hey guys i need quickly help

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Mar 12, 2010
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:eek::eek::eek: i need help on gmod how do i make the caracters start being silly like on youtube i need hints and tips on making up silly stuff also how do i record video of it and ad music. :eek::cool::stare::cat::dozey::borg::smoking::|:frown::dork::bonce::):imu::D;(
i can trust u guys cant i yea buddys
so yea this is my first post be nice!!!!!!!!!!
Holy shit man.

  • SLOW DOWN! You're in no rush to make a 'funny' gmod video on youtube and becom a star.
  • Cut down on the smileys. You don't need to draw attention to your post when people have already clicked the thread and are reading it. They also make you look stupid.
  • The exclamation marks ramping up in size made me laugh, so I'll give you that.
  • Welcome to the forums, but you can't trust us (least of all me) and you'll have to make 'buddys' by at the very least posting coherently.
  • From what I can tell from your post, you need to learn how to do things in gmod in order to make these videos you want. You picked the wrong place to come. I'm sure there are plenty of guides out there to help you with gmod. There might even be a wiki.
  • Nobody is going to give you hints and tips on making up silly stuff. I don't even know what that means, really. If you're not a funny person capable of coming up with your own ideas, why do you even want to make this type of video?
  • Which brings me to my main point, you seem to be someone who saw a bunch of funny gmod videos on youtube and thought to yourself "OMG THESE ARE SO FUNNY I WANT TO MAKE SOME OF MY OWN AND BE JUST LIKE THEM HAHA" and that is never a good idea, because you're doing it for the wrong reasons. People who make good videos don't do it for those reasons. They do it when they have funny ideas to begin with, and want to express these ideas and their own creativity in a video. If you are lacking in both a technical way (not knowing how to do things in gmod) and a creative way (not having any 'silly' ideas and being desperate for them to the point of asking other people how to be funny) then you are in no condition to make a funny gmod video. So calm down and reconsider some things.
heres some of my work

Um.... What?

How could that possibly be your work if you're coming here asking how to record video and add music to it? Those videos are over 2 years old, and have millions of views. And yet you're coming here with a tenuous grasp of the english language and writing ability, asking us how to be funny and how to make gmod videos?

Piss off, troll.
These are some *great videos you dumb sack of shit.

*There is no such thing as a good Garry's Mod video. Ever.
You just posted a video by a completely different person and claimed it was yours again.
use the damn report button
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