Hilarious - My friend installing a vid card

Reaktor4 said:
Well ok. I forgot that still existed.
But he still would have had to take the slot cover off.
actually he asked how to take one of those off, he isnt too bright when it comes to computers
taking it off would have showed him that these things go on and off on the inside, that was my point.
Reaktor4 said:
taking it off would have showed him that these things go on and off on the inside, that was my point.
or in his mind..gave it him a spot to slide it in, why bother argue? it's not like i made this shit up you ****tard now shut the **** up before i slit your throat and **** the wound.

Most manuals come with an installation guide with pictures, I don't know how he missed them.
^ everyone ignores the manual these days, and quite possibly for the past 50 years. ;)
xLostx said:
or in his mind..gave it him a spot to slide it in, why bother argue? it's not like i made this shit up you ****tard now shut the **** up before i slit your throat and **** the wound.

thats hawt
damn, you know you're a geek if that picture makes you lol:o

Lol judd your an asshole, 4 pages of them making fun of me, yes yes, im the idiot who doesnt read manuals, know computers, and how to install a god damn video card. come i'll own you .aK | b1ind


...talk about owned
listen to this nub, i own him 24/7 .aK | xLostx owns him :cool:
xLostx said:
actually he asked how to take one of those off, he isnt too bright when it comes to computers

He's not very bright at all roflroflrofl. THis one is for the history books.