Hitting Speed Bumps.

Dec 14, 2004
Reaction score
So lately my computer has just been running like molasses up a hill. More Specifically when i close a programs window the program will appear in the task bar for a second or to and the window wont close very quick either. Also when windows starts up the loading screen the black background doesn't appear very long but after that things take forever to start up, the welcome music will come far before I actually see my desktop which wasn't happening before. Also lately programs are now taking at least 3x what they used to to start up. The only thing that it can still do good is games and actually running programs. The problem is in starting them up and exiting out of things in general. I'm thinking that it must be a software issue seeing as my games and programs run fast and my hardware specifications should be sufficient to run windows smoothly. More than a problem it's just annoying and i just was curious of what you guys do when your computer starts to bog. I ran both spybot and adaware, defragmented. Seems like everything, although i did mention in another thread that my computer is now running 48 processes I need to get rid of some i just don't know which ones. what else could this slow down be due to, I really don't want to reformat just because of this.
Here's a screenie of my processes maybe you guys could make a list of what I should get rid of. Thanks.
Open the run command in the start menu and type msconfig. Then go to Services, click hide all Microsoft processes, and untick almost all of the processes that are left. ONLY leave ticked the ones that you NEED to start at the startup. Any others will start when you click to start the program like you normally would. If you don't know what something does, google it. Same with the next tab over, Startup. You PC will start quicker, and have more RAM available.
Sounds even worse than just startup processes...but definitely do what Shasta said and see if that fixes things up.
Im on my work computer with its wimpy little resolutions so I cant get a good look at your processes,but IMHO you should just give your hard drive an enema. It never hurts to do it atleast once a year.