Hero Trailer

I honestly can't believe you americans get that movie this late. Here in sweden it's been out on DVD for like a year, if not more. :D
CrazyHarij said:
I honestly can't believe you americans get that movie this late. Here in sweden it's been out on DVD for like a year, if not more. :D

I'm in America and I already watched it......in America..

I've seen Hero approximately 2 years ago.

I guess Hollywood ****s up the theaters there....
Stupid America never really releases foreign films. American films only. Which may be why the films here are sucking so much. Stupid USA.
word... I just saw an ad for it on TV... lol... strange shiz
Erestheux said:
Stupid America never really releases foreign films. American films only. Which may be why the films here are sucking so much. Stupid USA.
are you kidding? films here suck? theres lots of good movies that come out of the USA, and foreign films are the ones that mostly end up sucking. 'kung fu movies' are an exception, but they're pretty much a mindless action thing, you have to be kidding yourself if you like the 'deep plot.' I've seen one foreign movie I've liked (and a lot, mind you), which was an italian comedy, Johnny Stecchino. it was hilarious. but you can't pass off films here as 'simply sucking so much.' theres many good movies here, just as there are many more crappy hacked together flops, as in any country. The foreign films people rave about are generally the non-flops, and so people turn a blind eye to the crappy stuff.
Seven Samurai movies here have too much western influence.
Oriental films are best done in Asia.
In America, they are good with their movies.
Especially Chinese food here, it's been watered down so no pussies whine.
I wanna see that movie so bad. reminds me of kill bill
that movie rocked
Erestheux said:
Stupid America never really releases foreign films. American films only. Which may be why the films here are sucking so much. Stupid USA.
I really am i true patriot of my country and i have to say, go live elsewhere if you dont like the US. We dont need slackers and idiots like you in the US.
Hero is a brilliant movie, it gives The Matrix a good run for its money.
This movie was really great - outstanding pictures, great choreography, decent story and of course no gravity ;)
B.Calhoun said:
I really am i true patriot of my country and i have to say, go live elsewhere if you dont like the US. We dont need slackers and idiots like you in the US.

What the hell is this!?
He doesn't like american movies, not everybody does? That doesn't automatically make him a slacker and/or idiot..
No need to go all redneck on him. :p

There's no denying most good movies are from the american movie industry, at least if we're talking scope and budget.

Oh, and NEVER whine about subtitles!!! Hero would've been so damn bad if they would've used english (or swedish for that matter, ew) voice overs. It's so much more atmospheric when they actually speak the real language..

Example: English with russian accent sucks, moviemakers think slapping "comrade" in the lines here and there makes it seem russian enough etc. It would be cooler if they actually spoke russian.

Yes I realize it's alot more work...
Sorze said:
What the hell is this!?
He doesn't like american movies, not everybody does? That doesn't automatically make him a slacker and/or idiot..
No need to go all redneck on him. :p

There's no denying most good movies are from the american movie industry, at least if we're talking scope and budget.

Oh, and NEVER whine about subtitles!!! Hero would've been so damn bad if they would've used english (or swedish for that matter, ew) voice overs. It's so much more atmospheric when they actually speak the real language..

Example: English with russian accent sucks, moviemakers think slapping "comrade" in the lines here and there makes it seem russian enough etc. It would be cooler if they actually spoke russian.

Yes I realize it's alot more work...

ye but the americans\english want to see the movie not read it.. :p

btw i have this movie on DVD and I always laugh when the emperor talks...i just find him funny..
B.Calhoun said:
I really am i true patriot of my country and i have to say, go live elsewhere if you dont like the US. We dont need slackers and idiots like you in the US.

Jeesh, no need to deport him.
And how does a general dislike of american cinema make anyone a "slacker" or an "idiot"?
Movies like Catwoman and The Princess Diaries prove his point, along with almost everything Disney recently made without Pixar's help.

Also, subtitles are great.

I'm looking forward to seeing this movie a lot. I missed the chance to borrow a DVD of it a while back.
B.Calhoun said:
I really am i true patriot of my country and i have to say, go live elsewhere if you dont like the US. We dont need slackers and idiots like you in the US.

Vote Bush.
Nah, I doubt they'll actually change it. Whethere they subtitle it or not is a different story.
Hero is the sequel to stormriders isn't it?

Anyhow I enjoyed it, was glad to see the subbed version, didn't fancy Cockney speaking ninja's ;)
Occassionally a good movie comes out of Chine regardless of the government. In fact many of China's best movies are banned there. :D
The guy made Crouching Tiger, so he gets my ticket.

The possibility that he's a commie is just the icing on the cake. :devil:
Here's the low-down as to what happened. Miramax bought the rights to "Hero" over two years ago, it having already basically sweeped the Chinese Oscars.
It was nominated Best Foreign Picture at the Oscars here, and it should've released then... But Miramax decided to be stupid and hold the movie off for an "indefinite period of time". Now everyone who wanted to see the movie settled for overseas VCD/DVDs (including myself).
Q. Tarentino (of Pulp Fiction/Kill Bill fame) pushed Miramax to finally release it (which is why his name is on the trailer) and here it is, two years late.

As for the movie, I love it. Incomparable to CTHD, but excellent on its own terms. (The director for Hero did NOT make CTHD!)
I wouldn't call it a communist movie at all, but it is a patriotic one (come on, Saving Private Ryan and Spiderman aren't?)