Hidden:Source Beta 4 SOON!


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
Looking to the future

04 Jun 2006 - Posted By Ging

With B4 just around the corner (ok, so it's been over 4 weeks, but we just wanted to fix up a couple more issues!) it's time to look forward and think about what we want to do with the mod over the coming months and the direction we want to take it.

In our current tester build, we've got the weighting system fully implemented and have fixed up some of the existing gameplay issues - including a fix (hopefully) for the 'rubber banding' thanks to Teddy over at Dystopia.

As some of our community know, we do hang around the forums (for some of us, an unhealthy amount) and we do listen to ideas, some of which we even go so far as to implement! We've noticed a clamouring for more interactivity and objective based gameplay - now, we've been wanting to do decent objective stuff since we first released our taster over a year ago, so it's time we did something about it.

We've locked down the core gameplay fairly well now, so we're at a point where we can expand outwards and create more of a game beyond the 'standard' and 'overrun' gametypes. With that in mind we've finally gotten around to starting work on the 'Evacuation Point' game type, which will give IRIS players objectives to fulfill before reaching the, well, evacuation point. We'll be sticking with our current player limits for it.

Basic flow will be something along the lines of:

* IRIS spawn at spread out locations
* IRIS converge to form teams
* IRIS move to fulfill objectives (find items, shut down generators, unlock exit routes etc)
* With objectives complete, IRIS move to EP
* IRIS arrive at EP and defend the location until transport arrive

So we're talking reasonably sized maps with lots of player interaction (funky doors, computer terminals, objects to find and the like) a set of changeable objectives (the only fixed objective is to get to the EP, the others are mapper defined) and hopefully a way more coherent team experience.

Right now, we're developing a test map and working on various bits of code to help make it easier for the mappers and of course the core game rules so don't be expecting this to appear in our next release. What we may do is put out a call for mappers to help us out as the majority of our art team is currently busy on other projects! Bunch of lazy bums! We'll put up more information if we do go ahead with that.

b4 looks promising. New gameplay mod looks awesome.
A big problem in the game is that the last person to kill the hidden becomes the hidden. How is that a problem? Well if someone brings him down to 1 health and another person comes out of nowhere and gets the last shot in, he becomes the hidden next round. Obviously this is not fair to the person who did 99% of the damage. So i guess the weighting system calculates who did the most the round and he becomes the hidden.