hi guys, laptop question


May 25, 2006
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im looking into buy a laptop

primarily for wireless internet, movies, ect.

no gaming.

i dont want a big screen. i want a small one and a very light one.

here is a laptop im thinking of

ok lets say im at the airport waiting for a flight right. i whip out my small laptop and watch a dvd on a small screen. nothign ot big nothing. it must have wireless internet,

what should i get ?
Whatever you want? Unless you're into gaming or hardcore video editing there's no point in worrying too much about make and model.

I would find some reviews of a bunch of LPs, and boil them down to the quietest, lightest, coolest, and best battery life.

Avoid Toshiba, avoid Averatec...I've had many problems with those. I have an HP Pavilion ze4919cl. It's basically a ze4900 with a sticker that says ze4919cl.

No problems whatsoever. It runs cooler than the Averatech, fans are completely silent, screen is great, plays DVD's very well, not too heavy, decent looks, and it's not too expensive. There's crap for a video card so I can't play CS:S whether I like it or not. :D
Avoid Dell and Gateway if possible.
Um, maybe look at an iBook? Apple has some good LPs.
15 inch is huge?

Maybe you can get a portable DVD player and surf teh net on a Palm Pilot. :S

Or maybe you can get some micro Pc...

I'll search and see wht I can find. Sounds interesting...


Check this out: http://www.engadget.com/2005/11/24/flybook-micro-laptop-reviewed
I haven't heard anything recently about Transmeta but in the past their CPUs were touted for being extremely cool and efficient while using less voltage than AMDs or Pentiums..

Here this one might be better. http://www.engadget.com/2006/05/10/hps-compaq-nc2400-ultraportable-notebook-reviewed/
Vaio is always a good choice.
Not sure why I didn't think of that first.
Dell actually makes good laptops, I'd avoid their desktops only. Best laptop makers I think are HP and Dell. I own an HP Pavlion zv6130us and it plays CS:S decently. Runs Guild Wars great. But if you want tiny HP has some for sale with AMD Turions, I think Dell has a teeny laptop too. Just check out their websites.
Toshiba, HP and Sony are good brands for laptops. Of course most brands have a model or two you should avoid (cheap). HP has had some really good designs out recently for laptops. Fairly small but not tiny.

Sony has the really small ones that cost an extra 1000$. Good laptops although a bit pricey.

Battery life is probably one of the top things to look for. Make sure it has enough Memory. If you are adding memory then make sure you get enough the first time so you dont have to buy another memory stick again and throw out the old. Performance otherwise does not matter since you are doing simple stuff.

If you can get some kind of screen protection coverage, that would be good.
Asus said:
Toshiba, HP and Sony are good brands for laptops. Of course most brands have a model or two you should avoid (cheap). HP has had some really good designs out recently for laptops. Fairly small but not tiny.

Sony has the really small ones that cost an extra 1000$. Good laptops although a bit pricey.

Battery life is probably one of the top things to look for. Make sure it has enough Memory. If you are adding memory then make sure you get enough the first time so you dont have to buy another memory stick again and throw out the old. Performance otherwise does not matter since you are doing simple stuff.

If you can get some kind of screen protection coverage, that would be good.

what do you mean by memmory?

what is a good size?
203128033 said:
im looking into buy a laptop

primarily for wireless internet, movies, ect.

no gaming.

i dont want a big screen. i want a small one and a very light one.

here is a laptop im thinking of

ok lets say im at the airport waiting for a flight right. i whip out my small laptop and watch a dvd on a small screen. nothign ot big nothing. it must have wireless internet,

what should i get ?

G5 laptop.

I pick up a new macbook with the intel core duo processor....what a sweet computer.
ok! I FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i need to know what you people know about this.

Sony Vaio TX series, thats the one i saw at the store that i want.

the TX series is a 1.3 ghz pentium M 753, i have no idea what that is. for 2500

there are other viao laptops that are intel ore duo 2400 1.83 ghz, WTF IS THAT SHIT! its only 1500.

i dont understand all these processor types. can someone outline them all.