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It's statements like that that scare the shit out of me.I'd rather her than Bush.
It's statements like that that scare the shit out of me.
It's statements like that that scare the shit out of me.
Like what? Im all for IDing someone when you buy a game, but besides that, what else can you do?
bush plunges the US into a falsified war and you'd pick him over clinton?
Clinton didn't try to catch Osama, stop ****ing watching american media. I am getting sick of these stupid talking points. Do me a favor and please actually read the following, I know its a little long:Yes I do.
Your forgeting wars or conflicts clinton did...Conflict in Somalia, Kosovo(mispell), & he also failed to act during the first Wold trade center incident & he did not even try to catch Osama now did he? & people died too, that also led up to the second Wolrd trade center Attacks.....Stupid, We could have gotten that bastard then.
By William Rivers Pitt:The two great myths that have settled across the nation, beyond the Hussein-9/11 connection, are that Clinton did not do enough during his tenure to stop the spread of radical terrorist organizations like al Qaeda, and that the attacks themselves could not have been anticipated or stopped. Blumenthal's insider perspective on these matters bursts the myths entirely, and reveals a level of complicity regarding the attacks within the journalistic realm and the conservative political ranks that is infuriating and disturbing.
Starting in 1995, Clinton took actions against terrorism that were unprecedented in American history. He poured billions and billions of dollars into counterterrorism activities across the entire spectrum of the intelligence community. He poured billions more into the protection of critical infrastructure. He ordered massive federal stockpiling of antidotes and vaccines to prepare for a possible bioterror attack. He order a reorganization of the intelligence community itself, ramming through reforms and new procedures to address the demonstrable threat. Within the National Security Council, "threat meetings" were held three times a week to assess looming conspiracies. His National Security Advisor, Sandy Berger, prepared a voluminous dossier on al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, actively tracking them across the planet. Clinton raised the issue of terrorism in virtually every important speech he gave in the last three years of his tenure. In 1996, Clinton delivered a major address to the United Nations on the matter of international terrorism, calling it "The enemy of our generation."
Behind the scenes, he leaned vigorously on the leaders of nations within the terrorist sphere. In particular, he pushed Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to assist him in dealing with the threat from neighboring Afghanistan and its favorite guest, Osama bin Laden. Before Sharif could be compelled to act, he was thrown out of office by his own army. His replacement, Pervez Musharraf, pointedly refused to do anything to assist Clinton in dealing with these threats. Despite these and other diplomatic setbacks, terrorist cell after terrorist cell were destroyed across the world, and bomb plots against American embassies were thwarted. Because of security concerns, these victories were never revealed to the American people until very recently.
In America, few people heard anything about this. Clinton's dire public warnings about the threat posed by terrorism, and the massive non-secret actions taken to thwart it, went completely unreported by the media, which was far more concerned with stained dresses and baseless Drudge Report rumors. When the administration did act militarily against bin Laden and his terrorist network, the actions were dismissed by partisans within the media and Congress as scandalous "wag the dog" tactics. The TV networks actually broadcast clips of the movie "Wag The Dog" to accentuate the idea that everything the administration was doing was contrived fakery.
The bombing of the Sundanese factory at al-Shifa, in particular, drew wide condemnation from these quarters, despite the fact that the CIA found and certified VX nerve agent precursor in the ground outside the factory, despite the fact that the factory was owned by Osama bin Laden's Military Industrial Corporation, and despite the fact that the manager of the factory lived in bin Laden's villa in Khartoum. The book "Age of Sacred Terror" quantifies the al-Shifa issue thusly: "The dismissal of the al-Shifa attack as a scandalous blunder had serious consequences, including the failure of the public to comprehend the nature of the al Qaeda threat."
In Congress, Clinton was thwarted by the reactionary conservative majority in virtually every attempt he made to pass legislation that would attack al Qaeda and terrorism. His 1996 omnibus terror bill, which included many of the anti-terror measures we now take for granted after September 11, was withered almost to the point of uselessness by attacks from the right; Jesse Helms and Trent Lott were openly dismissive of the threats Clinton spoke of.
