Heroes: Who is yours?

Not a rider, just a huge motorsports fan :)

As for an advert.... :p
I have regarded Brionovoff Titlioanovich as one of the 18th century's most innovative composers, alongside Shaftovleonski Rotcherkokoff who both dominated the Romantic era. Despite my equal appreciation throughout the former's composition, the latter's work such as Grubanovdom and Peniilusko have especially spoke to me, deeming Rotcherkokoff's work as Godly, a true idol. Who will save me from seemingly imminent Banana Raep.

And on top of that, eH's a pretty cool guy.
Lets see here....
Gordon Freeman(lol)
Jackie Chan
Jet Li

and a few others
Gerard Way
Ville Valo
Matt Bellamy
Zach Braff
Johnny C. McGinley

and if you can have fil characters then i'd also say Darth Vader, V (from V for Vendetta) and Neo.
R.P. McMurphy from the book/movie One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.

Shit, he was awesome, I honestly look up to him in some aspects.
David Vivian Currie

Another time, even though his unit’s artillery fire was falling within 15 yards of his tank, he ordered it continued because it was having a devastating effect on the enemy. At dusk on Aug. 20, the enemy tried to mount a decisive attack to break their way out but failed miserably. The attack force was routed before it could be deployed. Currie promptly ordered an attack and completed the capture of the village, effectively blocking that part of the Chambois-Trun escape route and denying it to the Germans trapped in the Falaise pocket.

Aubrey Cosens

Later, with his company’s ammunition supply critically low, Tilston set off to replenish it from A Co.’s supply. As he approached, ignoring the German fire all around him, Cropp was flabbergasted: “I saw him coming, not worried, just a smile on his face…and in he sauntered, more or less, and said ‘We’re short of ammunition. What can we have?’ So we supplied him. He was, of course bleeding from a number of wounds and we patched them up and sent him back. But the thing that really struck me about Fred was that this man was really enjoying the war. Here am I, terrified by what’s going on most of the time and here is a man who is totally enjoying what is happening.”

Tilston ran back through a hail of German fire, this time loaded down with hundreds of rounds of ammunition and two boxes of grenades, just in time to help his men ward off an enemy counter-attack.

Tilston made at least six more hazardous trips to A Co. for ammunition.

John Robert Osborn

That afternoon, Osborn’s company was cut off from the battalion and surrounded. When the Japanese began lobbying several grenades into the slight depression where the Winnipeggers had positioned themselves, Osborn picked up the live bombs and hurled them back. One of the grenades landed in an awkward spot where it was impossible for Osborn to pick it up. Shouting “Duck lads”, he threw himself on top of the grenade. He died instantly, but his self-sacrifice saved the lives of many.