HEV suit capabilities


Mar 29, 2006
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So, I was mutzing around "Follow Freeman", and I was watching rebels, zombies, and birds get ruthlessly cut down by blue lasers, and I had a thought.

First, you have to wonder, what moron designed the combine sniper? A sniper rifle that announces your presence and location to everyone in a half mile radius? What's even more strange is that the rebels don't seem to be able to see them.

Of course, there are gameplay reasons. Like it was mentioned in Lost Coast, no one likes being killed by an enemy you never recognized was there (*cough Halo 2 *cough). It was mandatory for them to have those lasers, but that doesn't mean it can't be true to the story.

My theory is: Gordon's suit boosts laser lights so that they are visible

Makes sense. It means the combine is slightly less incompetent for a multi-dimensional empire. It also explains how those rebels are so woefully inept at recognizing the little blue dot on their forehead. It even explains how scientists ran freely into various blue and red beams with such reckless abandon.
That's what I think too though someone will probably show up explaining how that doesn't make sense and by page 3 there will be a debate on whether Gordon wears a helmet or not.
My theory - any theory is fine. There is no need to reach a consensus on something as irrelevant to gameplay as visibility of lasers or helmet capability.
He dosn't wear a helmet. Its a hud. w00t?

Edit: hood?
his hl1 helmet looked a lot like a semi flexible hood to me

I kinda like the "suit makes lasers visible" theory. It makes the snipers look less retarded, even though their dicipline and placement is still shitty.

Real snipers don't give away their position with supressive fire.

If it were up to me. I would have had the snipers either much farther away or in buildings much higher off the ground. You woulda used the rpg to blast them out.
Although it's unlikely, they could simply be using powerful - scopeless - rifles.

Also, the snipers tend to be positioned around zombie-infested areas, which could imply that the rifles are specifically designed as an anti-zombie weapon (since zombies can't see/understand lasers).

The only thing that really contradicts the "enhanced vision" idea is that Barney can see lasers in Blue Shift. But then again, the security guard helmets project a HUD and are loaded with tons of sensors, so you can just assume Barney had the same abilities.

Or it could simply be dusty. :p

'Course, the real reason is that lasers are cool.
I'd like to clear one more thing up too. A lot of people ask how does suit power actually help protect against bullets and the such.

The HEV suit probably utilizes electric reactive armor. The armor is made up of two or more conductive plates seperated by space or an insulating material. This creates a high power capacitor. You need to have a power source like the ones found in HL1 and HL2. Now when anything comes in contact with the plates it discharges, which can either vaporize or even turn the object into plasma.

Thanks Wikipedia :E

Oh and I almost forgot, your theory is wrong. If it can do that the laser on the rocket launcher would be visible completely.
No. Since you are holding the rocket launcher. It's not a threat.
Hm, I had forgotten the RPG.

That is kinda taking it a bit far, saying that the suit can tell the difference between "good and evil" lasers.
Mechagodzilla said:
Hm, I had forgotten the RPG.

That is kinda taking it a bit far, saying that the suit can tell the difference between "good and evil" lasers.

That's just stupid. I like this idea of yours a lot more.

Mechagodzilla said:
Also, the snipers tend to be positioned around zombie-infested areas, which could imply that the rifles are specifically designed as an anti-zombie weapon (since zombies can't see/understand lasers).
99.vikram said:
I think the suit uses a magnetic field to deflect bullets.
And claws? I think Mecha's idea (posted in the long helmet or no helmet debate IIRC) is probably the most logical.
99.vikram said:
My theory - any theory is fine. There is no need to reach a consensus on something as irrelevant to gameplay as visibility of lasers or helmet capability.
Disagree. It's a valid discussion, and just as good as the Combine on Xen, one.
Except the Combine on Xen discussion had relevence to the plot, whereas this gameplay decision doesn't really.
Don't get me wrong - I really like the HEV suit, I just don't think that the ability to see lasers is one of them, nor do I see that as a particularly interesting aspect of it.

But then I got very heated about the idea that Gordon wore a helmet. Which he doesn't. You do not wear a helmet in HL or HL2. It's that simple. GRAR!
The same way all Xenian creatures breathe on Earth?

I seem to recall seeing a suitless scientist alive on Xen too at one point, before plunging to his death. That may have been in OpFor though, in which case half of you will dismiss it as non-canon.
Xenian creatures may not breathe oxygen. Maybe nitrogen. Heck, they may not even breathe, considering how little we know about Xen biology.
I can't see nitrogen gas being viable for breathing, it's FAR too inert.

Don't Icthyosaurs release bubbles of some gas occasionally? Indicating that they breathe.

Oh also Barney doesn't seem to have an oxygen supply on his suit and he survived on Xen.
May i say... NEUROTOXIN... anyway about those sniper, im always con well, most of the time... i agree with mecha... the combine are so high tech infact they would even have the scope not on the rifles but in the helmey system... with the laser, it could be like for fun pop shots... okok that makes no sense... its just a 110% assurance of hitting the target i guess... anyone watched Desert Punk and saw the new sniper combat suit, it had mechinacal functions like the suit adjusting the human to move while he just hold the trigger, the suit moves for your comfort and has inbuilt score with target locks... looks clumsy on the outside though but really nice features!
What creature doesn't breath? Of course Xenians breath.
Xenians are aliens and do not have to conform to Earthly standards.

No more colours!

Fair enough

-Angry Lawyer
Rizzo89 said:
What creature doesn't breath? Of course Xenians breath.

Yeast. Xenians are highly evolved yeast. They sweat beer.
Xen is like a completely different dimension. So who knows. It doesn't matter though because Gordon can breathe fine in the dimension.
Did I hear 'beer'? :cheese:

About the lasers - I think it's like the laser on the Desert Eagle, to improve accuracy.

Maybe the bullets are laser-guided, to an extent.
TheCheckt said:
Xen is like a completely different dimension. So who knows. It doesn't matter though because Gordon can breathe fine in the dimension.
Eh? what is ur point there? oh or are we talking about other stuff here... i know wesa talking about suit features but ur changing it to sem
Azner said:
Eh? what is ur point there? oh or are we talking about other stuff here... i know wesa talking about suit features but ur changing it to sem

Oh people started arguing about Xen being a breathable place for humans.
TheCheckt said:
Oh people started arguing about Xen being a breathable place for humans.
Well since vortigaunts come from Xen and can breath on Earth there's no reason we shouldn't be able to breath there.
Who says Vortigaunts breath?
Barney Calhoun breathed on Xen, so it's obviously breathable?
ríomhaire said:
Who says Vortigaunts breath?
Barney Calhoun breathed on Xen, so it's obviously breathable?
Fair enough, but my point is; If Xen creatues can survive here, why shouldn't we be able to survive there. And yes, Barney did go to Xen but seeing as this topic is about HEV suits and Barney didn't have one and yet he still has a HUD, I was afraid people would consider that a moot point and non-canon.