Hi, i'm pretty new here - 1 question


Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
Hi all, just wondering about posting an image. I want to post an image in the art section, but it's pretty big (1600x1200) so it's prob better if I can submit it so that it opens in a new window - how do I do this? I don't even know how to post a small image in a thread, help? All I get is a box asking me this:

'Enter the text to be formatted
' :(

I realise I'm being pretty dumb here and the solution's probably simple, but I am new here.
Thanks, I'm giving ImageShack a try now. :cheers:
It worked! Thanks CREMATOR666, if you want to see my submission, have a look in the art and design forum.
hahaha Penfold

Danger Mouse rules.

btw, greetings! :farmer:
KetelOne - me and my older brother play CS:S loads. He is called 'Danger Mouse', I am 'Penfold'. :E
That's awesome. My friend found a tape of his when he was like...jeez...10 or so. But it's a full tape of Danger Mouse. We watch a few episodes everyweek. I mean..we've gone through the whole tape...but hey, it's just too good.