Hi, my computer good enoug?


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
hi, i no know much about computer machines. i have old list of what my system specs are, can plz tell me if good enough/?

Sheet says thus

Windoes 98
ati rage 128
Legend QDI P6I440BX BrillianX 1S
16mb memory
soundblaster pci 128 sound
intel petium 3 500mhz
MAxtor 13gb 5400 rpm hardrive

Negative, everything needs upgrading, best to buy a new Computer, and windows 98 won't run with only 16mb ram you probly have 64mb.
Originally posted by Why?
This may be a joke, a very bad one at that
But its a valid question!!!! I was running a 2400+ with a 9700 Pro up until yesterday, now I got a new setup that is a PII 233 with a Riva 128 (droolworthy, the 3x3x1cm cooling fan is just... Awesome...), will it run HL2?! WILL IT?!!!

Having a PSU burnout is a bitch :x
His forum name seems like ive heard it before on some other forum...
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
His forum name seems like ive heard it before on some other forum...

I used to use the name on MSN Messenger and it's from The Simpsons.
Well...HL1 will definitivly run, but i doubt you will get much farther than the start up screen with HL2. maybe the startmenu...on second thought, no, you wont...