Hideo Kojima: "Japan Has Lost" Compared to Western Games

I'd say its about time we "won" as "we're" (north-america & europe) are about 52 times as big.
(EU=10,180,000km2 + US=9,629,09km2 / JP=377.835 = 52,42780)

That small island puts "the western" published game count to shame.

On a small side note: ICO, MGS, SotC all rape/bukkake GoW

It is not that I don't care about big budgets, but it seems like Hideo thinks that these are somehow characteristic of great games. I can't wait to buy Fable 2 tonight, for instance, but that does not stop me for loving the HELL out of Consumer CULTure (see below).


Basically, it comes down to artistic expression and creativity. If a game is artistic and compelling and unique in any way (and all of thsoe terms mean different things to different people), then it is better than 90% of the big budget crap out there. That said, some of that big budget crap actually has some great art and/or creative ideas somewhere in there too. It does not matter where a game comes from, every region creates good things and bad things.
Hideo Kojima is a poor, mediocre writer and game designer and his opinion is not worth squat.

Samon there are somethings i just wonder about. You like Deus Ex and Half-Life 2 but don't see the power and beauty behind Metal Gear Solid 4.
care to explain. UE3 a little too bloomy on your eyes? just curious

I would guess it's the game's hideous artistic direction. I've played a reasonable amount of Gears (I personally hate it, but sometimes I have to humor my friends who love it) and all I remember of its visuals is a mass of bloom, blur and gray with comically proportioned muscleheads in the foreground.

Can't say I'm a big fan of Japanese games, though, even though I do love Zelda and Resident Evil. I think Eastern Europe will emerge as a player in big video games over the next decade. There's a lot of cool ideas coming from over there, and I'd like to see more games in that style.
I'd like to take this time to say I don't like Mario or Zelda, but I did like Kirby a lot back when I was like thirteen or something.
Samon there are somethings i just wonder about. You like Deus Ex and Half-Life 2 but don't see the power and beauty behind Metal Gear Solid 4.
The beauty of having
EVA, Big Boss, Cambel, Liquid and Otacon explain the entire plot of the game to me over the course of
seventeen hours of cutscenes?

Or how about how the events of the entire series are revealed to be caused by
the misinterpretation of the dreams of the most uncharasmatic and stupid ("The world was once whole." No. It never has been, ever. In all of history) woman in human history. What I especially love is how two the founders of the Patriots, Para-Medic and Sigint, have never spoken to The Boss and still are so fecking determined to make her dream a reality. The Patriots, it is revealed are a group of undeveloped characters introduced in the previous game with one dimentional personalities and barely any motivation. Sounds exactly like Hollywood Kojima, well done.

There's also the rediculous plot, the really, really forced relationship between Johnny and Meryl, the plain sillyness of all the bosses (Laughing Octopus was slightly creepy, the rest of their rants were just dull).

Also, Naomi is the source of many plot holes. She takes nanomachine-repression injections with no visible side-effects. She later states that she would die rather quickly if her nanomachines stop working. She lets herself die after he HUGE LONG ****ING BORING speach at the end of MGS1 telling Snake to live and how important it is to live and to keep on living. Also the fact that every time she opens her mouth she doesn't shut up for at least a half-hour.

And why the hell are Snake's nanomachines giving him constant seizures? Whenever Liquid hacks the SOP system or at random other intervals Snakes starts having a fit, which is magically stopped by the nanomachine-repressive injections. But isn't Liquid's hacking causing the nanomachines to shut off, ****ing with everyone? What is Snake doing? Double shutting them off? And why should Liquid's hacking affect him in the first place? The fits are supposed to be caused by the emotional control of the SOP shutting down. Snake never had SOP nanomachines in him before Drebon injected him so why should the sudden lack of the system's regulation cause this? He never had such problems before he had these nanomachines in him, so why now?

