
what do you think of hippies?

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You know if you're really really tired and your screen is like half-broken and you just want to fall back asleep then "hippies" looks exactly like "nipples"
What do you guys think of nipples

I think they're crazy and weird and like obsessed with peace and breastmilk what the **** is up with that and i mean like i'm so not right-wing or anything like that i just think nipples are not okay


I find this post highly ironic. You talk about nipples, my name is nipples, and I am indeed a hippie.

I'm not like some hippie that is annoying and forces their views on others, like most Christians, and I could care less if you are all for war or not. War is bound to happen because not everyone gets along, though I believe it should be avoided.

Oh, I shower everyday and I don't steal things. I also have a job.
what do you think of them, I think theyre a bunch of weird, crazed, hyped-up, extrimists, who are obssesed with peace, and love and flowers, and get really preachy and stuff.

don't get me wrong I'm not being really right-wing or anything, I care hugely for the environment and stuff, but I just can't stand this o.t.t, obsessive culture of complete freaks. please let me know I'm not alone in the world?
I'm getting tired of that stereotype. Of course, there are the poseurs who try to fit the stereotype, but I honestly don't think it's appropriate to group of a bunch of people together just because they share a few common characteristics.
I used to hate hippies... but then I tried some of the brown acid.

I was so messed up I wasn't even capable of hate anymore.
I am generally ok with them.

What I don't like are the Greenpeace people who stand around campus asking people to pay to become members. There are so many other things you can do that don't involve paying money. Maybe if they just asked people to write letters or sign a petition, I wouldn't care, but they've gotta go straight for the money.....