Hi all im new here

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I heard about this game just recently, is it supposed to be any good? cause the screenshots don't look that good.... ;( ;(

I wonder how they are going to do when you have the KING OF FPS games DOOM3 out right now, if they are lucky they will get 5% of what d3 made, oh well best of wishes to Valve company. :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper:
welcome to the forums :D
Don't worry, HL2 will own Doom3 majorly.... but dont start that debate again :p
Well.... hello, but this is almost guaranteed to draw some flak.

*sneaks out*
dehzooka said:
I heard about this game just recently, is it supposed to be any good? cause the screenshots don't look that good.... ;( ;(

I wonder how they are going to do when you have the KING OF FPS games DOOM3 out right now, if they are lucky they will get 5% of what d3 made, oh well best of wishes to Valve company. :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper:

uh what you mean is if doom 3 is lucky it will have made 5% of what half life 2 makes...
Thread carefully here. A lot of people, including me, gawked at D3 graphics for 1 hour and then got bored of them, since nothing changed for the rest of the game (hell kicked ass though ;) ).

Anyways. until HL2 comes out, the two games cannot be compared, although my opinion is that HL2 will kick ass both graphics wise and gameplay wise.
Half life 2 will MURDER Doom 3 in sales...
ANY GOOD? :angry: Half-life 2 will send doom 3 running back to the s*** hole it came from! :LOL: Also check out the videos in the media section on this site they will make you change your mind :thumbs:
yeah well see.

if hl2 will make any money at all it will be from all the CS kiddies.

doom3 forever
oh and real cute moving me to newbie central where no one goes cause you know im right dont you...
Obviously you guys dont get it. We're dealing with a Doom3 Fanboy here. How could he have heard of DOom 3 but not Half Life 2? Just a doomboy who came over to start some ruckus. I gave myself permission to make the final statement in this thread. Half Life 2 will make all the Doom 3 monsters go running back to hell....
dehzooka said:
oh and real cute moving me to newbie central where no one goes cause you know im right dont you...
Well, it's where all the threads saying 'hi all im new here' go.

So there it went :)

Have an issue? Take a tissue.
Lmao, nice find tiki...pathetic really, shame your doom3 fanboys thought it was just as bad... :sniper: to you...
:thumbs: Nice Tiki - Coolest thing done in a thread the entire time ive been here!...guess thats not that long but..you get the idea. :thumbs:
The way Valve is going HL2 will release along side Duke Nukem : Forever.
Why do people bash other games? It's all personal opinion and you certainly can't judge a game if it isn't out yet. I am a fan of HL 2. Doom 3 was cool. I crapped my pants too many times so I quit. There's also no multiplayer in Doom 3 so I didn't bother buying it.
Newton said:
The way Valve is going HL2 will release along side Duke Nukem : Forever.

Err..things have been really moving nicely the past few weeks..
pathetic really

Take a look at this thread and watch how everyone started jumping all over the thread starter because he had a different opinion than everyone else.

There's also no multiplayer in Doom 3 so I didn't bother buying it.

The 4 player limit is pretty intrusive, yet this is bound to improve. The game was never meant for multiplayer anyway.

Nice. Need I also point out the loads upon loads of hl2 fanboys who troll and flame people on a daily basis on www.3drealms.com?

I came here because I had an open mind. I left because no one else did. You people need to realize that other people have opinions too.

I don't like you dehzooka :dozey:

I should also mention that doom3world has an entire section DEVOTED to HL2. I don't know about you, but I am not seeing this site pay the same respect to Doom 3.
Reaper978 said:
Take a look at this thread and watch how everyone started jumping all over the thread starter because he had a different opinion than everyone else.

I would agree with you if that was the case, but this kid did not come here with the intention of having a friendly D3 vs. HL2 conversation, he came to start trouble.


Reaper978 said:
I should also mention that doom3world has an entire section DEVOTED to HL2. I don't know about you, but I am not seeing this site pay the same respect to Doom 3.


I would agree with you if that was the case, but this kid did not come here with the intention of having a friendly D3 vs. HL2 conversation, he came to start trouble.

Can't say that's false. I really can't entirely blame him for it either. HL2 fanboys have been bashing on doom 3 since the very beginning.

By the way, I really doubt a friendly D3 vs. HL2 conversation is even possible.

Heh, looks like I missed that. I wasn't expecting to see another forum inside the general gaming forum.
Does anyone else find this ridiculous? It's like there's a Doom 3 gang and a Half-Life 2 gang. Haha . . . wow. Who cares, really. I just get this mental picture of that scene from West Side Story with the Sharks and the Jets, snapping and dancing, except it's a bunch of gamers. :LOL:
Yo! Bitch! This is our street! Get back to yo' doom3 side! yo!
63SixThreeSix3 said:
Err..things have been really moving nicely the past few weeks..

I really hope they come through with it this time 636, if they pull that crap they did last year they can forget about getting my money.

Collin444 said:
I just get this mental picture of that scene from West Side Story with the Sharks and the Jets, snapping and dancing, except it's a bunch of gamers.

Hahaha I picture allot of broken glasses and skinned knees?
aaaah, the sig, badger, the sig makes me cry ;_;
whats with all the trolls nowadays anyway? a bored doom3 guy came over to act as flamebait. classy :rolleyes:

anyhow, I'd say doom 1 was better...
Reaper978 said:
By the way, I really doubt a friendly D3 vs. HL2 conversation is even possible.

It isn't, the need for people to take sides is too strong. I admit to bashing Doom 3 (on these forums) but only because some troll came in here and I had to defend Half-Life 2.

I really dislike people who go onto forums just to stir up flame wars. This guy should be banned. Likewise, anyone who goes onto a Doom 3 forum and go "Half-Life 2 will be better than Doom 3 because Doom 3 sucks and you all suck" should be banned from that forum.

And can anyone tell me why he thinks his sig is an id dig at Valve? It just says "Valve running". It means nothing.
planetdoom said it was a joke at valve, so I guess that he took it as that it would piss us off.
I enjoy Doom3's graphics but that's about all it has going for it to be honest. The story has it's weaknesses and basically boils down to being a "walk in a kill everything that jumps out at you" game, That's ok though because it looks good and it was designed to play that way.

I think HL2 will have allot of good story driven gameplay (hopefully) and that's where it will shine. The screens I've seen show HL2 has the ability to look stunning aswell.

As far as the thread starter goes I think he was just an idiot trying to get everyone here's blood pressure up, for no other reason than he was bored. It shows allot of class you guys not going over to D3world and continueing this.
Newton said:
I enjoy Doom3's graphics but that's about all it has going for it to be honest. The story has it's weaknesses and basically boils down to being a "walk in a kill everything that jumps out at you" game, That's ok though because it looks good and it was designed to play that way.

Exactly...its the Doom1 with wayyy more eycandy...thats all it is meant to be. It is Perfectly designed. :thumbs:
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