Hidden: Source...Beta 2!


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
The Infinitum Research top brass must be pretty angry by now. It's been months since Hidden Beta 1, and the accursed invisible mutant still remains at large. Good news for Hidden fans, then (isn't that everybody) because the corporation has just stepped up its efforts with Beta 2! This second version of the acclaimed stalking simulation ups the ante considerably. The Hidden is blessed with new moves - pinning bodies to walls and making full use of Havok physics to confuse the enemy - and the IRIS members are better equipped as well, with new skins, shinier guns, and incredibly cool green laser sights. [br]

[br]New maps, such as a skyscraper complete with rooftop, a Doom-ish lab complex and the quintessential scary mansion round off this most excellent of packages.[br]</br>Download it from their website, or directly here!
[br]</br>You can also download a teaser trailer here.
I havent played the mod at all. I'm gonna check it out... looks awsome
Heavens above, the great Gods at Halflife2.net have posted us.Woo. Thank you very much, nice little post in fact...get playing people...
Some of these new maps look really atmospheric- I can't wait to try it out. *cough*... anyone feel like a game? :p
I'll host a local server if you guys wanna play :/

With 6 people it shouldnt really lag that bad.

I'll call it "Halflife2.net Server"
I was faster than all of you, beside the Hidden-Team.

Look here.

But nice work Halflife2.net-TEAM i love you so much.

Ahhmm and the MOD rocks the house, it should be rated 18+ its realy hardcore core.
But you didn't have to bother writing it nicely. Plus info was sent to me via email...then Gmail stopped working for a while. :p
I've played a bit, and the general cosmetic improvements are really impressive. The in-game menus (character selection, TAB scores etc) are portrayed like a file / report from some goverment office... adds a little flavour. The IRIS team looks wonderfully sleek now, with a modern UI design, and improved models and skins. There's also a unique spectator mode in which you can only view the action from security cameras scattered around the map! While it develops tension, even if you're only a spectator- this can get a little frustrating. Just another reason to stay alive, I guess!
hey suicide..I added you on xfire, I'm trying to get a game together. I'm talking to sulk ATM.

If theres a few people (max of 6) who want to play a private game..add me on xfire. JrdnGrn is xfire name
never really liked the mod... I mean they got some nice looking textures and maps\models... but its just the idea of shooting at a near-invisible guy that isn't fun. Sometimes he can be right next to me attacking and i can't even see him (probably just have crappy eyesight), then you hafta sit out for 3 some minutes or so.
Cant please em all. The spectator camera system was going to have a first person view as well CSS style but we need some replies from Valve about getting it going and ran out of time so will have to wait a little while for that one. A few servers are falling over from too many entities in the map after a few rounds (the extra gibs, etc) so that will need fixing as well. On the whole it seems to be good, just a few bugs to nail down. It is a beta...
Looks Ace! Will be definately announcing this on the collective when it comes out of beta.

Good stuff. :)
Man Im all over the place tonight! We are obviously waiting for servers to make the swap, so joining some servers will just flat out deny you as they are still running the old version of Hidden.
Walk within a foot of another player and it lags to all hell.
My problem is when you're the Hidden, and just picking up rag dolls just sucks. I've gotten stuck several times on corpses...
Cant even play, just have a view of the map from a distance and a record thing in the corner.
The only problem I've had is that no server ever lasts more than five minutes. Bit of lag but only at the beginning of rounds and it doesn't make it unplayable.

It actually played quite well for me. I was on a server for a good half-hour. True, there are some annoying bugs, and I can't figure out for the life of me how to pin corpses. Nonetheless it's wicked fun. And the mansion level is downright gorgeous.
I dont know what the hell Im supposed to do. First of all, almost every server doesnt spawn you....second of all, I run around, then all of a sudden die for no apparent reason....

What the HELL do you do?
to pin corpses you have to basically be right against the wall and 2nd attack the corpse while in your grasp. from my experience it will get you stuck in the corpse (you can get yourself unstuck fortunately)

haven't had a chance to play online but I'm reserving judgement till some good dedicated servers pop up.
Pinning corpses is REALLY buggy... you get stuck inside the corpse usually and have to thrash and jump to free yourself. Or I'm just doing it wrong.
It seems that the Hidden is practically unstoppable in this version. And not letting spectators have a free-roam camera is just stupid. It was boring enough when we had one, now it's 100x as boring.

Also, can you make the tutorial maps unavailable for online play? It's kinda stupid when about 16 out of the 20 servers are running the tutorial map which isn't even playable.

Walk within a foot of another player and it lags to all hell.
More of an HL2 problem than the mods.
Agreed about the iffy corpse-pinning/wall-grabbing action & all the unplayable tut map servers.

Definitely a step forward, aside from those few noticeable bugs. Nice rework of the weapons, player models & all the new maps. Oh, the shotgun animation seems a little jerky still, though? 617 seems a little harder to see now, but there's the limited pounce; a bit more direct focus on leveling than in the previous release, good to see that.
We are working on fixes for many of the problems as we speak. However it is a Beta and some of the fixes are already on the way, others we did not forsee. Although I never said this, possible patch by Sunday...
thats great to hear, hopeful you can edit the distance required to pin a ragdoll to a wall (please)
The point of pinning a body to a wall....?

I mean, sure, it's freaky as ****, but practically, very little time available and too much effort to acheive.
I played it for a good hour just now. No real bugs to report, and glad to find that the memory errors from the last beta are gone. Aside from not having a free/chase cam when dead, I found the mod to be really fun. I feel as if they've hit the right balance in regards to the Hidden's abilities (in the past beta, I felt I couldn't kill anyone as the Hidden), and his new abilities are a welcome addition. The game has a nice, polished look to it now, too.

I have a question: if all the models get used up and another player joins the server, what happens? Does the newest player just sit out? I'm just curious as to how this'd work...
Wow! This looks fantastic. So is this now a fully functioning up & running MOD? I'm in!! :)
Damned bastards still using Hidden B1 so I can't get on their server. :hmph: