide
-Purchases: 2 extra turrets, double barreled shotgun, ammo-chest upgrade

• Medic
-Speed: Slightly faster than assault, slightly faster than assault’s sprint
-Armor: Starts with 100, max of 200
-Weapons: Pistol, shotgun, flash grenades, poison gas grenade
-Advanced: Med kit (300 health, 100 armor), Anti-Venom, laser guide
-Purchases: Med kit upgrade (500 health, 200 armor; refreshes faster), can patch “bleeding out” team mates.

• Spec Ops
-Speed: Slightly faster than assault, slightly faster than assault’s sprint
-Armor: Starts with 50, max of 125
-Weapons: Pistol, Scoped/silenced semi-auto Combine Rifle, Explosives, anti-personnel mines, flash and smoke grenades
-Advanced: 3 second Cloak (can fire), laser guide
-Purchases: Turret, 5 second Cloak

• Scientists
-Speed: Slightly faster than assault, slightly faster than assault’s sprint
-Armor: Starts with 0, max of 100
-Weapons: Gravity Gun w/ shield addon, Pistol, MP7
-Advanced: Teleporter device, laser guide, Door Jammer/Opener
-Purchases: Teleporter Upgrade (allows 3 people to spawn every 20 seconds instead of 1), 3 second Cloak (no fire), Grav Gun upgrade (push/pull farther, plus shield uses less aux power)


I have not given quite as much thought to the Combine, but here are some beginning ideas:

• Poison Zombies
-Speed: Slower than average, fast sprint (but cannot attack while sprinting)
-Armor: Start with 150, max 300
-Weapons: Melee attack, poison headcrabs (3 can be alive attacking at a time)
-Advanced: Can spit poison, poison gas grenade, can throw objects (similar to Grav gun)
-Purchases: Can upgrade to 5 poison head crabs at a time, headcrab bomb

• Fast Zombies
-Speed: Faster than Scouts
-Armor: Start with 150, Max 250
-Weapons: Wide melee attack that is powerful/causes infection requiring anti-venom
-Advanced: Can throw objects (similar to Grav gun), 3 second Cloak (can attack)
-Purchases: 5 second cloak, headcrab bomb

• Standard Combine Guard (Similar to Resistance Assault)
-Speed: 95% speed and sprint of Resistance Assault
-Armor: Starts with 50, max of 200
-Weapons: Pistol, Combine Rifle, Grenades
-Advanced: 3 Manhacks, laser guide, immune to poison gas, Night Vision
-Purchases: Combine Rifle Scope, flash grenades, can release 5 Manhacks at once

I did not have time to finish the Combine, but you can copy some of the basic ideas from the Resistance but change some things out (e.g. hoppers for the Engineers and Heavy Assault).

One things to consider is that the Combine use more VEHICLES.

I wont delve much into vehicles, but making airships (make them fly like helos) and APCs and Striders as an edge to the Combine would be fine to supplement their classes. But there are a LOT of possibilities… just remember balance.

In the end BALANCE is key. Having a good staple of classes will allow you to tweak maps so one class will not dominate. Rock-Paper-Scissors is really important. If one class overcomes another, it must have a weakness.

If possible make the sides DIFFERENT. And if possible you can make loadouts AND weapons different on each map

And one final note: Put caps on certain class types. This or put certain weapons in kits. Allowing everyone to run around with one kit can unbalance the game.

These are JUST ideas. Ultimately you will need to tweak these around the maps you build. The key is making these modes so map makers can use them.


I am really hoping for a success in the CVR type game. I think the key will be to design a couple really good maps with a very tight focus, like conquest. Include a handful of completed classes and a vehicle or two, but do them well. Do them so well that people want more. Stay focused and only release stuff when it is worthy of being played. Sending out untextured maps or broken games is no fun and will turn people away.

Remember, you have a lot to work with. You can do stuff from the 7 hour war up to the time after Gordon leaves in HL2. So both Combine and Resistance can be assaulting OR defending.

If I can contribute one last idea it would be a Conquest map. The Resistance and the Combine have uncapturable bases at each end of a map. Have a Combine Guard Tower near the combine base, a burned out building like Overwatch in the middle, and a building similar to the one Gordon is chased through in the beginning of HL2 near the Resistance base (we will call this the Hotel). The Overwatch building is the key spot—you can capture it but cannot spawn there The guard tower would have small guard walls in front of it (with a lot of shielded turrets to protect their base) and a lot of open space in front of it with some alleys leading to the Overwatch building. The Hotel would overlook the Overwatch building and have sniping spots and access ladders to escape from numerous places and to sneak in. The Overwatch building and Hotel would be vital staging centers to get into the Overwatch building. While the Hotel and Guard Tower could be stolen, then only flag that causes ticket drain is the Overwatch building. I think a map like this would be a lot of fun and require a lot of teamwork and GREAT urban combat!

Anyhow, thanks for reading and I hope my ideas are helpful to some mods out there. I look forward to them all!

