History in the making...



Tell me, has there ever been another time in history that one single player game has inspired sooo many people to upgrade their ENTIRE rigs to accomodate one game. Imagine all the people across the world upgrading their comps, how much money that would total, then add up how many people are going to buy the game. The money that has been generated into countries economies because of one or two (we don't know yet) cd's of data is phenomenal. (Money well spent, don't get me wrong).
I think its fascinating...
i spent 1100 for half life 2 and i am ready to receive it.... NOW.

And it doesn't even require you to upgrade...

(I also think you overestimate the amount of people doing so)
Shit, the only game I can remember this much hype and anticipation for is the original id classic, Doom. Anyone else remember people sitting on bulletins past midnight, waiting for id to upload? The problems and the small upload delay? Back when every gamer was hardcore...
Anyone else remember people sitting on bulletins past midnight, waiting for id to upload?

Unfortunately, this was before my time on the net. :( But that book "Masters of Doom" has some really interesting info about it.
1 or 2 cd's? Won't it be more like 4 cd's?

Totally off topic:

why was enter the matrix 4 cd's?
i bought another 512mgz ddr ram and probably gonna end up getting a 9800 pro, anybody know how much price will go down with 9800xt comes out?
dont forget MP game as well. thats whats going to keep it alive for years to come
Just remember not all of us here are single player fans, I'm here for the multiplayer action" whatever it is" There has been little or no info about multiplayer, so I guess we will all just have to wait.

Don't get me wrong I will play the single player, but after that its all about multiplayer fun.
It's already been documented, that HL2 is the cause for an increase in sales in the computer hardware industry.
I didn't mind Enter the Matrix that bad...but since I didn't buy it, it's easy to say that.