Also, how does Liquid hack the system? He uses the DNA of Big Boss, but where the hell does he hack from? A boat it seems. How did he transmit the data to JD? If it was just an electronic signal it could have been faked. The entire system makes no sense at all.
I could go on but I'm sick of typing and sick of ranting.
I'll tell you what the west will never win at:


Seriously, other than Mortal Kombat 2 name one good fighting game that's come from a western developer. YOU CAN'T. Actually, aside from Mortal Kombat, off the top of your head name ANY fighting game done by a Western developer, good or otherwise. I can name like...five. I'd like to see someone else name ONE without the use of Google.

Fucking west. Why must you hate the fightan?

Also, Kojima needs to stop looking at FPS games and go develop Zone of Enders 3. Where is ZoE3, Kojima?! You said you were working on ZoE3 when the PS3 was announced!

At least put out a new Snatcher game otherwise.
Also, Kojima needs to stop looking at FPS games and go develop Zone of Enders 3. Where is ZoE3, Kojima?! You said you were working on ZoE3 when the PS3 was announced!

It's like 4am now. I turn off all non critical functions so I don't fall asleep.

You must be jesting too. THE WEST DOES THE EXACT SAME BLOODY THING. How many WW2 shooters do we have? Meanwhile all judgements are being based on games ported to English I bet. Many incredibly original games are produced in Japan and don't see the light of day outside Japan. Get a clue kids.

**** off, wap.

Watch Advent Children, the fun is trying to tell what is male and what is female. :p

The problem with the Japanese game industry is the problem with Japan as a whole.

It barely invents anything of its own, and what it does is creepy and disturbing and only Japan would birth such abominations.

Nah, in all seriousness, I couldn't care less, Japan has lost but only because its one small piss streak of a country on the edge of the world against an entire culturally, historically and politically in common bloc of nations.
Until Japan has closed all of it's studios, (and that would be a cold day in hell) 'lost' isn't really the right way to put it. I would have accepted 'losing'.
A small island nation has lost the battle against the whole of the European and North American continent? It boggles the mind.

Also, Kloljima.
I'll tell you what the west will never win at:


Seriously, other than Mortal Kombat 2 name one good fighting game that's come from a western developer. YOU CAN'T. Actually, aside from Mortal Kombat, off the top of your head name ANY fighting game done by a Western developer, good or otherwise. I can name like...five. I'd like to see someone else name ONE without the use of Google.

Fucking west. Why must you hate the fightan?

I would disagree about that. My favorite fighting game is Fight Night.
The Hollywood comparison is very poor. I wouldn't say that Hollywood is better than indipendent companies. Talking about games, I see a lot of freshness and fantasy in european developers, and russians too. With a few exception, FPSs are all the same, come on... ;)
I would disagree about that. My favorite fighting game is Fight Night.

Ooh, forgot about that. Though really, that also kinda falls under the category of sports game, so I dunno if you could call it a full-blown fighting game.


Currently both are vapourware (A finished product doesn't yet exist). Anyway yes I agree the proper terminology these days would be the latest generation of consoles. The next generation is always going to be the one we don't yet have.

**** off, wap.

You lost all credibility assuming my race.

It barely invents anything of its own.

And here you just made a complete fool of yourself.
You lost all credibility assuming my race.

**** off, Otaku. :bounce:

And here you just made a complete fool of yourself.

Name me one wide spread world changing invention that came from Japan.

Didn't think so.
Too much hate here.
Pfft who needs medical technology when you have this


Like I said he made a fool of himself. Oh and the following off the top of my head;

Blue LED
Solid-state Electronic Calculator
Digital Cameras/Camcorders
Floppy Disk

It should be mentioned Dr. Yoshiro NakaMats beats Thomas Edison with over 3000+ (too lazy to look up the current number) registered patents.
I stand corrected.

Kyorisu, go fap to some anime.

