Hillary Clinton Hatred


Oct 21, 2007
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I've noticed many people on this board and on the internet, in general, strongly dislike Hillary Clinton. What I would like to know is, what is it about Hillary Clinton that makes you dislike her?

PS: I'm looking for policies you disagree with, not gut feelings, or hyperbole.
It seems almost everybody imaginable has had an unexplainable dislike of Hillary Clinton, all stemming from various reasons.

I used to hate her, now that I can see I had no reason to other than her stance on video games, I no longer feel this way.

Ask people who still don't like Hillary why they feel that way. Most of the time you'll get a non specific answer like, "I don't know, there's just something about her" or "I just do."

Most people will not be able to give specific reasons, and when they cannot provide those reasons, you know their dislike is illogical... but so many people still seem to have those feelings.

It's not so much Hillary that I'm so interested in this, it's that I realized I disliked somebody for no real apparent reason. I'm trying to change my mindset now so I don't do that in the future to other people.
Bandwagon mentality.

'Ts why I hate her, personally.

That, and the fact that her stances on certain issues jump around.
She acts like this old bitchy lady I knew and hated. Also, videogames.
You need to get over this dumb mentality of "she hates video games therefore I hate her". People are getting killed over in Iraq and Afghanistan not to mention our own nations problem's. Yet people hold video games on a higher level than those important topics. :| Everybody likes Obama though because he says what you want to hear, yet he's such a nub at politics. He will never get anything passed and is so inexperienced that I fear for this country. Hillary now, oh boy she will be the bitchiest person to the stubborn republicans but she will get her way and make good changes. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/03/19/clinton.documents/index.html?iref=24hours Within 3 days as being first lady, she was making health care reforms and she has continually said within the first week, you will see changes. The media also doesn't like her because she is a little naggy and not as popular as pimp daddy Obama. Obama doesn't have a clear plan but rather it's a plan to make everybody happy. He just wants to make people happy regardless if he is an incompetent jackass. Obama is like Bush 2.0 in some ways. Bush made everybody like him just for the votes, then got in office and immediately set of to work to golf. :flame: Think smart and not with your heart. Also don't follow the majority of the public because we sure as hell don't know what we want just like the last election showed us and the one before that. *Hillary usually steps up to the plate during political debates as well. She always gets the first question and Obama follows while saying the exact same thing as her. This was parodied in the recent SNL skit.
Here is my answer:


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What can I say, I agree with his views, as well as Mike Gravel's.
I live near a lot of rednecks so I hear this all the time. I don't quite know why they hate her, but a fat 12 year old sang me a song about how she's terrible because she looks like a guy to the tune of "Santa Claus is coming to Town" so I've taken it to heart that they're just stubborn, immature, sexist idiots who make their political affiliations based on the candidate's preference of KFC meals. I'm neutral towards her myself, seeing no real reason to dislike her, yet not being impressed by her what so ever.

"Hillary Clinton can't even manage her period, hurrrrr hurrrrr hurrrrrrrr"
I'm pretty neutral on her, but when I'm looking at two candidates and they both agree (at least in broad strokes) on the big issues I care about, then I'm going to then decide using smaller issues, such as the violent video game issue.

Also, it could be argued that making condescending or ill informed statements about video games might be representative of a poor decision making process. Personally I just figure it's just an easy go-to issue that sounds good on the news.
She's very easy to hate as she gives the impression of being dishonest and manipulative. This is also confirmed by her constantly using cheap under-the-belt tricks against Obama. And the fact that she didn't leave Bill when he cheated on her shows that she'll do anything she can to get into the White House (she never would've got this far without Bill).
This is also confirmed by her constantly using cheap under-the-belt tricks against Obama.

I remained pretty "meh" towards her until I saw a debate in which she pulled a real bitch move against Obama. Thats when I started disliking her, because her attitude just makes her a total c*nt.
She's very easy to hate as she gives the impression of being dishonest and manipulative. This is also confirmed by her constantly using cheap under-the-belt tricks against Obama. And the fact that she didn't leave Bill when he cheated on her shows that she'll do anything she can to get into the White House (she never would've got this far without Bill).
Anyone who isn't sure why people dislike her need to reread this post then take another, closer look at the way she operates.

