HEV Suit unnecessary?


El Professor

When Gordon reached Kleiner's lab for the first time. He was supposed to get teleported to Eli's lab. So he didn't need the HEV suit (because Alyx didn't wear one, and yet she got teleported).

I believe that implies that Kleiner knew that something is going to go wrong (maybe .. intentionally?).
You're gordon freeman. You wear an HEV suit. Therefore, if you are not wearing an HEV suit, all efforts must be directed towards acquiring one.
El Professor said:
When Gordon reached Kleiner's lab for the first time. He was supposed to get teleported to Eli's lab. So he didn't need the HEV suit (because Alyx didn't wear one, and yet she got teleported).

I believe that implies that Kleiner knew that something is going to go wrong (maybe .. intentionally?).
Nooo, but Kleiner knew Gordon was gonna be leading the resistance to victory, and then that dang HEV suit was gonna come in reaaal handy.
But if you recall Eli's coversation with you: "Time to get you out of the HEV suit and put you in a labcoat where you belong". That means Gordon wasn't supposed to go and fight with the resistance. But rather, he was supposed to work in the Lab to aid the researchers. So he didn't need the HEV suit.
I think its just a slight plot hole, enough with the conspiracy theroys! I just dont see that theroy being in keeping with the story, rember valve are game developers, not writers, so all they knew is that you needed the HEV suit as it was an important part of combat and something had to go wrong with the teleportation to put a break in the strucutre of the game.
Maybe men need a protective suit then teleporting, but women not.
FictiousWill said:
You're gordon freeman. You wear an HEV suit. Therefore, if you are not wearing an HEV suit, all efforts must be directed towards acquiring one.

quoted for emphasis
El Professor said:
But if you recall Eli's coversation with you: "Time to get you out of the HEV suit and put you in a labcoat where you belong". That means Gordon wasn't supposed to go and fight with the resistance. But rather, he was supposed to work in the Lab to aid the researchers. So he didn't need the HEV suit.
i'm sure she wasent being surius when she said that!
she know you got to help the resistence she just think you belong is labs!
Hmmm, come to think of it you don't actually need the HEV suit for anything. The run-fast feature didn't even come in handy for doing any jumps. There were small areas of radiation, but that was all. Kind of pointless.
Kristafon said:
I just dont see that theroy being in keeping with the story, rember valve are game developers, not writers, so all they knew is that you needed the HEV suit as it was an important part of combat and something had to go wrong with the teleportation to put a break in the strucutre of the game.

Been a game developer doesn't automatically mean someone can't also be a writer. And anyway, Valve do have their own writer. A good one, too.

Though really, I think it boils down to this. The suit's made for Gordon. Gordon stops by at the place where it's stored. Even though he very likely won't need it immediately, he might eventually, and since it's easier to simply put it on then so he could take it with him, that's what happens.

Okay, so not so well put. But there is some logic behind why Kleiner would have Gordon put on the suit, even though he wouldn't of forseen anything going wrong.
El Professor said:
But if you recall Eli's coversation with you: "Time to get you out of the HEV suit and put you in a labcoat where you belong". That means Gordon wasn't supposed to go and fight with the resistance. But rather, he was supposed to work in the Lab to aid the researchers. So he didn't need the HEV suit.
Not necessarily... Eli may have only said this because he feels Gordon needs a break after having fought (for like all of the afternoon into the evening) through the canals to get there. If the teleport disaster had never happened, he may have had other uses to put gordon too. Plus, it's just convenient to transport the HEV suit to Black Mesa east on Gordon. Saves them having to do a third teleport or panic wildly if something does go wrong and Gordon ends up back outside in his civvies. Pajamas Vs Helicopter? Don't fancy those chances ^^ And lastly, as it's their first time using the teleporter, perhaps the suit has monitoring devices that can tell them exactly how well it's all going, so they can analyse what happens when Gordon gets back.
Kliener was just showing off his nify new upgraded suit, when they heard the combine closing in. So they rushed Gordon into the teleporter without bothering to get the suit back. It was tailored to fit Gordon anyways, so Kliener just let him keep it.
The HEV isn't only for hazardous environments. It is also a self-sealing and active suit of armor. If you listen in the first game you hear it sealing wounds and applying splints whenever you're injured. I'm guessing it also slows projectiles (in the case of an explosion, or gun shots). So they might have felt that you were important enough to have special protection in the case that the combine did find you. So while it may not have been necessary, it couldn't have hurt either.
wow u guys are all crazy...its a game, its not life....once again, its a game....maybe try wasting your time and energy with something constructive such as creating your own game so that mass millions will never be pleased....then will u have the right to bitch and moan about hev suits...
The_Monkey said:
Maybe men need a protective suit then teleporting, but women not.

