Hippie Wars!

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Aug 28, 2006
Reaction score
Would'nt it be the TITS to have a game where you fight hippies or fight as hippies online against army infantry? The commando dudes have guns knifes everything you'd expect and hippies...well they have their pixie dust and rainbow beams..i dunno im kinda pullin this outta my ass here. Anyways the Hippies can use some psychadelic telekinesis and stuff if provoked enough. O o and they can call on animals to do there bidding. I dunno gimme some ideas here...:LOL:
I'd love it. I always wanted to bash a commie hippiy idiot with a baton.

You could have hippies throw spray LSD at goverment troops.
hahahaha see I luv ppl on this forum man. DAMN COMMIES hahaha great ideas. O they could like eat a m.mushroom and fly above dropping bong bombs and stuff. And they could have like a high meter that gives them a power boost, but if there too high they cant move and u lay down some serious beatings. Man that would be sooo sick. just walking up to him and the other person playing u can see u but not do a damn thing and u use some kinda torture method on em like say i dunno...SHAVING THEIR HEADS.
You, obviously. Another tip: There's an 'edit post' button aswell.
"Hippy Wars!" is a rather ironic name, don't you think?

Almost like Modern History.
I dislike the word 'cnut'. I prefer 'guy', or 'dude', or even the not mentioned often and oft-forgotton 'person'.
Nicely put Jintor(ps no1 is forcing anybody here to read/be a part of my threads...but if you do, please be more considerate):p

No one likes you, and you can't type for shit. Gtfo.
U seem to be the ones trolling up this thread so w/e. I was just stating a game idea. I'm sorry if I bothered or offended anybody, but as I said before if you don't like or care about what I have to say then don't read it!:)
He does make a point though. There aren't enough game that let you kill filthy hippies. They really missed a good opportunity in San Andreas, they could have filled San Fierro with peace protests. You have to admit, bailing out of a 747 before it smashes into a drum circle would be pretty entertaining.

As for other great game ideas, wouldn't it be awesome to drive the tank at Tiananmen Square?
Where's Numbers when you need him?

And, Killer7. Learn to spell! I'm just protecting your basic human internet rights. I don't have to like you as well.
twelvezies(ps SPAM) jkjkjk its really about time we get back on topic or stop altogether.If this goes nowhere please close this poll(If it's here I can't help but talk on it)