Hhaha genius synth

SearanoX said:
She's quite a good keyboard player, and the bassist and drummer seem to be able to hold their own. I don't care for the music, but they're definitely talented musicians.

I've never seen that typed here in this forum before.
It's always been "omfg dat muzik suks."
Pretty neat. Usually people need some kind of automated sequencer for that kind of fast-paced synth work.

Not sure if I dig that 80's acid patch, but then it goes along with the hair. :)

ADDED: Actually, it kind of reminds me a lot of some old Squarepusher tracks. That sort of loose-structured funkiness mixed with electronics. Some strange hybrid of "Music Is Rotted One Note" and "Feed Me Weird Things".
That was insane, much like her hair.
CrazyHarij said:
cool, but digital synths suck
Eh??? You are joking, surely.
On topic: That music was shit. And that looks like a clavia nord lead, the first virtual analogue synth, if anyone cares.
Heh, that's top-banana.

CrazyHarij said:
cool, but digital synths suck

Gah, you're so wrong it's unbelievable! D: Why?
I loved the sounds she was getting out of that. Sounds like she's mimicing early video game music, and I likes. The grunty end is really nice, and the bass compliments it well.