Hl 1 i want awnsers


Dec 11, 2004
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I just beat hl1 again n those tanks on xen, wtf? who was our army fightin over there, where combine on xen too?
Yes, the Combine took over Xen before HL1.

Our army (armIES?) fought against the Combine on Xen and Earth, I beleive, during an all-out war which lasted about 7 hours, then Breen stepped in and surrendered Earth to the Combine. During the Gman's end-ride, you visit a place during the middle of the war, I beleive. Or, it may be a different war. But it sure seems to be the 7-hour war.

However, it was not against the Xen aliens. You liberated them from the Nilinth (SP?) in HL1.



The tanks, soldiers etc in Xen is just something you will have to find out on your own.
Actually, I think the tanks on Xen were from the army invading Xen after the Black Mesa Incident (or during). They took control of Xen "for a time". The portal storms and 7 hour war came later.
I believe Xen were previously controlled by the Combine and you freed them from the Combine by killing the Nihilanth. The armies might of been just there to protect the scientists who were doing research. The Combine took over Earth a couple of years later and then Gordon Freeman defeated the Combine yet again.... Gordon must be really giving the Combine the sh*ts.

P.S 100 posts. :)
Blakeb155 said:
The armies might of been just there to protect the scientists who were doing research.
But the G-man says "we have captured the borderworld for the time being" (or similar). He's talking about the army - which he may have sent to Black Mesa (if you can believe anything from OF). They weren't there to protect the scientists. Remeber: "Don't shoot, we're with the science team?"
lol I LOVE HL 1 :D so many memories... i remember the tanks on xen an all i no (or atleast think i no is) you killed nihinthilla (or wateva) an that freed all the alien slaves and then the combine came to xen to take it over so then earths army came to protect
I always remembered the intense, claustrophobic corridors of BMRF. What fun!!! :p
SsmitzZ said:
i remember the tanks on xen an all i no (or atleast think i no is) you killed nihinthilla (or wateva) an that freed all the alien slaves
Nihinthilla, lol, sounds like a female version of the Nihilanth. :p
i heard that the ground textures were earth ground and that the sky being xenish was only because they couldn't change without a load. Therefore it could have simply been the tanks on Earth. Not sure how valid this is, but it makes much more sense.
damn nobody has a clear awnser on the tankies, it's been so long ago i know folks, but hmm is it xenish, or during the 7hr war?
terrorist420 said:
damn nobody has a clear awnser on the tankies, it's been so long ago i know folks, but hmm is it xenish, or during the 7hr war?

IMO the 7 hour war happened while Gordon was in stasis.
OF has nothing to do with the HL 1 story. It's not a Valve game! When you see the tanks, then G-man says that you made this happen. Ergo: he's speaking about a war that made Gordon happen, he is to blame for. It's a flashbacklike picture in the end of the game, so it can be a flashforward.

In HL2 they speak about the 7 hours war. That happened before HL2 and happened after HL1. Why would be there 2 seperate wars? It's the same war. The Xen sky could depict the portal storms are happening. (Maybe the portal storms thing was made to explain the Xen sky, because the Earth sky couldn't be loaded.) There is no proof that the Earth invaded Xen. The only time we thought that, when in the end of HL1 we see the tanks. But in HL2 those tanks are explained by the 7 hrs war.

isnt it obvious:

'the borderworld, xen, is under our control...for the time being. quite a nasty piece of work you pulled off there, i am impresssssed'

so after you killed nihilanth, earth troops moved onto xen.

later porbably got killed by combine, then 7 hour war occured.
Does anyone have a pic. I remember the tanks being on sand.
ríomhaire said:
Does anyone have a pic. I remember the tanks being on sand.

yeah it was in a sandy crator, but with a totally xen atmosphere, i wounder how the hell our troops got over there in the firstplace, (thought portals when't that strong sending tanks and such)

