Hidden Beta 3 Released


Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah... not much else to say apart from the fact most hosts I just tried are still uploading.


EDIT: Bugger! Someone else posted this elsewhere. Why can't all news be put in the relevant places. ;(
It was a bit past the 7pm GMT they said, but I'll forgive them.

Clunkily buggy, but still fun. Those motion detectors do shit.
Pesmerga said:
Clunkily buggy, but still fun. Those motion detectors do shit.
That's because the Hidden is too ninja for you :p
I must say, this mod is strong in some areas but woefully lacking in others.

For example, the IRIS weapons are completely and utterly full of suckage.

The shotgun's spread is so damn wide you have to be 5 feet away from the hidden to do anything.

The p90 and FN2000 are horrendously inaccurate.

Haven't really tried out the Less than lethal launcher

As for the equipment, the only 2 items worth taking are sonic alarms and laser targeters. NVGS, flashlights, and stimpacks are not even worth it.
I really like this mod. They seem to have cleared up the bugs that were ruining it in the previous betas. So far i havent found it that clunky.

Yeah some of the equipment for IRIS is crap, but then again the hidden doesnt have an easy job. If the IRIS weapons had great accuracy, and the motion detectors worked better; the hidden wouldnt have a chance.
i dunno.

From my experience playing aliens vs predator 2, which the hidden plays similarly to. (as a combo of both alien and predator) The humans had awesome weapons. However at the end of the day they still went down dead at the hands of someone who was good.

What the hidden mod needs i think, is for the weapons to actually work properly

Right now though it feels like the IRIS team is unncessarily gimped
Its my opinion that they are too strong compared to the hidden - and if you still stink at playing IRIS try pigstick OFF server ;)
I think the sides are pretty balanced. I'm a fan of the shotgun on IRIS and I love playing the Hidden and totally messing with people before pig sticking them.
Great concept, I still think it needs more gameplay work, gets boring really quick for me.
I love this game- when I get bored with games I play this thing and its really awesome. But after I play this for too long it gets boring and I have to come back later to it. Definetly can use some more stuff in it and its a very awesome mod- a Must get
The game isn't brilliant. IRIS is boring but the Hidden is so damn fun.
Mutley said:
The game isn't brilliant. IRIS is boring but the Hidden is so damn fun.
I like it the other way around, because i always get owend as the hidden.

-that is all
Whats your msn or steam? Maybe i can add u to friends and poon you. :)
This mod imo is lacking some fun factor, of course this is how I feal about it, the hidden should have something extra maybe say a jumping roundhouse kick to the head or some bitchin ninja moves for the hidden, and I think the guns are quite frankly not fun to use. Nothing to keep me playing or interested, the maps are great & char models are fine. Im just not getting into it as much as I should. Maybe have 2 hidden or something, it just needs to be pumped up some then I think it would be great.
PLease don't :(

Or i shall spam with voice sounds.
Easily one of the best mods i have ever played. Found out about it a little while ago and have been addicted ever since. I don't want to put down other mods but too many lack creativity. They simply don't have that something that makes it unique from everything else. Without it, the mod becomes nothing but a rehash. However, Hidden has so much potential and is already extremely well polished, even in its Beta state. Think of the best parts of AvP put into one mod. It has a learning curve, although i don't think it is as bad as some people say. Playing Hidden takes some time getting used to but it is an absolute blast once you do. You will also start developing a eye for spotting the Hidden and predicting its movements. Play on random hidden servers and practice. There is no other feeling like watching a IRIS member walk right past you and sticking him in the back.
Infoceptor said:
Easily one of the best mods i have ever played. Found out about it a little while ago and have been addicted ever since. I don't want to put down other mods but too many lack creativity. They simply don't have that something that makes it unique from everything else. Without it, the mod becomes nothing but a rehash. However, Hidden has so much potential and is already extremely well polished, even in its Beta state. Think of the best parts of AvP put into one mod. It has a learning curve, although i don't think it is as bad as some people say. Playing Hidden takes some time getting used to but it is an absolute blast once you do. You will also start developing a eye for spotting the Hidden and predicting its movements. Play on random hidden servers and practice. There is no other feeling like watching a IRIS member walk right past you and sticking him in the back.
Very well said.:)