Hilarious gif.


Companion Cube
Feb 22, 2004
Reaction score
Ahaha that's classic ^^.

Hahaha, the Leroy Jenkins part was good.
That was funny :D

I never thought anyone could make something funny out of that awesome movie.

Best was "God mode turn on!" Yelling it into the radio, and then the bunker lights up and everyone is like "WTF!" :laugh:

I love these.
i got this gif a while ago and look at it every week, i laugh every time, it's just so damn funny
Rofl! Saw it a while ago on the Desert Rats forum. But still, classic! :E :bounce:
Hahahaha thats so great, reminds me of"all your base are belong to us" 1111

god mode turn on (main screen turn on!)
we are surrender ..

ha that F N rules
Haha awesome. Love the "Godmode on" "WTF?" part :D
oh noes! i almost pissed myself D:

- I think they could have worked a " D: " in there though
OCybrManO said:
Did your mommy let you get on the computer?
no, i told her that i was getting on the computer and that was that...but you know if i would have said that i would be in a hole in the back yard so, yes she did :E

nice, but I could see some people getting their panties in a bunch over it..
Hmm, I have this on my harddrive somewhere.