Clinton wanted to attack the financial underpinnings of the al-Qaeda network by banning American companies and individuals from dealing with foreign banks and financial institutions that al Qaeda was using for its money-laundering operations. Texas Senator Phil Gramm, chairman of the Banking Committee, killed Clinton's bill on this matter and called it "totalitarian." In fact, he was compelled to kill the bill because his most devoted patrons, the Enron Corporation and its criminal executives in Houston, were using those same terrorist financial networks to launder their own dirty money and rip off the Enron stockholders.
Just before departing office, Clinton managed to make a deal with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to have some twenty nations close tax havens used by al Qaeda. His term ended before the deal was sealed, and the incoming Bush administration acted immediately to destroy the agreement. According to Time magazine, in an article entitled "Banking on Secrecy" published in October of 2001, Bush economic advisors Larry Lindsey and R. Glenn Hubbard were urged by think tanks like the Center for Freedom and Prosperity to opt out of the coalition Clinton had formed. The conservative Heritage Foundation lobbied Bush's Treasury Secretary, Paul O'Neill, to do the same. In the end, the lobbyists got what they wanted, and the Bush administration pulled America out of the plan. The Time article stated, "Without the world's financial superpower, the biggest effort in years to rid the world's financial system of dirty money was short-circuited."
This laundry list of partisan catastrophes goes on and on. Far from being inept on the matter of terrorism, Clinton was profoundly activist in his attempts to address terrorism. Much of his work was foiled by right-wing Congressional conservatives who, simply, refused to accept the fact that he was President. These men, paid to work for the public trust, spent eight years working diligently to paralyze any and all Clinton policies, including anti-terror initiatives that, if enacted, would have gone a long way towards thwarting the September 11 attacks. Beyond them lay the worthless television media, which ignored and spun the terrorist issue as it pursued salacious leaks from Ken Starr's office, leaving the American people drowning in a swamp of ignorance on a matter of deadly global importance.
Over and above the theoretical questions regarding whether or not Clinton's anti-terror policies, if passed, would have stopped September 11 lies the very real fact that attacks very much like 9/11 were, in fact, stopped dead by the Clinton administration. The most glaring example of this came on December 31, 1999, when the world gathered to celebrate the passing of the millennium. On that night, al Qaeda was gathering as well.
The terrorist network planned to simultaneously attack the national airports in Washington DC and Los Angeles, the Amman Raddison Hotel in Jordan, a constellation of holy sites in Israel, and the USS The Sullivans at dock in Yemen. Each and every single one of these plots, which ranged from one side of the planet to the other, was foiled by the efforts of the Clinton administration. Speaking for the first time about these millennium plots, in a speech delivered to the Coast Guard Academy on May 17, 2000, Clinton said, "I want to tell you a story that, unfortunately, will not be the last example you will have to face."
Clinton proved that Osama bin Laden and his terror network can be foiled, can be thwarted, can be stopped. The multifaceted and complex nature of the international millennium plots rivals the plans laid before September 11, and involved counter-terrorism actions within several countries and across the entire American intelligence and military community. All resources were brought to bear, and the terrorists went down to defeat. The proof is in the pudding here. September 11, like the millennium plots, could have been avoided.
Couple this with other facts about the Bush administration we now have in hand. The administration was warned about a massive terror plot in the months before September by the security services of several countries, including Israel, Egypt, Germany and Russia. CIA Director George Tenet delivered a specific briefing on the matter to the administration on August 8, 2001. The massive compendium of data on Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda compiled by Sandy Berger, and delivered to Condoleezza Rice upon his departure, went completely and admittedly unread until the attacks took place. The attacks themselves managed, for over an hour, to pierce the most formidable air defense system in the history of the Earth without a single fighter aircraft taking wing until the catastrophe was concluded.
It is not fashionable these days to pine for the return of William Jefferson Clinton. Given the facts above, and the realities we face about the administration of George W. Bush, and the realities we endure regarding the aftermath of September 11, the United States of America would be, and was, well served by its previous leader. That we do not know this, that September 11 happened at all, that it was such a wretched shock to the American people, that we were so woefully unprepared, can be laid at the feet of a failed news media establishment, and at the feet of a pack of power-mad conservative extremists who now have a great deal to atone for.
