Hey guys.

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Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
Don't you hate it when you shit on the floor, and you can hear it fall but you have no idea where it actually landed, and spend like five minutes looking for it?
That sucks, but not as much as when you finally find it.
Don't you hate it when you shit on the floor, and you can hear it fall but you have no idea where it actually landed, and spend like five minutes looking for it?
I don't think I've ever just taken a shit on the floor.... and If I did, I wouldn't spend time looking for where it landed.

maybe you meant when you drop shit on the floor? If so, then yeah. I hate having to look for all the shit I can't find after it drops to the floor.

OOOOO LOL, i thought you were actually talking about like shit...

not like dropping objects...
ahaha :D

Please mods, lock this so Steven can't ever edit that.
That does save money.
Try using it as shampoo, deodorant, and shaving cream too. You'd be suprised on how much $$ you can save. I know from personal experience.
...you guys do realize he just copy-pasted a popular quote from Bash.org into the site, correct?

Anyway, props for Bash :p
Yeah, that was my first thought.
Post deleted by moderators due to having intelligent content wich is banished from this thread.

Don't you hate it when you shit on the floor, and you can hear it fall but you have no idea where it actually landed, and spend like five minutes looking for it?

Do you think your funny?:dozey:
Do you think your funny?:dozey:

AKIRA (second post) said:


JNightshade said:
...you guys do realize he just copy-pasted a popular quote from Bash.org into the site, correct?

Anyway, props for Bash
Highlander sent it to me on MSN and said it was from an IRC chat, I rofl'd and declared that it should be a thread in memory of his forum life.
Just get yourself a bucket with shoulder straps and you won't have that problem.
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