Just like when you want to find the mines in a minefield. Ladies first.
Would Gordon be as cool if he was just another dude in an armored suit? Hell no! The HEV suit rocks. Kleiner knew this.

Also, Eli was expecting company. Would you send your best friend over to dinner wearing a comunist dennim jumpsuit? Kleiner was all out of fresh lab coats, so into the HEV suit Gordon went. He looks damn fine in it anyway.
I'm pretty sure it went like this:

End of HL1, gordon is put into statis... with his HEV suit on.

Beginning of HL2, gordon is woken up, probably after g-man changed him into some modern post-war "civ" clothing.

Kleiner gives gordon his updated HEV suit so he can start working in the lab with Eli on stuff... we really don't know what he was planning on working on, so we can't speculate whether he truly needed the suit or not.
wihout the suit i bet many people would also die alot quicker then normal, its like a shield
nate said:
Just like when you want to find the mines in a minefield. Ladies first.
Naw, dude...just gotta protect the boys...you know...the boys
tehsolace said:
I'm pretty sure it went like this:

End of HL1, gordon is put into statis... with his HEV suit on.
Why is everyone convinced Gordon was in stasis?

I think it quite likely he'd been back for quite a wyhile, but hadn't met up with any of the resistance
Or perhaps he had been out of stasis several times doing other things for the Gman--perhaps even on earth.
HadouKen24 said:
Or perhaps he had been out of stasis several times doing other things for the Gman--perhaps even on earth.
could be, but the "you've been sleeping" bit of the comment implies a period of (relative) inactivity

but it might be cool for HL2 X1
El Professor said:
When Gordon reached Kleiner's lab for the first time. He was supposed to get teleported to Eli's lab. So he didn't need the HEV suit (because Alyx didn't wear one, and yet she got teleported).

I believe that implies that Kleiner knew that something is going to go wrong (maybe .. intentionally?).

He wasn't goin to go through the streets, so he didn't need a disguise i.e normal clothes (that was the original plan anyway)
Remember Gordon was wearing his HEV suit at the end of HL1, but his suit was in Klieners lab (with a few modifications).

Gman delivered the suit to kliener to do the modifications.
When teleporter was fixed, original plan was to deliver it to Eli, so he could start mass-production of the new suit.
Freeman, turns up, so kliener decides to put the suit on Gordon (You know, to keep it safe)
Freeman was to act as a delivery boy.

Something F*cks up
Freeman never came out of stasis. The whole of HL2 was orchestrated by the Gman.
I put it to you that,

A: Gordon is the only one around that actually has the BMRF-based training to use an HEV, and

B: Having someone who can use it wearing it is probably better than transporting it by lugging it around.

Probably they intended to give Gordon a reason to use it after they'd arrived at Eli's lab (in between the lab work). Maybe they wanted to use it for more experiments like the one at BMRF (but more controlled this time), or maybe they wanted Gordon to undertake some special mission, with his HEV training and all that. I reckon whatever they were planning probably got screwed up by the Combine attack, though...
Come to think of it, it might also have been assisted by some prodding of Kleiner by Barney...

"You know, Doc, that if he ever does show up, he's gonna need that thing. I mean, I've got my old B-shift security training to rely on, Alyx has that Kung-tai-kwon-karate-fu stuff she does, and that neat li'l sidearm of hers (not to mention that giant metal pooch), and Eli's always got the Vortigaunts and their green-flashy-stuff to help him out. All Gordo had in Black Mesa was guts, and that suit. And I know which one of the two stops bullets..."

"What do I have, then, Barney?"

"Well... nobody could look at ya and seriously think y'were a threat, Doc. Oh, and you've got that freaky-ass headhumper of yours..."
Brian Damage said:
Come to think of it, it might also have been assisted by some prodding of Kleiner by Barney...

"You know, Doc, that if he ever does show up, he's gonna need that thing. I mean, I've got my old B-shift security training to rely on, Alyx has that Kung-tai-kwon-karate-fu stuff she does, and that neat li'l sidearm of hers (not to mention that giant metal pooch), and Eli's always got the Vortigaunts and their green-flashy-stuff to help him out. All Gordo had in Black Mesa was guts, and that suit. And I know which one of the two stops bullets..."

"What do I have, then, Barney?"

"Well... nobody could look at ya and seriously think y'were a threat, Doc. Oh, and you've got that freaky-ass headhumper of yours..."

