Hitler was right

lol, reak the title may get you in a tidbit of trouble :P but halarious ..... cracked me up pretty nicely.. I already read this story on yahoo news though.
Adidajs said:
soon new performance drugs will block myostatin.

exactly my thoughts. But i'm sure that it cant be healthy to not have myostatin... you probably get stressed bones or somthing.
If the kid managed to stay health this could create a nice little controversy for sporting events, and especially the olympics. I don't see how they could legally bar someone from competition just because of a genetic mutation, but on the other hand they almost wouldn't have a choice since he'd probably crush all the competition.

Mr.Reak said:
He will end up like this cow, with similar mutation: http://www.sciam.com/media/inline/000E7ACE-5686-10CF-94EB83414B7F0000_3.jpg

I can see it's penis from here... :bonce:

I vaguely remember hearing something about that. Do you know of any links to articles on it?
:O You saying the kid is gonna have a big penis?!?! Holy crap *hopes the kids penis isn't bigger than mine*
ailevation said:
:O You saying the kid is gonna have a big penis?!?! Holy crap *hopes the kids penis isn't bigger than mine*

most likely smaller... because

a. could get fsecked up hormones or cancerous growth
b. not that it's the same as steroids.. but dont those shriven your genital area ?! :|
If the cow had a similar mutation then the kids penis is going to be the size of...my telephone that is right next to my keyboard....
congradulations reak, you have made your first penis size thread... hope you like it
is it just me or is this the basic storyline to the x-men movies, i mean; mutant dna!?!?!
The Terminator said:
Thats awesome. That kid is gonna be a tank.
if by tank oyu mean short little freak.. then maybe yeah. if his muscles develop that early, they'll probably really stunt the ability for his bones to grow as he ages. i feel bad for the kid, hopefully they can treat him though.
what if he grows to be like 7 or 8 feet with the strength of 10 men. counrties would invest a lot of money to make these ubermensch.
FictiousWill said:
What if his heart implodes when he's 20? I'll keep my normalcy thanks.

andre the giant's heart couldent take the pressure of his body? Right?
He's gonna grow up and be like any other bodybuilder, big and ugly and really strong without much use, only he won't have to work for it.
Lil' Timmy said:
if by tank oyu mean short little freak.. then maybe yeah. if his muscles develop that early, they'll probably really stunt the ability for his bones to grow as he ages. i feel bad for the kid, hopefully they can treat him though.
which is exactly why they have warning signs on muscle stimulating growth drugs that state to NOT take these drugs till after you reach a certain age. its usually either 18 or 21. which is when most people stop growing.
Maybe he'll turn in to some supersized Arnold.. :)
"Terminator overkill" would be a good name for a movie...
/me wonders which twisted mod team will be the first to rush out and do a mod based on this current story. :(
That cow looks de-licious! Look at the size of those steaks! :O
>Some researchers are trying to turn off the myostatin gene in chickens to produce more meat per bird

chickens will win the olympics!
brink's said:
There building up a super army!

Not very likely. Right now our government has many problems financing this and that, and our "Bundeswehr" is part of "this and that".
Wow this is the first thread I've last at since... that religion one with the crazy fanatic.
Zuckerhutbomber said:
Not very likely. Right now our government has many problems financing this and that, and our "Bundeswehr" is part of "this and that".
I was just kidding.
Actually, the were saying he'll probably have heart problems, not because of a muscuar body either. Since the heart is a muscle, it will keep growing, and it gets plenty of exercise beating non-stop.

Either this 'mutation' is very, very, very rare or its fatal, because throughout caveman time this would have been selected, c'mon, no limit to muscle growth?! There's a problem somewhere in there.
PunisherUSA said:
Actually, the were saying he'll probably have heart problems, not because of a muscuar body either. Since the heart is a muscle, it will keep growing, and it gets plenty of exercise beating non-stop.

Either this 'mutation' is very, very, very rare or its fatal, because throughout caveman time this would have been selected, c'mon, no limit to muscle growth?! There's a problem somewhere in there.
thats pretty much my thoughts. i mean, this gene didn't come from nowere, it must have a reason for being there. we have evolved to have that, it is needed.
Omg, Ze Hilter is back! WW3: Hitlers revenge!? O NOES!
If im not wrong it was Dr.Mengeler that did all the genetic experiments for the 3th Reich not Adolf Hitler.
crushenator 500 said:
thats pretty much my thoughts. i mean, this gene didn't come from nowere, it must have a reason for being there. we have evolved to have that, it is needed.

There are crap laods of genes that simply don't seem to figure into anything so who knows...

Anyway, imagine what that kid will be like at school and how do the parents control him if he gets angry?

I bet his huge muscles with give him really stunted groth though, just think of how much pain he would get from gowing as the bones try to expand against the incredible strength of the muscles.
The most interesting part about all this to me is the possible treatment for muscular dystrophy, since one of my best friends suffers from it.

I really didn't laugh when I saw it, Because he's 20 now and almost completely immobile, and if this could help him and people like him it would be a real breakthrough...

His lifespan was set at under 18...