Hitlers dream.... lol


Jan 17, 2006
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hehe, well one day i decided for inspiration to download the abadonware Civilization 2.
I installed it, and immediatly got the "ahhh, the good ol days".

I started the WWII scenario, and played as Axis to see if Hitler had a chance. I chose dificulty hard (which is the middle choice or something).

Anyways, i start out my Evil plans by kicking the shit out of the French. Emediatly they started pulling white flags but i ignored that.

I tried to hold off the russian for as long as possible, but eventually Stalin invaded me, so i had to kick his butt. This was a very tough one since you dont just roll over the russkies.

Now the Brits were a pain in the butt. Their technology climed faster than mine since they were a democracy and i was a fundementalism (teh pwn it allows for so much faster army production etc).
Eventually i choose just like the Fuhrer in RL, to use U-boats to disrupt their fleet, and bombarded not London but Scapa Flow since it was weakly protected.

After a long and hard war of conquering Scape Flow- losing Scapa Flow i decided its time to show some fireworks, and after the Brits nuked Dresden, i decided to nuke the shit out of Great Britain.
Incredibly they still were loud-mouths and talked "we're going to rid the world of blabla" (yeah right). At that time i had also almost crushed the Russian main cities with regular arms.

As you can see i've driven the ruskies back alot, but they had what it seemed like an infinite amount of cities to the East. Nevertheless their bulk was destroyed.
At this time the world started to appear less healthy cause of my nuke-lobbing and started to get ****ed up.

To have a little change of taste i decided the time was right to kick some turkish butt. I disliked their attitude from the get-go but thought it was important to "deal" with the least amount of opponents at the time.
Yet i'm a conquerer so naturally i couldnt resist it when i had piled up a load of arms near their border. It was like the crusades taking back Istanbul and renaming it to Constantinopel ;)

A good while later i had nuked and conquered what was left of the Brits. I needed to start removing the polution so the world (which had now gone down the drain 3 times allready) wouldnt decrease even more. Mass amounts of food shortage in Berlin-Dresden-Kiel (whom the allies also nuked) cause for severe population decreasing.
Now it was time to cross the newly conquered ocean and get rid of the yanks.

I had kept the Spanish happy for a while by ignoring them. However they started showing off and placing units in my Reich, so i had to take care of them. I piled up hundreds of units-rockets-bombers etc, and eventually whistled an invasion. I destroyed the Spanish in 1 turn (cruise missiles + paratroopers + howitzers ftw :p)...

I just couldnt get a foothold on Yanky-land, the area was so small that every landfall was destroyed the next turn. I tried to bombard the shit out of washington and New York but fighters kept destroying loads of bombers etc which took ages to cross the ocean on aircraft carriers.
Eventually like a true Fuhrer my patience was up and decided to nuke the shit out of the USA.
Thats what happened and within 2 turns i had conquered the last cities. I only needed to nuke Washington so i could pile my troops in there, and in the next turn i could throw everything i got as ground forces (howitzers mostly) at New York.

This was a really fun reinactment of the good ol days :p But when i looked out the window it was light :O
hmm, whats going on here :p, i had started in the afternoon, so perhaps i only spend a few hours playing.
When i checked it was 8:30 AM.... ROFL,
I had played through the night, and am still screwed up with a big headache and sore eyes :p
I'm going to rest now from conquering the world, its been a blast, and o.. sorry Brits and Yanks, but i just had to nuke you guys, you didnt want to roll-over regularly like the Spanyards, Ruskies, French and Turks did.

:p The good ol days.
I did WW1 on Civ3 and conquered all of Europe (as the British). But it gets a bit boring near the end where you can just walk over the enemy.

Mostly fun though :)

But Civ games really do make you play sooooo long without realising the time. D:
Nice one :)

I can't remember the last game that kept me awake till that tme in the morning - probably Dungeon Siege 2.

Civ is one of the games that puts you in a time warp, you freeze and the rest of the world goes into fast forward.
you should try Hearts of Iron 2. It would blow your mind away.
Note to self: Nuking the shit out of everyone is an easy way to conquer the world.
You've done Hitler proud this day.


Make sure you take your ruling seat in Prague, as he wanted.
Wow...... I have Civilization: Call to Power, but it gets boring.

I want to play that, though. Europe, here I come!
You must invade the lands of the eastern hordes as well, and conquer Africa and steal their resources like a true european.
Aaaah... Civ 2... the glorious carefree days when trading routes were established via camels and you could nuke someone just as he discovered gunpowder...
You must invade the lands of the eastern hordes as well, and conquer Africa and steal their resources like a true european.

Nah in Civ2 you have more $$ saking the French with their bagettes then going for Africa :p
Aaaah... Civ 2... the glorious carefree days when trading routes were established via camels and you could nuke someone just as he discovered gunpowder...

You can do that is Civ 3 as well. THE REPUBLIC FTW! :thumbs:
nah man, first head for Democracy, then keep that till you got all the tech, and cash. Fortify yourself, build SDI defence all over the place :p
Then, when the time is right, switch to Fundementalism, and go pwn the world :p