ROFL BD! That sounds just like something BArney would say!
Brian Damage said:
Come to think of it, it might also have been assisted by some prodding of Kleiner by Barney...

"You know, Doc, that if he ever does show up, he's gonna need that thing. I mean, I've got my old B-shift security training to rely on, Alyx has that Kung-tai-kwon-karate-fu stuff she does, and that neat li'l sidearm of hers (not to mention that giant metal pooch), and Eli's always got the Vortigaunts and their green-flashy-stuff to help him out. All Gordo had in Black Mesa was guts, and that suit. And I know which one of the two stops bullets..."

"What do I have, then, Barney?"

"Well... nobody could look at ya and seriously think y'were a threat, Doc. Oh, and you've got that freaky-ass headhumper of yours..."

ROFLOLMAOBISFTICBACBTF (I'll prob forget what that stands for)
cleckmoon said:
Would Gordon be as cool if he was just another dude in an armored suit? Hell no! The HEV suit rocks. Kleiner knew this.

Also, Eli was expecting company. Would you send your best friend over to dinner wearing a comunist dennim jumpsuit? Kleiner was all out of fresh lab coats, so into the HEV suit Gordon went. He looks damn fine in it anyway.

I had my backed turned, was Alyx watching me put the suit on?

Ha Ha Ha
Without the HEV Suit, Gordon would be running into a war, with clothing, just like running into a war not wearing anything, you would have at max, 0.9% of surviving, with the Bodyarmor (or HEV Suit in the game) you would have a hell of alot better chance to survive, this game is realistic, you woulda died easy without the suit, but the suit was extremely powerful, and protected you, and drugged you :p (morphine)
don't you think its weird that your suit has a never ending supply of morphine and antidote?
doomed14life said:
don't you think its weird that your suit has a never ending supply of morphine and antidote?

Perhaps it refills itself from the medkits you pick up?
If I remember right, Barney was the one who asked Kleiner to bring out the suit. Barney was probably thinking in terms of combat, seeing Gordon in action and all, while Kleiner just thought, "since Gordon is here, we might as well suit him up so he doesn't have to make another trip back here when the shit hits the fan."
doomed14life said:
don't you think its weird that your suit has a never ending supply of morphine and antidote?

I always thought it was wierd that the suit could hold all of that weaponry without effecting Gordon's movement. But then I rationalized this by pretending that the suit used a pocket of Xen to hold all of that. Which would explain why you just picked it up by walking over it.

But then this is all nit-picking. I always figured they needed the Suit at Black Mesa East, but then I think that the G-Man gave it to Kliener to give to Gordon, because he knew what was going to happen ahead of time.

The G-Man just popped in and said "update this and give it to Gordon when he returns.
Headrattle said:
The G-Man just popped in and said "update this and give it to Gordon when he returns.

The G-man didn't even need to make himself known to Kleiner, he could have just delivered the HIV suit to the lab, with a note inside saying "Found this suit, from a concerned friend"

And in the week prior to Gordon's arrival he could have sent a message saying "Freeman is being transferred to city 17"

so the g-man could have instigated everything, without anyone knowing about him. Except the vortigants and Cubbage.
Why is Kleiner hanging around in City 17 anyway? If this whle thing has been going on for a while, wouldn't it make sense for the whole operation to be based in Black Mesa East. Surely they could have gotten everything over there by now.
One thing intrigues me about the suit. Is there a helmet of some kind? You never get the impression of one and it would be easy for any half-decent Combine employee to end the whole thing with a reasonably accurate headshot.
Jezebel_DM said:
Why is Kleiner hanging around in City 17 anyway? If this whle thing has been going on for a while, wouldn't it make sense for the whole operation to be based in Black Mesa East. Surely they could have gotten everything over there by now.
One thing intrigues me about the suit. Is there a helmet of some kind? You never get the impression of one and it would be easy for any half-decent Combine employee to end the whole thing with a reasonably accurate headshot.

You've got to remember what Kleiner and the resistance was trying to do before Gordon showed up: They were an underground railroad type organization that was trying to help citizens escape from the city. The teleporter was meant to facilitate that, so the escapees wouldn't have to go all the way to the dam while being hunted by the Combine.

Also, Gordon most likely has a helmet, otherwise why would his battery power go down when he's under water, or how would he survive the toxic waste that he has to go through in some places?
the suit has a personal field/shield like that combine foce field shit, so he can get food (and aly's ....) in his mouth but it's not as powerfull, so u can't SEE it cept when ur hit

...... ??or maybe its not on a personnal freqencey, and thats y he can't shave... cuz he can't get to his face

... also, thats Y headcrabs can't get him