Hide and Seek


Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
You guys seen previews for this movie? Actually looks pretty freaky unlike some recent movies that Ive watched like The Grudge....what a pile that was.
I remember one from years back called Hide and Shreak, had its name changed years later so hard to find now. That was just creepy, had Rod Steiger in it IIRC.
If you want to see a really freaky movie watch the Japanese film 'Audition'. Too much for me honestly but perhaps you'll like it
Incitatus said:
If you want to see a really freaky movie watch the Japanese film 'Audition'. Too much for me honestly but perhaps you'll like it
The scariest part of that film is waking up and through blurry eyes not remembering its on and seeing the sack suddenly roll over.. Hey well it scared me when that happened :p
The girl in this film, Dakota Fanning, has been impressive in the other stuff she's done. She sounds downright freaky in this one.
lol yeah im waiting for this one, I just hope its half way decent and is actually scary. No more Saw or Grudge.
Grudge is on a totally different shelf in the movie shops to Saw. Saw is wank and not even remotely scary/jumpy/freaky at all.
Thats what im saying, I'm sick of being dissapointed by "supposed to be scary" movies.
I thought the Grudge was pretty poor too - and not that scary.

However, the image of that evil girl has really stuck, and has freaked me out a couple of times now. Once I was half asleep, opened my eyes a touch, and swear I could see her in the corner of my room - just for a second. Nearly shat my pants there and then.
Lol, Good point Warbie, that girl was really freaky and was probably the scariest part of the movie :E
Looks better for scares that any other movie at the moment, like White Noise or The Grudge.

The only film that has ever made me jump was Jurassic Park :o It was in the cinema and they changed from the quiet lab to a loud scene, I was only 8 tho :(

The only film that I have found overall scary is Session 9, a film that has been very under-rated in my opinion.

I tend just to laugh through anything cheesy like The Grudge.