Had Clinton been heeded, the measures he espoused would have been put in place, and a number of powerful bulwarks would have been thrown into the paths of those commercial airplanes. Had the news media been something other than a purveyor of masturbation fantasies from the far-right, the American people would have know the threats we faced, and would have compelled their Congressmen to act. Had Congress itself been something other than an institution ruled by narrow men whose only desire was to break a sitting President by any means necessary, we would very probably still have a New York skyline dominated by two soaring towers.
Had the Bush administration not continued this pattern of gross partisan ineptitude and heeded the blitz of domestic and international warnings, instead of trooping off to Texas for a month-long vacation, had Bush's National Security Advisor done one hour's worth of her homework, we probably would not be in the grotesque global mess that currently envelops us. Never forget that many of the activists who pushed throughout the 1990s for the annihilation of all things Clinton are now foursquare in charge of the country today.
Outside of the gaming industry can you name a single issue that Hillary Clinton supports without pulling out wikipedia? Which of those issues do you think she is wrong on and Bush is right on? I love these right wingers (and some left wingers) that hate Clinton so passionately yet can't name a thing she is for or against.It's statements like that that scare the shit out of me.
I don't give a **** for politics one way or the other, so she has nothing going for her and one big thing (in my mind) going against her.
And don't give me any "But you should care!" BS, or you'll be just as bad as the religious guy who tells you that "You should care about god's plan for you!".
Yes I do.
Your forgeting wars or conflicts clinton did...Conflict in Somalia, Kosovo(mispell), & he also failed to act during the first Wold trade center incident & he did not even try to catch Osama now did he? & people died too, that also led up to the second Wolrd trade center Attacks.....Stupid, We could have gotten that bastard then.
That's a last resort guilt trip if I've ever seen one.Yeah, people trying to explain to you what happens in the world around you, how many innocent people die daily in your name, how many people are getting rich off your tax dollars, how there are crazy idiots in power trying to make it a crime not to go to church each week is exactly the same as some crazy guy trying to teach you about Jesus. I love this country. :thumbs:
How much more lazy can the average american be?
That's a last resort guilt trip if I've ever seen one.
I vote, and I help people when I can. Politics have brainwashed people into 'one right', so I'm not bound to one part or the other, just what affects me and who I care about.
I can't believe you couldn't hold back your 'amazing' ideal for just one post.
I don't give a **** for politics
That is embarrassing.I vote
I vote for what's closest to what I think is right at the time.You should feel guilty about not giving a shit. You say you don't care about politics yet you vote. What do you do in the voting booth, go eanie meanie miney mo? How much more selfish can you be? There are single mothers in this country that have to work upwards of 3 jobs to support their children, there are kids that can't see a doctor when they get sick, there are by average 120 innocent women, children, and men and about 2 of our soldiers dying in Iraq each day because of people as arrogant in this country as you that say they simply don't care or will vote for the person that didn't try to regulate your precious grand theft auto no matter how much damage elsewhere that person has caused.
But I suppose it is all just brainwashing by those damn politicians and people like me. There is no right, everything "political" is wrong. Wanting the dying to stop, wanting to raise the minimum wage so it isn't the lowest it has been in over 60 years, wanting to provide basic health care for poor children in this country, wanting to protect our consitution so you can have the freedom to say the arrogant shit you continue to say is wrong and you shouldn't care about any of it.
Maybe when you are forced to go to church every sunday, you are not allowed to curse, watch what you want on TV, play the games you want to play, when you can't make a phone call to your friends without being listened to by big brother, when you don't have a right to vote, and when you are forced to go to wars your country will wage in your name you will start to care. Maybe when a foreign country comes in and kills your entire family in the name of freedom something in that brain of yours will click, apperently people dying thousands of miles away is not important enough to put down that game controller and actually read up on the news a few minutes each day and then go to the voting booth with an educated opinon.
Stern, you got some room up there in Canada for me? Though I hear you guys are starting to fall for the right wing bullshit too.
I vote for what's closest to what I think is right at the time.
BTW, nice guilt trip once again, but nothing there applies to me.
You need to learn not everyone is like you, don't force your morals or ideals down someone elses throat if they don't want it.
I try not to watch news as it is very bias & becides No news is good news...nuff said.
I try not to watch news as it is very bias & becides No news is good news...nuff said.
