Hitman Contracts Demo

I downloaded it an hour or so ago and gave it a try. The game seems cool as hell, I'd almost buy it if I hadn't spent so much cash on pc games as is. I heard it's pretty much identical to Hitman 2 so I'll probably pick that up. For $10 you can't go wrong.
:dozey: Hitman: Contracts looks so dope, downloading demo as I type this up. Although, I am also downloading the full version on bittorrent :D . I love people, we love to share :D
ailevation said:
:dozey: Hitman: Contracts looks so dope, downloading demo as I type this up. Although, I am also downloading the full version on bittorrent :D . I love people, we love to share :D

yar, here there be pirates

Has anyone here played Hitman 2? For $10 on the PC it's almost a definate purchase for me now but I'd still like opinions on it from those who have played both 2 and 3. How similar are they? As long as it's as accessible as 3 I'll be getting it for sure.
I haven't played Hitman: contracts yet but the Hitman and Hitman 2 were really good :)
No warez talk please.

I'll be getting this demo soon, hopefully :).. I've got so much to do/play at the moment
Bloody left my download on last night to go while I slept and it didn't bother working. Feh. Getting it from Gamershell now.
The graphics look identical to Hitman 2, I thought I heard about a new engine?
If you are bored of stealthing it and/or wanna see all the guns in the demo (there are some cool ones ;)) then add:

EnableConsole 1

to your HitmanContracts.ini file (open with word pad). You can add it to the bottom of the config settings.

Then in game bring down the console and type:

God 1

And have some fun!

Omg! I think all the weapons from the game are in there, there is a shitload of them! Including
a minigun, gold desert eagles, uzis, m4s, loads of sniper rifles, loads!
It's great fun, I will certainly be buying it!
Was Hitman the first game to have ragdoll physics? Back then, it was unbelievable how the bodies acted like real ones. Shoot one in the head, and it made backflips bouncing from tables and walls!

I have read it took ten years to build the Hitman engine. That's a lot of work!
Seppo said:
Was Hitman the first game to have ragdoll physics? Back then, it was unbelievable how the bodies acted like real ones. Shoot one in the head, and it made backflips bouncing from tables and walls!

I have read it took ten years to build the Hitman engine. That's a lot of work!

Lol. Realism at its finest :) You could launch guys like 100 yards if you hit them right with your ballers (Which I love). I'm d/ling the demo right now...unfortunately quite slow.
I've just played it for a few mins, and my initial imrpession was that it doesn't mathces the quality I've seen on Hitman 2.

The animation look robotic, the engine hasn't been as optimized as it should....whatever, it will be a good game, but it could be loads better....
I found it quite fun, albeit rather short and easy (even on the hardest difficulty)
The furthest I've got is when I give the guy the laxative and I tried to kill him in the bathroom but it won't let me so I gave up.
Pressure said:
The furthest I've got is when I give the guy the laxative and I tried to kill him in the bathroom but it won't let me so I gave up.
if your playing on easier difficulties wait for him to go into the bathroom, then follow him in (stay away from the guard and move slow)

once inside if your playing on easy, simply pull out your silenced pistol and blast him in the noggin, then grab his clothes.

if you are playing in the harder difficulties you wont have the pistol, in which case you should use the lethal injection on him, take his clothes and skiddadle
I ended up pretty much gunning my way through the level the first time. I got the mass murderer rank..of course. I don't like how guys have spasms when you shoot them, and the game looks almost the exact same as Hitman 2 but with lowered performance... I wonder if that's just because it's the demo. I plan on checking out the full game sometime.

The first guy I assassinated was on the deck of that ship. I just walked kinda between the guys on the dock area and the guy patrolling, busted out my silenced baller, and took like 3 shots and him to take him down. I holstered my gun and nobody was the wiser. The second guy was even easier. He and a couple guards were standing over a dead guard's body near the train line at the airstrip. So I just killed all 3 and changed clothes. The rest was easy enough too...until I accidently picked up an AK with my radiation suit on, then everyone on the entire side of the level was after me. That's where the mass murderer rating came in.
Mr. Redundant said:
if your playing on easier difficulties wait for him to go into the bathroom, then follow him in (stay away from the guard and move slow)

once inside if your playing on easy, simply pull out your silenced pistol and blast him in the noggin, then grab his clothes.

if you are playing in the harder difficulties you wont have the pistol, in which case you should use the lethal injection on him, take his clothes and skiddadle

When I tried that it wouldn't let me shoot him or inject him. He just sat on the toilet taking a crap then the gaurd busted in after like 3 minutes of me tryin to kill this guy that was takin this nasty soundin crap. I guess I'll try again later.
You have to stick him in the back. I beat it but I have a problem with the sound, there is somthign that makes my speakers make an incredibly loud high toned sound. I think I started bleeding from the ears before I found out it wasn't suppose to sound like that.
Sprafa said:
The animation look robotic, the engine hasn't been as optimized as it should....whatever, it will be a good game, but it could be loads better....
Agreed, turn off the Post Filter, and agreed, respectively :)
hitman 1 had ragdols? to my knowledge, hitman 2 is the first with ragdolls
Foxtrot said:
You have to stick him in the back. I beat it but I have a problem with the sound, there is somthign that makes my speakers make an incredibly loud high toned sound. I think I started bleeding from the ears before I found out it wasn't suppose to sound like that.

I tried sticking him in the back and it didn't work.
I had problems with the injection thing too. That's why I hardly used those alternative weapons in Hitman2, they're a bitch to use and 'missing' pretty much guarantees an angry enemy shooting you while you don't have a gun out. So I just use silenced weapons instead.
I've managed to anihilate everyone in the 2nd highest difficulty....They've really brought down the Hitman spirit....
well i got it full game and played the first level abit. it seems really dulled down for the consoles which is really annoyign. the level i have played was pants :( hitman isnt about large scale missions like this russian snow thing :( the first one was amazing because it was so complex and so stealthy, if you get spotted you die. Hitman contrats i was just running around shooting the NPCs and they just stand there watching. even when they where shooting me i didnt die.. well these are my first thoughts, im going to play it more becuase the first two where so good. we will see :/

torso boy said:
hitman 1 had ragdols? to my knowledge, hitman 2 is the first with ragdolls

hitman 1 had ragdolls thats what made it so damn good :p was the first game i played with ragdoll and it was a cople of years back now
Mind you isn't this meant to have a load of missions from Hitman 1 anyway?

Things like the Hotel (Loved that level, I hope to go I can still use the sauna as an interesting murder weapon :p)

And yes Hitman 1 did have Ragdolls it also had a fairly good physics engine (cloth that floated in the breeze that go around you as walk through them etc)
Yeah, and also if you shot a vase, it would break differently depending on what part of it you hit.
Seppo said:
Was Hitman the first game to have ragdoll physics?

Im pretty sure the first game to have ragdolls was Trespasser. It was terrible.
Isn't Trespasser also an alien from Quake2? Or that's what the alien said when they attacked you. Man I enjoyed blowing them off with Super shotgun, which by the way has the most balls of any weapon in PC gaming history!
I d/led the demo of Trespasser a long time ago. Controls were extremely weird from what I remember and it was awkward. I liked how you could shoot the trailer er whatever and it'd fall down allowing a spot for you to jump down onto. Then you killed like 2 raptors and walked around and it ended.

I still wanna check out Hitman: Contracts sometime because apart from just doing the missions, I had tons of fun in Hitman 2 just messing around blasting people and seeing just what I could get away with.