High Resolution Pre-E3 Movie


May 29, 2003
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We are now hosting a high resolution version of the Pre-E3 movie that was released today. It's only one minute and nineteen seconds long, but the majority of it is new footage. We get an insight into City 17's surroundings, its 'Combine' police force and a small look at what appears to be the Vortigant alien from Half-Life.

Be sure to grab it here!
ValVed RaY said:
downloading... nice mirror.


i hope it's good

Oh it's good alright. Some very nice new footage to get our teeth into, and the music is brilliant as well :D
ValVed RaY said:
looks gooooood actually.
they need to work on the gui though.

nah, its simple and non obtrusive.
They need to work on the GUI? THEY NEED TO RELEASE IT!
teh gui is perfect.. it doesnt force itself at the player.
aah, well, now were at it, pinfix, we just wait. we got the hang of it already. complaining doesn't help anymo. cheer them on. that helps.

btw looks good, but i think your opinions seem a lil' 'ive seen this before'....so il just wait an see.

*seen it. looks goohood. what happened to them weird looking gunships? they got replaced by these helos?
btw whats a GUI?
the gui, the numbers that display the health, armor and ammo all that stuff is on a rectangular box. the numbers should just be floating. w/o the box
It still isn't high resolution. Not even medium ffs... :/

Where is the 40 mb high res vid?
with other words, the HUD, or heads up display, am i right? and btw, why bother if its in a box or not. make it readable, for all i care. and cool. but thats it already.
*seen it. looks goohood. what happened to them weird looking gunships? they got replaced by these helos?
Just because you don't see the weird gunships in this preview doesn't mean they're not in the game. The game is a bit longer than a minute and nineteen seconds, y'know. :)

btw whats a GUI?

GUI: Graphical User Interface ... though really, what they're talking about is the HUD.

The GUI would be the game menus and options screens (part of the Steam component of HL2)
DeltaBlast said:
It still isn't high resolution. Not even medium ffs... :/

Where is the 40 mb high res vid?

This is as high as it gets at the moment.
DeltaBlast said:
It still isn't high resolution. Not even medium ffs... :/

Where is the 40 mb high res vid?

There is no 40 mb one. This is the high res one. FFS, this teaser is even more high res then last years!
thanx to you...

qutie a nasty peace of work file rush managed over there (link didn't work any more)
There is a high res version. you just have to be an IGN Insider to get it :p

My point was: it isn't high res, it's barely medium res, so don't decieve us with such a topic title :)
DeltaBlast said:
There is a high res version. you just have to be an IGN Insider to get it :p

My point was: it isn't high res, it's barely medium res, so don't decieve us with such a topic title :)

I am an IGN Insider subscriber. I have both their version, and the avi version on this site. They are exactly the same quality and size, except the avi is a smaller filesize. Need I make it any clearer?
Actually it is High res, since the other one is low res it's only natural to call the other one high res, right?
No, that's clear anough. What the hell is everyone talking about then? :p

still, as the apple codec is quite efficient, how did it manage to decrease its filesize so much?

Sure, the resolution is the same as the IGN vid, but I doubt it has the same clearness?
DeltaBlast said:
No, that's clear anough. What the hell is everyone talking about then? :p

still, as the apple codec is quite efficient, how did it manage to decrease its filesize so much?

Sure, the resolution is the same as the IGN vid, but I doubt it has the same clearness?

I was quite amazed myself, but it is pretty much exactly the same quality at a third of the filesize.
the video doesnt work. I can hear the sound but i cant see the video. all i can see is a drawing of gordon and alyx and its very dim. Ive tried it in all my media players and got the file from 2 different sites. Someone help me
try downloading codecs from www.divx.com - xvid codec (dont think this is xvid anyway) try typing 'xvid codec' in google
It's so jerky..... I hate the way the people walk, it's like they're on convulsing treadmills or something
I found this earlier this morning (I'm in the UK BTW) and couldn't believe my eyes, I didn't think it was real. This is the first time in a while I had felt excited about HL2 and was eager to watch the video. I had a friend round who knows nothing about HL1 or 2 and wasn't sure what his reaction would be. I'm glad to say that he thought it looked brilliant, while I explained to him that I had the same shock and excited reaction like over a year ago. Anyway, with the official website up, things seem to finally be falling in to place, yay Valve! :p
I think this is the vid that those shaky cam videos turned out to be in the end. If you could tell those vids were being edited for some kind of trailer. While not all of it was used I recognized some bits.
<RJMC> said:
I cant download it

I cannot, either. I get a 13 kB .avi file, which upon closer inspection, turns out to be an html containing all the formatting and menues of halflife2.net and the info "Coming soon."

Did you take it down? Someone with a mirror?
at what point can we see this vortigant alien??? actually which alien was this from HL I dont know the names!!!
WiffleLess said:
at what point can we see this vortigant alien??? actually which alien was this from HL I dont know the names!!!

In the section where Alyx and Vance are talking, you can see the Vortigant to the right of them... it's half out of the picture, but you can still see some of it.
oh so its that floating alien guy? hmmm. lookslike hes making a wave with his hand much like the manipulator gun. maybe he's the source of it? I dont know just wild speculation.
... must ... have ... link ... to ... vid ... ... please ...

*falls dead on the floor*
there server are proably overloaded and they took down the link to prevent a crash
man, why didnt you post this as a torrent instead of raping the hell out of the web sever.

Or at least a torrent link as well.