Ps- Some great ideas here also:

I really enjoyed the posts by jacen (here and there), [IAO]Tad Devine, and broodingdude. NachoMan and a few others on have also had great ideas. I gave credit where I directly took ideas. They have a lot of the same ideas :) I like the deployable sentry and shield ideas and the objectives based map ideas they give on the above links! Great stuff guys!!

Yes, I write about 120wpm and have been taking notes of ideas for a week or so. I am excited about mods and really hope to see them succeed. I would be more than happy to help any mods, but I do not model/skin/etc... I just have ideas and can play :)

My turn for a question: Did you read all of it ;) hehehe Thanks for posting btw... feel free to add your own Mod Ideas and Wants!
that sounds like a great idea but i have one question
are you going to create new weapons?
I wish I could make the mod, but you need some skilled/dedicated people to do that. If DoD was out the spawn/capture system would be in place to do what I am thinking, but it is not--so someone who knows how to script and code would need to be on board. And yes, ideally you would have modelers and skinners to make new weapons, Vehicles, textures, and so forth. HL2 provides a LOT of assets, but you need people to fill in the blanks.

As for game style, I prefer classes. But I took the idea from someone else to allow it to be modified--allow people to get points for capping control points (5) and kills (2 points). This was a great idea someone had. Then you could allow these points to be used to upgrade your class. You have a Scout with a sniping rifle? For 9 points give him a higher caliber gun. This way it rewards good play, but does not totally unbalance the game. Since the idea is a team game with team play first you want every player to have a fair chance... but giving small perks that can allow you to play better are good also :) I like the idea of medics who can actually HELP their team... especially allowing them to upgrade to give out a bit of health and help heal wounds from poison gas and infections from poison zombies and fast zombies.

I know my thread is long, but these ideas are in there :) Thanks for replying... I hope some of the HL2 mods see this :)
Some other ideas:

A "Slow Motion" weapon. This would have to be VERY limited, but treat it like the cloak (i.e. give it to a specific class) and only allow it to be used ONCE per round. Basically it could be a 3 second everyone slows down, except maybe the person who started it. This would need to be balance, but would be a very kewl effect and add some neat gameplay options for like a Scientist class.

Also a prone feature would be great. This way the weapons could be balanced where when running they are not as accurate, they are more accurate when crouched, and deadly when prone. e.g. with the RPG if you are running you could have the red dot sway and bop with your movements, but when you stop moving your feet it becomes more managable. If you crouch it gets more accurate QUICKER.

Anyhow, just a few more ideas :)
Great idea man! This is what I want to see happening, cos on a TDM on Half Life 2, no one works together, everyone does their own thing. The amount of times on BF:V I've run with everyone in a platoon and got bogged down in a major firefight is amazing. Think of it working in squads on Half Life 2, the ragdolls would really add to it.

One thing: I think the Medic should carry an SMG not a shotgun, cos I think the medic should be able to lay down quick suppressing fire so he can treat the patient, with a shotgun he'd have to work up close and personal, which isn't where a medic should be.
Good points deathwish :) I think the "Resistance versus Combine" mod is working on something similar to the above.

If anyone has any neat ideas, game modes, or suggestions just post them. The more ideas we send out to mods the better :)
Acert93 said:
I wish I could make the mod, but you need some skilled/dedicated people to do that. If DoD was out the spawn/capture system would be in place to do what I am thinking, but it is not--so someone who knows how to script and code would need to be on board.

DoD shouldn't take that long before arriving, if it really spares so much work it's probably worth the wait. I'd suggest being on the lookout for teams that are going to try Combine vs. Resistance mods and present your ideas to them, unless a mod team sees this before they start working on it.
TDM (Resistance vs combine) is already fully supported in HL2DM.

With more official modes, and maps coming.

Rather than making a new mod (pointless coding when it's already there), just make new well made maps.
Liam said:
TDM (Resistance vs combine) is already fully supported in HL2DM.

With more official modes, and maps coming.

Rather than making a new mod (pointless coding when it's already there), just make new well made maps.

Is there any official news about more modes and maps? I would assume some more maps, but I have not heard anything about modes. And we do not know IF they will make a Conquest style mode, and to make conquest maps you need the mode created.

I would not want to "redo" what Valve already plans to do, but it does seem they are leaving a lot of work up to the community--which is a good thing. I was just presenting some ideas of what I would like to see :)
I think this would be a great idea for a mod, like opposing force or blue shift, you see the game from a completely different perspective. And you could fill some details in on the storyline, but then that could be why Valve left some big questions unanswered in Half LIfe 2, maybe they already have multiple expansion packs planned (like HL) for Half Life 2 to fill the story in.
This is by far the best idea for a team/class based mod for HL2. If valve or a mod team do not take advantage of this idea it would be a shame.

A perfect fit but, TF2 could be based on this same idea.

You never know with Valve. :-)

gj btw..

Thanks for the postive comments. I look forward to the City 13 mod. I think the Resistance versus Combine mod is heading a similar direction.