Hey again!


Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
It's been a while, guys. I recently returned back to Japan from the states. I got to enjoy some time off, and flew back home for leave. Got to spend some time with my girlfriend, friends and family. I have to say I don't really recognize that many people here anymore, than again - it's not like I come here often.

Anyway; I just thought I would drop in and tell everyone to remember that it's the people who love us that really make us strong. Even when we're 7,000
miles away from them. I look forward to seeing them everyday. And it pushes me forward. I just hope that everyone here has someone they love and that loves them.

If you love someone, be sure they know every chance you get. Because you never know when you might not get to talk to them again.

Merry Christmas, guys.
Happy non-denominational winter season.

Oh yeah, welcome back!!
To be honest, I'm not that political, really. That was years ago. But I appreciate the comment all the same.
Welcome back! For some reason, I don't remmeber you..even through my trolling around before my account.
Same as above. Welcome back and Merry Christmas/ Happy Holidays!..........:|............... Whatever works!:D
friends and loved ones don't make you strong, they're a weakness that should be shunned
ZOOOMJ! Hey there. :D

RakuraiTenjin said:
Yay! A level headed political guy is back

Didn't he get fired from mod-ship for political stuff?
Hey again Valkyrie, really really nice to see you around :)
Sulkdodds said:
ZOOOMJ! Hey there. :D

Didn't he get fired from mod-ship for political stuff?

Yes. Someone said he was going to use the military as a last choice. And I was like, the military is for our nation's security not a last way out of a dead-end. And I said some other nasty things. I happen to be in the Navy.