ANother question,

those huge army guys that shoot the flying homing bees ( you get their bio hive thing) in hl1, where they not xen army?? what happend to those guys, wouldn't they have came through the portal stormz with the vortigaunts??
terrorist420 said:
yeah it was in a sandy crator, but with a totally xen atmosphere, i wounder how the hell our troops got over there in the firstplace, (thought portals when't that strong sending tanks and such)

ANother question,

those huge army guys that shoot the flying homing bees ( you get their bio hive thing) in hl1, where they not xen army?? what happend to those guys, wouldn't they have came through the portal stormz with the vortigaunts??
maybe all of them died, when you kill Nihilinth, its possible they were linked to him.
terrorist420 said:
those huge army guys that shoot the flying homing bees ( you get their bio hive thing) in hl1, where they not xen army?? what happend to those guys, wouldn't they have came through the portal stormz with the vortigaunts??
Alien Grunts. They aren't natural aliens - they were artificially created in the Xenian factories (or as some call it, The Citadel of Xen), where the Vortigaunts worked. Since the Nihilanth is dead, and the Vorts are freed, then the production line of Alien Grunts would've ended - since there are no more slaves to work in the factories.
rpgprog said:
maybe all of them died, when you kill Nihilinth, its possible they were linked to him.
Although not all of them died, since the Gman will kindly teleport you to them if you don't agree with him.
150 posts! :naughty:
yeah it was in a sandy crator, but with a totally xen atmosphere, i wounder how the hell our troops got over there in the firstplace, (thought portals when't that strong sending tanks and such)

Its probably the merger, like when pieces of xen came to earth, pieces of earth went to xen.
Or maybe it was a gigantic portal
Like the one Breen tries to go through. Rememder that the sky went all Xenish then.
Cons Himself said:
isnt it obvious:

'the borderworld, xen, is under our control...for the time being. quite a nasty piece of work you pulled off there, i am impresssssed'

so after you killed nihilanth, earth troops moved onto xen.

later porbably got killed by combine, then 7 hour war occured.

Hmm... i think you're rigth ... :D
Ok, something doesn't make sense here.
1. How can the soldiers breathe on Xen? Yes, some of them had gas masks - but I doubt any of them had oxygen tanks or whatever is needed to breathe on Xen.
2. If the human army did invade Xen, then wouldn't we have seen massive Xen vs. Military battles - like we did in the later levels of Black Mesa?
3. Why are there tank and human remains on only one part of Xen? It would make more sense if the majority of Xen was littered with dead bodies and tanks. There is no evidence of the military anywhere on Xen apart from the last sequence with the G-Man.
4. In the last sequence where we see the tank and human remains - they are on sand. Now why is there sand from Earth on Xen? Surely somebody didn't teleport a huge truck which unloaded a couple of tons of sand on Xen. Xen, naturally, has no sand. Everything seems to be made out of a rocky, or organic material.

So all this leads me to beleive that the military didn't invade Xen. Perhaps only small amounts of military units were teleported to Xen. Just like we had Xenians jump through during the Resonance Cascade - so perhaps the Nihilanth's death (pretty much the end of the BMRF incident) caused a few last portals which teleported small amounts of military troops / scientists / barneys etc to Xen (where they were brutally massacred, of course).

And then you can have the complete alternative. The Half-Life 1 engine can't handle multiple skyboxes - so what we see is really supposed to be on Earth, but the Xen-sky is there due to engine incapabilities.

By what the G-Man says, "the borderworld, Xen, is in our control" - I don't think he's referring to the military/humans - I think he might be talking about his own people. Now that the Nihilanth is dead, you might have helped the G-Man win Xen for his people. But let's not go too in-depth with the G-man theories. Nobody seems to find them interesting anymore.
sfc_hoot said:
so what we see is really supposed to be on Earth, but the Xen-sky is there due to engine incapabilities.

What about HL Source? Did they fix it then? Or maybe we'll have to wait until Black Mesa Source.

sfc_hoot said:
But let's not go too in-depth with the G-man theories. Nobody seems to find them interesting anymore.

