

Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
I'm really enjoying CS:S at the mo :) but the hitboxes are starting to grate a little.

Many times my aim has been way off and i've been rewarded with a headshot (blood appearing in the air a clear foot behind the bad guy :/)

Is it meant to be like this?
I know how the search function works thanks. But was just feeling a little lazy.

There was a thread on this a little while ago - but nothing was really concluded.

Here's a clue for you bro - try being a little more polite :thumbs:

(i'm sure you wouldn't have been so bitchy about something like this in a real life situation. Why do people online feel it's suddenly ok to be rude? :/)
k my g dog homy dog G i was in the hissy and we sees that da hitboxs sucks to0 man!
Go touch yourself
heres some links you lazy bastard......

It is actually a forum rule if you even read that, don't start a new thread on a current subject that had been flammed to death a day before.

(i'm sure you wouldn't have been so bitchy about something like this in a real life situation.
No if you were stupid enough without reading forum rules, I would.

There was a thread on this a little while ago - but nothing was really concluded.
What's to conclude, it is all speculation and opinion.
VodkA-HLC- said:
Go touch yourself
heres some links you lazy bastard......

It is actually a forum rule if you even read that, don't start a new thread on a current subject that had been flammed to death a day before.

No if you were stupid enough without reading forum rules, I would.

What's to conclude, it is all speculation and opinion.

;) You should be our magical thread searcher. No? Why don't you show the people in Half Life 2 General chat the other 1 million threads that is about Half Life 2's release dates? They seem to pop up every single hour. ABOUT THE SAME THING.
Easy tiger, there's no need for that.

And don't start preaching about forum etiquette - the only reason you gave that curt reply was to try and put me down. Keeping the forum clear of useless threads had nothing to do with it (and you know this as much as I do)

Maybe I should have just revived an older thread - but this is certainly no big deal.

Maybe you should ask yourself why you had to be such an ass.

Either way - time to lock this thread.
Warbie said:
Easy tiger, there's no need for that.

And don't start preaching about forum etiquette - the only reason you gave that curt reply was to try and put me down. Keeping the forum clear of useless threads had nothing to do with it (and you know this as much as I do)

Maybe I should have just revived an older thread - but this is certainly no big deal.

Maybe you should ask yourself why you had to be such an ass.

Either way - time to lock this thread.
Since your parents pay for your internet, they should supervise you more.
VodkA-HLC- said:
Since your parents pay for your internet, they should supervise you more.

your conduct in this thread was appalling

this is NOT how we treat eachother at hl2.net, jumping down someone elses throat like that.

Warb was not being aggressive, flaming, or putting you down in any way.

Mr. Redundant said:

your conduct in this thread was appalling

this is NOT how we treat eachother at hl2.net, jumping down someone elses throat like that.

Warb was not being aggressive, flaming, or putting you down in any way.

Oh oh ;(
VodkA-HLC- said:
Since your parents pay for your internet, they should supervise you more.

hehe good one :thumbs:
i think that vodka really needs to take a chill pill...but hey...what do i know :rolleyes: , i only got 15 posts :O
Vodka dude needs a vodka on the rocks and 12 chill pills.
Learn how to behave on the forums. This community doesn't need to end up like the steampowered forums.


I've noticed the hitbox issues too, and I think it has something to do with the netcode actually. At least I heard something about a netcode issue when someone was in motion and you shoot 2 feet behind them and still kill them. Maybe it's got something to do with lag-compensation or rates. This was a problem in cs 1.6 as well and all the other cs versions for that matter. In the first stages of the CS:S beta the hitboxes were even weirder, so the new hitboxes are actually quite good.
Warbie said:
Easy tiger, there's no need for that.

And don't start preaching about forum etiquette - the only reason you gave that curt reply was to try and put me down. Keeping the forum clear of useless threads had nothing to do with it (and you know this as much as I do)

Maybe I should have just revived an older thread - but this is certainly no big deal.

Maybe you should ask yourself why you had to be such an ass.

Either way - time to lock this thread.

Hehe, nice one Warbie..
I've stopped playing for the most part because i don't want to untrain my self and prac to be a bad shot :|
Deljron said:
I've stopped playing for the most part because i don't want to untrain my self and prac to be a bad shot :|

For me it's just a game. Not a profession..
Jesus. Someone with 254 posts ragging on someone with 1000+? That's sort of backwards.

"You lame oldschoolers!"
Only thing ive noticed is there has been ALOT more headshots in CS:S. Since i suck alot, i blame it on hitboxes instead of my lack of skill. ;)
so, do u mean if i kick ass in CSS actually i suck? :/

oh god
yes ;) looks like it or maybe you'll just really suck in other game engines if you get really good at css as is? I never played cs and come from a quake3/ut engine games and tribes games background where you either aim at the target or lead the target. I play with pings of 15-40 and dont know what the rate or other settings to set for my connection. I hit pple when i shoot behind them :|

so i started to notice i was aiming behind pple :| I'm sure valve will fix it, so i'll just play other games while i wait for HL2 and its MP game to be out/fixed......hope.

I just want to hit want i aim at.
I just want to hit want i aim at.[/QUOTE said:

i have been on top of a guy and unloaded a whole clip in the guy....die....check dmg...i never hit him....gay
I seem to do fine with sniping/at medium distance as long as I'm standing still and not crouching suddenly. Some pubs are like playing against people who've never played CS in their life.

Upclose for some reason is really hard if the target is moving side to side, though.
Hit boxes lag because you don't see the prediction in them.

But you hit where you aim. It's just a prediction issue on the hitbox draw on client vs server.