There are so many things conflicting I'm having trouble deciding where to begin.You just don't get it. You did not address a single thing I told you. What you think is right at the time? How can you know whats right at the time if you don't take any actions in educating yourself. Do you see how you are making absolutely no sense. Do you understand how we are in a war where 120 innocent people die each and every single ****ing day because of people that think like you do?
Do you understand how the religious right is taking over this country one law at a time becasue of people that think like you do?
Do you understand that innocent people are being tortured in your name because of people that think like you do?
This has little to do with guilt but more with common sense. Things happening in politics today is not something that will never affect you, it is something that is already affecting you. The sooner people like you understand that the better off this country will be. But please, do us all a favor and understand this before it is too late. Your arrogance won't save you if this country countinues in the path it is currently heading.
how would you be able to spot bias if you dont watch the news ..or do you just discount anything that doesnt share your pov?
There are so many things conflicting I'm having trouble deciding where to begin.
I educate myself all the time about current events, and I still don't care for politics.
What makes you think it's because of people like me? Why not people like you? Get off your generalizing high horse.
This is a big reason why I downplay politics. People see others in classes and as items, never as an actual person.
I also wanna know; what country are you talking about?
When I open up newsday newspaper the first thing I see is something like "ZOMFG SOME MARINE'S(Including Shephard) & SOME IRAQ'S WHERE WERE KILLED TODAY!!!!111111one When I see that I imediatly cut to the Sports section....what really matters, Im constantly looking the Wildcard on the NL east division.
All they say is the nagative, they never say anything good...NEVER.
they never say something like "The 101st Marine division captured a vital Control point in a Insurgent infested area, Area secured says USMC Gunery Sergent R Lee. Ermlet aka "Gunny".
There is no true right or wrong, or good and evil. Considering the fact that most here are atheist, and I'm going to assume you are as well (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), then you should know this better than most.Maybe my positions are the ones destroying this world? Care to explain? And there are no classes, there is right and there is wrong. But this isn't the type of right and the type of wrong where if you **** up you get sent to detention or your room, its the type where people actually die by huge numbers. This is not a game, yet people like you treat it that way. You say you vote, I'm curious, who did you vote for in the 2004 election?
There is no true right or wrong, or good and evil. Considering the fact that most here are atheist, and I'm going to assume you are as well (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), then you should know this better than most.
And please stop assuming things about me, I don't think politics are a game, but most of the people deep in the political scene portray it otherwise.
As for the who did I vote for part, this is exactly what I'm talking about, the class thing. It shouldn't matter, as people have different scenarios for their lives.
EDIT: To the part of your positions destroying the world, that was meant to show what it's like to be completely generalized with a party of sorts. I don't know what your positions are, just as you don't know mine.
god you're such a raving idiot ..I dont have time now but sometime today I'll enjoy stomping every last statement you made ...have a nice day![]()
You can't be real.or condi! ^^
I am proud to say I voted for G.W. in 2004 (wasn't old enough for it to be counted... thats who I routed for.) I think if joh kerry was elected, he would have ****ed up worse than is humanly possible... "I won 3 purple harts in vietnam!" "By what? raping vietnam civillians? Nobody cares you ****er... that was what... 100 years ago? You do look like you died a short time ago. -.-"
He was most likely going to be a bigger **** up than G.W. ... we didn't have too much brething room. Vote for the guy that will surely get us killed, or vote for the guy that might get us killed...
as for me, I never watch the news. I watch the daily show ^^ (and the colbert report) They still give the news, they just don't make it seem depressing...
Me: k I get that this one guy said this, now don't depress me
John: *tells a funny joke about what the guy said*
Me: ZOMG TAHT WAS TEH SHIZNIT!!!11!11!!!!1!one!!11!!!!lLoLz!1!!1!!1!!
I love those shows... they make it worth the time they take up. I can't beleive americans won't vote... It don't make any sence... "I don't need to vote, it isn't going to affect me." ohh how wrong you are... What if the guy attacks a country for no reason? They are probly gonna fight back, and what if that country has nukes?
"Omgzors I am teh deadness!!!!1!1!!" yes... yes you are... I don't wanna piss myself off... i'l just let it alone.