Hey there


May 5, 2005
Reaction score
First, a greeting to everyone on the forum. I'm from Holland...you know that little country next to England with the bad weather...not mentioning other bad things around there (controversial subject, I know ^_^).
I've been into this Half-Life thing since the beginning, only never online, don't know why but well...I did some UT and I'm planning to show my face online in HL2DM...but my pc needs some serious upgrading.

Well that's it I guess. If anyone wants to ask anything you know where to find me :). Later folks
Hiya Jelena, welcome to the forum! :)

hope you stick around here :D:D
Roll on floor laughing oh my god what the **** laugh out loud.

....Oh hi.
Welcome to the Democratic People's Republic of HL2.net, comrade.

and Tr0n, aren't you supposed to be at the hospital quarantined?
OMGWTF was that "I love you" thing?! ;(

Welcome, mate, enjoy your stay....
15357 said:
Welcome to the Democratic People's Republic of HL2.net, comrade.

democratic? If you think I'm a commie, I'm not. I may have some slavic roots but no stalinist ideas.

...and what's with the whole I love you thing...some people really scare me ^_^
Welcome to the forums. Behave, or....well...just behave.
fear the n00bs for they are everywhere.....EVERYWHERE
yeah H4X0RZ 4 L!F3 or something... I thought I finally got rid of them and I got the idea that there weren't many around here. I actually thought people behaved rather normal around here...but then there's the 'I love you' thing going on...it is quite an improvement though, going from the lair of n00bs to the lair of some weirdos (no offense mates, just kidding here :))
Welcum! Welcum! How ish it you be dooing? You are frum holland I shee...Itsh not weird.

(That would probably be marginally more funny than a mouldy pancake, if you could actually hear my voice.)
None of these people love you, nobody loves you!

Except for me...possibly...if you're rich...female and actually my girlfriend in disguise.
Ok that's a relief.

But then you start. Well...of the three things you name:
1. No, I am not and hope I never will be...money makes man arrogant.
2. Yup, female name so...I'm not walking around with a male name
3. ...I hope not...if you look and act the way you sound that would be pretty bad (put mildly). But it doesn't mean you aren't a nice guy...at least I think.

So, no love here m8...
I just love endearing myself to the new people, it helps create such an atmosphere.
Just ignore me, it'l probably help.... I sometimes use rather strange humours that go unnoticed and are often misunderstood. Having people mis-interpret my actions seems to be quite a common theme in my life.

Have fun :D Oh and thanks for the "...that would be pretty bad (put mildly)" comment. Really brought some sunshine to my day. Its a good job I do have a girlfriend, otherwise I might be quite put down :(
Farrowlesparrow said:
Its a good job I do have a girlfriend, otherwise I might be quite put down :(
Didn't think you was that far into it...Well damn boy.

/me pats farrow on the back

Anyways...now lets all have a group orgy!
Farrowlesparrow said:
Have fun :D Oh and thanks for the "...that would be pretty bad (put mildly)" comment. Really brought some sunshine to my day. Its a good job I do have a girlfriend, otherwise I might be quite put down :(

Well it wouldn't be fun if I was here only to offend people...but like Tr0n says: damn boy...but there are many fish in the sea. I guess Tr0n and I can be your virtual shoulders on which you can cry on ;)
hi welcome, just remember when you have a thousand+ posts that i welcomed you all that time ago.
Yes...should I ever need a shoulder...which things going accordingly, I shouldn't. I'l be sure I come to you and Tr0n. Though, it might be strange crying on two shoulders simultaniously.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Yes...should I ever need a shoulder...which things going accordingly, I shouldn't.

I'l be sure I come to you and Tr0n. Though, it might be strange crying on two shoulders simultaniously.
Well sometimes things don't...like I already told you.

Expect the worse and prepare for it...just in case.Remember what I told you and things should go ok for ya.

Also...no you can't cry on my shoulder.I don't want your tears all over my damn shirt.
Tr0n said:
Well sometimes things don't...like I already told you.

Expect the worse and prepare for it...just in case.Remember what I told you and things should go ok for ya.

Also...no you can't cry on my shoulder.I don't want your tears all over my damn shirt.

Wow thats chirpy...Lets not discuss my personal life in front of the new person :D
Oh, and I'l cry where ever I want, because I'm a real man!

Thats supposed to sound more masculine that it does... Or is it?
Farrowlesparrow said:
Wow thats chirpy...Lets not discuss my personal life in front of the new person :D
Oh, and I'l cry where ever I want, because I'm a real man!

Thats supposed to sound more masculine that it does... Or is it?
No it doesn't.

Well actually...I guess it does.I think you're suppose to say "I don't ever cry"...and then act like a tough guy...or something.

/me shrugs
well it sounds human that a man admits he has feelings...as long as the crying stays virtually...if I go to London (don't know where you live but the chance is big enough that it is in London) and see someone running towards me crying, then I'll be running/swimming back to Holland ^_^
Heh, although I do cry I was trying to make a suggestion that I thought crying meant urinating.

You probably live as close to London as I do, or might as well since I live hundreds of miles away.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Heh, although I do cry I was trying to make a suggestion that I thought crying meant urinating.

You probably live as close to London as I do, or might as well since I live hundreds of miles away.
Your penis is sad. :(
That's good ;)
About that urinating thing...that was just posted before I posted the reply on your previous post...and if you really think that crying and urinating is the same I know why you sound a little weird at the moment :O In that case I, again, agree with Tr0n
Well I'l admit its down at the moment...ahem...but I wouldn't say it is sad.

You agree with Tr0n a lot...But then, after suggesting an orgy, I suspect lots of people are agreable with him.
I'm a loveable person thats why. :D

/me hugs farrow
And so am I, that why I agree with him so much, we share the same opinion

/me hugs farrow as well
/me hugs Farrow...
Well I didn't want to spoil the theme.

If you two are so lovable, why am I being hugged...virtually hugged?
All part of being lovable and sensitive and all...something that you as a crying man must understand :)
Jelena said:
All part of being lovable and sensitive and all...something that you as a crying man must understand :)
...a crying man with a sad penis to be correct. :D
Tr0n said:
...a crying man with a sad penis to be correct.
Well after those hugs... Its not so down.

Jelena said:
All part of being lovable and sensitive and all...something that you as a crying man must understand :)
The crying man...
I should be called that instead of FarrowLeSparrow. Heck..I should be called that instead of Christopher.