She strikes me as having no personal integrity at all. She's got this far off the back of the popularity of her cheating husband whom she stayed with to further her own career, so she tries to maximise the free ride she gets because of Bill's popularity but simultaneously tries to glean sympathy from women by mentioning the 'tough times' she's gone through - all while the guy who put her through those 'tough times' is standing beside her, applauding her speeches!

Even without factoring in the most irritating stuff from her campaign like the picture of Obama in a turban, or her cattiness in trying to get the press to lay off her (lesson: if your campaign stinks, the press will tell you it stinks), there is still plenty of fuel for hatred. Her campaign against Obama is a wholly negative one - negative, desperate and schizophrenic, with her being 'honoured' to be near him one moment, then screaming 'Shame on you...!' in some utterly contrived show of faux outrage the next. It insults the intelligence of any levelheaded person. I hate her mostly because of this, because I hate being treated like an idiot. And adverts that contain the implicit message of 'Vote for Hillary or else your sleeping children will be in peril!!' treat everyone like idiots.

Yet somehow she'll feel like she has the room to turn around and accuse Obama of having the negative campaign full of dirty tricks. Truly astounding that she has the gall, but then I suppose she's campaigning in a country where hardly anyone is going to hold her to account for her logical fallacies and desperate appeals to emotion.
Seriously though, I don't really hold anything against Hillary. Ive noticed that alot of people dont like her but tbh her and Obama have practically the same stance on every major issue. As long as one of them wins the presidential election I think it will play out about the same so Im impartial. Democrats really need to come together and determine a candidate soon though.
True, the two candidates are largely similar in their policies. Thing is, that's WHY no one can put actual reasons behind their dislike of Hillary. With candidates so similar for the Democratic party, It basically comes down to the smaller issues and personal opinions.

Me, I'm in almost perfect agreement with Laivasse. I had her pegged as a conniving political monster during her New York Senate campaign, much less the current presidential one. Furthermore, I'm not so certain she'll do much to help the current political divide between the two parties. There's too much hostility directed at each other, way too many filibusters. I'm not certain Obama will be able to fix it, but a diplomatic expert like him will at least cool down the tensions.

Interesting though, how the election this year is more between the two Democrats than between the two parties. Goes to show how alienated the Republican party has become in the last 6 or so years. McCain doesn't have a prayer, unless he can get the entirety of the Republican party to change its tune.
As far as policies, I dislike her policies on welfare, illegal immigration, welfare, the war, welfare, the fact that she LIES about her policies, welfare, etc . . .

I think disliking someone for personality reasons is valid, for example if someone is dishonest, or untrustable, they wouldn't be a good leader. As much as I know the Internet dislikes Rush Limbaugh (I think he's incredibly smart, but too far in the Republican's pockets for his own good), he was right all along (back to the point Hillary started politics) on how when you take a close look, she becomes an extremely unlikable, dis-genuine, power-hungry, all-around bitch.

The only reason Hillary HAD any support is because [1] she's a woman and [2] she's been running her presidential campaign non-stop since the 2004 election (well, earlier than that, but anyway . . .)

It's not so much Hillary that I'm so interested in this, it's that I realized I disliked somebody for no real apparent reason. I'm trying to change my mindset now so I don't do that in the future to other people.

No apparent reason doesn't mean no reason. Usually dislike develops based on an accumulation of more subtle factors, since people usually don't come right out and reveal they're a complete bitch/asshole if they can avoid it.

For me personally, I hate her policies, she'll say anything for a vote (has well before this campaign), and when it comes down to it, all she cares about is power.
Everybody likes Obama though because he says what you want to hear, yet he's such a nub at politics. He will never get anything passed and is so inexperienced that I fear for this country.
Hillary is NOT more experienced than Obama.

