hilarious old man reviews star wars episode I

lol at getting the girl in the end of the movie and Charlie hugs Willy Wonka
Guy needs to take the sock out of his mouth.
hahaha i love these. But where is part 7??? i cant find it
Best youtube videos I've watched in a while! Had me crackin' up.
Hehe, those were pretty good. But the jokes about his dead wife etc. got a little old at the end.
"Now I've analyzed this film with a group of cheerleaders? and they came up with one unanimous conclusion that if I let them go they promise they won't tell nobody."

This was pretty funny. Not a huge Star Wars fan so I enjoyed it even more.
Saw it a few days ago. The whole 70m mins.
The voice may be annoying at first but the guys is ****ing hilarious and right on the money.

"Eventually our...Protomrghhh..."

That line had me in stitches.
I've been watching his Star Trek reviews lately. He's hilarious.