Eejit, make such more much plx.
I'll tell you what the west will never win at:


Seriously, other than Mortal Kombat 2 name one good fighting game that's come from a western developer. YOU CAN'T. Actually, aside from Mortal Kombat, off the top of your head name ANY fighting game done by a Western developer, good or otherwise. I can name like...five. I'd like to see someone else name ONE without the use of Google.
Smackdown > DoA
Zelda. Mario. Metroid. Without them you wouldn't have an industry.

Yes you would.
Eventually yes.

Nintendo was credited for bringing videogames back to life from the video game industry crash of 1983 with the NES, Super Mario Bros, Zelda, and Metroid because those games were actually fun.
Whereas the American companies failed to deliver with the Atari 2600 and Commodore 64 and all of it's mostly similar games, thus the reason for the crash in the first place. Not that it matters anymore now in 2008 though. (Although I predict a similar crash might happen again one day soon.)

Other companies would have eventually stepped up to the plate if Nintendo hadn't back then.

EDIT> and let's not forget the biggest console failure of all time, which was the Atari Jaguar. An American company might I add.

The only reason why the Xbox was successful is because it's Microsoft. Also, there still seems to be more great Japanese developers than American ones imo.
Though the number of great American devs are steadily increasing.

In America's defense though, anime is overrated.
Looking through this I see more Western games that Japanese ones.
It's simply an art form. You can hold your opinion but don't try and state it as fact.
Of course not. :)

I didn't say anime is bad, just a little overrated. There are a few anime shows I actually liked myself. Like Cowboy Bebop for instance.

It's not the art style that irritates me, just some of the hardcore fans.
It's simply an art form. You can hold your opinion but don't try and state it as fact.

On an English speaking forum with primarily EU/USA members, who'd have thought?
Hideo Kojima :cheese:

BTW, I was more trying to link people to the damn thread to vote than to actually make a point.
Hey, Nuri...all that anger towards Japan wouldn't have something to do with your ex, would it? You sound incredibly bitter at an entire nation; we went from video games to, "JAPAN HAS A TERRIBLE CULTURE AND THEY'VE NEVER BENEFITTED MANKIND IN ANY WAY!" Got a little unresolved issue, there?

Also, none of you people have mentioned FIGHTING GAMES. I've heard a sports game and a wrestling game mentioned. WHERE IS THE FIGHTAN? Admit it, you can't name one. None of you! THE WEST HATES TO DEVELOP FIGHTING GAMES!

Oh, have to make an edit because I didn't see this:

Saturos said:
EDIT> and let's not forget the biggest console failure of all time, which was the Atari Jaguar. An American company might I add.
Phillips CD-i.
Hey, Nuri...all that anger towards Japan wouldn't have something to do with your ex, would it? You sound incredibly bitter at an entire nation; we went from video games to, "JAPAN HAS A TERRIBLE CULTURE AND THEY'VE NEVER BENEFITTED MANKIND IN ANY WAY!" Got a little unresolved issue, there?

Also, none of you people have mentioned FIGHTING GAMES. I've heard a sports game and a wrestling game mentioned. WHERE IS THE FIGHTAN? Admit it, you can't name one. None of you! THE WEST HATES TO DEVELOP FIGHTING GAMES!
Killer Instinct? (developed by Rare) Is Rare American or Japanese? I'm not sure.
Rare is in the UK...which qualifies as the west! You have beaten the challenge. You are winner.

I wondered how long people'd be stumped for, considering Killer Instinct was actually a very good fighting game. Also considering the internet meme that is C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER.

There are still a couple more out there though. There's still a chance for more winners. It's too bad though that with MK and KI those are the only GOOD fighting games the west has produced. There are...two others I can think of that are OK, based on original properties, and another two that are good but based on games or television.
Rare is in the UK...which qualifies as the west! You have beaten the challenge. You are winner.
I'm very good at video game trivia. Especially old-school game trivia. Also, Killer Instinct is THE only fighting game I've ever been good at.

Wait a minute, what about Mortal Kombat? (Developed by Midway)