She's very easy to hate as she gives the impression of being dishonest and manipulative. This is also confirmed by her constantly using cheap under-the-belt tricks against Obama. And the fact that she didn't leave Bill when he cheated on her shows that she'll do anything she can to get into the White House (she never would've got this far without Bill).

^ Pretty much that. If you don't see it, you're "blind."
Laivasse hit the nail on the head. She has only come off to me as a person worth reviling. Her campaign has been forged on the dishonest myth of having experience, and what's worse is that people are buying it. Her tactics against Obama have often been cheap, low, and unpresidential. Her personality is erratic, leaping from fake tears to banshee yells, honored to scolding, praising Obama one second then making stupid jabs when she's not right next to him in a debate. Best of all was recently Ferraro. Clinton's limp-wristed distancing from the comments was something I expected and could have lived with, but it wasn't enough. She actually tried to spin it around and accuse Obama of playing the race card card. Huh? What a worm.

I don't understand how anybody can look at her and see president material, policies be damned. I place little stock in her ability to follow through.
I don't even care much about her. I just think Obama's probably the right man for the job.
I remained pretty "meh" towards her until I saw a debate in which she pulled a real bitch move against Obama. Thats when I started disliking her, because her attitude just makes her a total c*nt.

She certainly has pissed me off lately with her stupid childish attacks against Obama. These are things I can really dislike about her... her willingness to use underhand tactics to try and slander Obama and write him off as some child in the political game who hasn't and will never accomplish anything.
She certainly has pissed me off lately with her stupid childish attacks against Obama. These are things I can really dislike about her... her willingness to use underhand tactics to try and slander Obama and write him off as some child in the political game who hasn't and will never accomplish anything.

Yea, if anything that's more descriptive of her record and experience, and is likely to promote McCain's election.
Yea, if anything that's more descriptive of her record and experience, and is likely to promote McCain's election.

I think the same. A Hillary nomination would be a boon to McCain and Republicans.
I don't like her attitude, how she has carried herself in her campaign, and past actions or inactions that make one question her motives and ambitions.

I am happy to dislike her on this, because as we all know, when a politician during a campaign says they believe in something or plan on doing something, you know its a pretty empty promise unless you weigh what they say with how they say it and what they've done in the past, and what they are doing right now.

So this all comes round to the fact I just don't like Hillary Clinton.

But since I am not American I'm not too bothered. :p
I agree with her on the issues (except for video games but whatever).

But I disagree with her character.

Her secrecy, her lying, her belittling, her "kitchen sink" strategy, her arrogance, her parsing (near flip-flopping), and the fact that she'd do anything short of murder to become president.
It seems almost everybody imaginable has had an unexplainable dislike of Hillary Clinton, all stemming from various reasons.

I used to hate her, now that I can see I had no reason to other than her stance on video games, I no longer feel this way.

Ask people who still don't like Hillary why they feel that way. Most of the time you'll get a non specific answer like, "I don't know, there's just something about her" or "I just do."

Most people will not be able to give specific reasons, and when they cannot provide those reasons, you know their dislike is illogical... but so many people still seem to have those feelings.

It's not so much Hillary that I'm so interested in this, it's that I realized I disliked somebody for no real apparent reason. I'm trying to change my mindset now so I don't do that in the future to other people.
What did she say about video games? Elaborate, please. :|
Again, I liked his issues. But he was a terrible speaker both in speech and on TV.

Give the man a break he's in his 70s and just way too nice. It would be nice if he would be more assertive, though, but jeez how can you hold anything against the guy when all he wants to do is help everyone.
I presume you've heard of Jack Thompson?

Well, a couple years back, before Penny-Arcade pulled its fanbase weight to get Jack debarred, Hillary was on the same bandwagon as him. The most prominent act was when she proposed legislation banning the sale of M rated games to minors.

Of course, as soon as everyone figured out what a loony Jack Thompson was, Hillary disappeared faster than a Republican accused of insider trading. Guess she wasn't so anti-video games after all, eh?
She lies. Repeatedly. And never admits it later even if it has been recorded.
To be fair that little girl whipped out a Zastava M76 and started trying to pick her off after the hug.