True, but that's the most interesting idea I've heard in a VERY long time. Almost as good as the G-man = God thread. j/k. :p Nah, seriously that's some good theorising.
Black Mesa is invaded by Xen troops, G-Man alerts the Government who prepare to attack Xen, Troops start coming through, Gordon kills Nihilanth and the portals go crazy, opening up all over Earth, the U.S. begins sending thousands of troops through to defend Earth. the Alien Grunts are killed and the Vortigaunts surrender. Earth controls Xen.

a few years later....Combine arrive, The battles on Xen are ridiculously short and mass evacuation of Xen is ordered, however seeing as though the portal storms stopped some time ago it takes a while and during this time all troops of Xen are destroyed, the Combine seem content, but in actual fact are just waiting for the time to strike.

The Combine arrive, they conquer Earth in the 7-Hour war and then the events of HL2 happen.

Sand on Xen? Well it could just be a different part of Xen, or some sand from Earth came through the Portal.
i think hoot is right, because the sky doesn't change no matter where you are, its static, so of course it couldn't change mid level. This prolly is an engine problem and they decided to explain it by the portal storms.
Blakeb155 said:
What about HL Source? Did they fix it then? Or maybe we'll have to wait until Black Mesa Source.

nup. can't change skyboxes mid-level in HL1 or HL2. i think the simplest reason for this is that theres no need.

a single level is only meant to encompass one area... the only time a skybox change was ever needed was in the HL1 ending sequence. i guess they decided it wasnt neccessary for a 5 second scene.
Black Mesa is invaded by Xen troops, G-Man alerts the Government who prepare to attack Xen, Troops start coming through, Gordon kills Nihilanth and the portals go crazy, opening up all over Earth, the U.S. begins sending thousands of troops through to defend Earth. the Alien Grunts are killed and the Vortigaunts surrender. Earth controls Xen.

a few years later....Combine arrive, The battles on Xen are ridiculously short and mass evacuation of Xen is ordered, however seeing as though the portal storms stopped some time ago it takes a while and during this time all troops of Xen are destroyed, the Combine seem content, but in actual fact are just waiting for the time to strike.

The Combine arrive, they conquer Earth in the 7-Hour war and then the events of HL2 happen.

Sand on Xen? Well it could just be a different part of Xen, or some sand from Earth came through the Portal

I agree
Remember is the gman is not human and he says
Does that mean the military?
valve would not have allowed such a thing about engine capabilities make things worse at the end of the game. they would have most likely omitted the small portion if it was an engine problem.
and taking the word storm from "portal storms" you get storms, then you get bad storms. we can assume they got worse, teleporting chunks of earth over eventually along with tanks and so.

about the combine fighting in the 7 hour war, what were they wearing during combat? the same uniforms we see in hl2, because that is somewhat similar to human technology, they even use human weapons. they cant only have relied on striders and gunships.
Cons Himself said:
isnt it obvious:

'the borderworld, xen, is under our control...for the time being. quite a nasty piece of work you pulled off there, i am impresssssed'

so after you killed nihilanth, earth troops moved onto xen.

later porbably got killed by combine, then 7 hour war occured.

The _G-Man_ sais this, and NOT the President of the United States. Why dou you think that the G-Man is from Earth???? I think it's quite obvious: if the American government would have given the time-space technology to the G-man, than probably they wouldn't have lost the 7 hrs war.

There is no proof that Earth invaded Xen except some tanks on Earth sand at the end of HL1. As I said: the program's skybox problem can be explained with the portal storms. They speak about a war in Hl1 that happens after HL1. They speak about a war in HL2 that happens before HL2. Any conclusions?

OMG: I speak about the US Government as it would be the Earth itself.
about the combine fighting in the 7 hour war, what were they wearing during combat? the same uniforms we see in hl2, because that is somewhat similar to human technology, they even use human weapons. they cant only have relied on striders and gunships.

That's a very good point, and something I had thought about a lot myself - in the fight against earth forces, the combine couldn't be using the "Combine Troops" from HL2, at least not at the start, as these were created from humans. The conclusion I came to is that, while the Combine may not have had any small ground troops, a massive force of striders and gunships such as those you see in the citadel, combined with some of the synth enemies and cremators, etc that are hinted at in various parts of the game, PLUS citadels springing up in cities all over the world PLUS weapon technology like that suppressor cannon which you have to take out....would have been enough to make short work of a world that was already suffering badly under the fallout of the Black Mesa incident.

One thing I figure is that we should assume there is a lot we don't see of the Combine in our time as Freeman...they've been in control of the entirety of Earth for years - we fight them for a few days, in one small patch of (Eastern European looking) Earth. Perhaps the shock forces which the Combine used to overwhelm Earth were withdrawn to the citadels after some semblance of control had been established, and they could be replaced with the new "Guaranteed at least 80% human in every pack!"-Combine Troop (tm) model coming fresh off the conveyor belts.

Going back to the original question though - firstly, I don't buy the whole thing about the Combine being in control of Xen at the time of HL1. It just wasn't the Combine's style. Xen was an organic infestation, the Combine is a mechanical one. If the Combine wanted to invade Earth through Xen, they'd have done so by slapping great big laser cannons on vortigaunts, headcrabs that fly around with helicoptor-rotors etc. I believe that the Xen weapons they're using against mankind (artillery shells full o' headcrabs, etc) are just stuff they've found on Earth, and decided to lark about with.

I'm not too sure who the G Man means when he says "our" - it would make sense that he's referring to whoever his employers are, except that he's showing you dead human troops in a place that looks quite Xen-ish (but may well not be Xen). However, the alternative is that the US Govt, after mobilising an elite clean-up force to hush up the BM incident, then used that tiny clean-up force to launch an interplanetary invasion (easy to keep secret, I'm sure). Which seems a little retarded.

Conclusion: who knows what the hell it is you're being shown at the end of HL1. However, I for one doubt that humanity could ever have got control of Xen...even allowing for the possibility that it's a miniscule place, humanity has NO way to get their forces across. There's tons of one way traffic from Xen, but look at all the trouble the Lambda guys have to go through to get a few men across in return. We can take the Xen sky in that scene to be a reference to those "portal storms" which I reckon were a gradual worsening and spreading of the portal disturbances at Black Mesa.

Tere MAY have been 2 wars....let's face it, not everything wrong with Earth in HL2 is due to the Combine. They didn't make the antlions, they didn't put the leeches in the sea, etc etc...MY view is that what you see in HL2 is an Earth that's suffering after being royally bumplugged by 2 alien forces, independent of eachother.
The portal storms are what the Combine used to invade earth and transport their citadels over. They have nothing to do with Xen.
something interesting on http://blackmesa.megazones.net/analysis.htm the bit on the nihilinth, it compares it to elements from hl2, such as the structure style on the bottom half of the nihilinth and other objects built by the combine in hl2. isnt my website i cant take credit ofr whats on it, but it is very interesting.

its also very interesting, how we can spend so much time examining and discussing just a game (well, 2 now ;) oppfor and bs were gearbox)
half life has become a religion :eek:

but i love it!
Hmm, but it seems like *everything* in that analysis is based on the assumption that the Combine were in control of Xen during HL1. I dunno where people have got this idea from. I don't see any evidence for it in the game.

Likewise with the portal storms being a Combine-related thing. Why? Why not an explanation of how Earth has become unlivable due to *Xen* forces as well as Combine ones? Breen talks about "the Black Mesa incident" as if *every* citizen would know what it was (and should hate whoever was responsible). So what started with the Black Mesa incident that was so terrible? My money's on a Xen infestation of earth - not an invasion, since the Nihilanth is dead, but random natural life like headcrabs, bullsquids, houndeyes, ichthyosaurs and whatnot flooding over and ruining the planet....
someone was in controll of the vorts, the green chains around their hands and neck in hl1, i thought combine invaded xen made or messed up niliththth and went on their way,

and bs was valves creation