HL 2 done, confirmed by Gabe

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Read my post on the Steam forums, talem...
half life 2 is finished 'by' CS:S is not. riiight. that alone is reason no one here should believe this
You can find out, get the source code from the email and post it.
I doubt Gabe would break the news to GameFAQs first, let alone even go there.
That's gotta be fake.
i dunno i found it on HL2fallout.com so no i dont have the email personally, but Steam has doubled there bandwidth and stuff, so id say prepair
Somebody pointed out that the mail was sent at 6AM Eastern time, which would be 3 AM Pacific. I sincerely doubt that he would announce via email that their game is done at 3 in the morning to Gamefaqs
don't be blindly stupid. read my post, and look at the grammar, gabe wouldn't make an error that huge
Looks real.

but i doubt it with all the BS. fakes these days.
I have sent an e-mail asking him to confirm. We'll just wait and see.
and not only that obvious mistake but the first period should be a comma. hello? its fake. gabe worked for microsoft he has good grammar.
poseyjmac said:
don't be blindly stupid. read my post, and look at the grammar, gabe wouldn't make an error that huge

You mean the guy who didnt have his game on a secure network?

the same guy who picked his first name and his second names initial as his global password.

the guy who doesnt work for dictionary.com

Im not saying its real, just that Gabe has and always will make mistakes just like everybody else.
didnt gabe say the world would know it when it went gold? its fake.
Jesus guys...it's obviously fake. If you want to know when the real game goes gold, http://half-life2.com/news.php f'in pwnz j00.

Everything else can be considered a nice heaping pile of Grade A super fantastic-o Bullshit.
Dougy said:
You mean the guy who didnt have his game on a secure network?

the same guy who picked his first name and his second names initial as his global password.

the guy who doesnt work for dictionary.com

Im not saying its real, just that Gabe has and always will make mistakes just like everybody else.

its easy to correct grammar mistakes, especially when you know it will be seen on many sites. this was done by a 13 yr old.
It's obviously not Gabe, and the fact people have emailed him to confirm is really... sad.

As stated by bait at the steamforums

Fake. If you want to know when HL2 is REALLY done and it isn't a fake, go to www.half-life2.com. It would have a press release there.

It's been stated time and time again, when HL2 goes gold, you WILL know.
Iconoclast said:
It's obviously not Gabe, and the fact people have emailed him to confirm is really... sad.
Its not sad. Its just to comfirm, wouldnt you want to know for sure?
Iconoclast said:
It's obviously not Gabe, and the fact people have emailed him to confirm is really... sad.
I think of gold as the game is ready to be distributed, not just finished.
lol.. by the "Dear GameFAQs member", you already know it's fake lol...

now lock and/or change the name :p
Definition of game being done isn't really clear since all they are doing is bug testing. The game has probably been "done" when it comes to the content side for well over a month now.

But ya, most likely fake.
I find it stupid that you are all saying its fake because Gabe made a spelling error. How sad.
poseyjmac said:
its easy to correct grammar mistakes, especially when you know it will be seen on many sites. this was done by a 13 yr old.

Please, try correcting your own grammar before you go nit-picking on that of others. Ever heard of a capital letter, let alone proper spelling? Oh, the irony is just too much....
poseyjmac said:
its easy to correct grammar mistakes, especially when you know it will be seen on many sites. this was done by a 13 yr old.

I see a grammar mistake in your post.

Your 13 then right?
Dougy said:
I see a grammar mistake in your post.

Your 13 then right?

man did i call it. i knew you were going to bring this up, but ill educate you with the difference.

hes in a PROFESSIONAL business making an email that will BE SEEN BY MANY, which could be an INTERPRETATION OF HIS DEMEANOR AS A VALVE EMPLOYEE. i am in a forum, talking to shmucks like you, i don't need to correct anything. understand?

edit: thought you were smarter than this, but i suppose you're just like the other brainwashed hopefuls
Tinneth said:
I find it stupid that you are all saying its fake because Gabe made a spelling error. How sad.

We're going on a little bit more than the fact whoever wrote that can't spell very well.

You know, like the whole thing about there not being an official press release on several hundreds of website, the fact the CS:S beta is still on and the streets aren't filled with ranting idiots chanting " G4B3 PwNZ UZZ 4LLL n00BZz1!1"
It's **extremely** easy to fake an email from ANYONE you want it to be from to yourself. Then just take a screenshot a blamm-o -- instant "credibility" and you don't even have to photoshop it.
MrBongo said:
Please, try correcting your own grammar before you go nit-picking on that of others. Ever heard of a capital letter, let alone proper spelling? Oh, the irony is just too much....

hes in a PROFESSIONAL business making an email that will BE SEEN BY MANY, which could be an INTERPRETATION OF HIS DEMEANOR AS A VALVE EMPLOYEE. i am in a forum, talking to shmucks like you, i don't need to correct anything. understand?

abundance of dumbasses today..
jeeez flame flame flame, shit didnt i say it wasnt my email, i found it on Hl2fallout, anyways, i think a mod should close this forum before more lil kids come in here and whine.
i agree. close this bullshit up.

but next time read the email and use some common sense before posting it
They closed the similar thread over at HL2Fallout. They deemed the e-mail as an actual e-mail, but not from Gabe or Valve. This should be closed as well.
I say that all valve employees should stop posting on all fan forums and just post official news on the offical HL2 site ONLY.

This is getting ridiculous. If Gabe makes an official post on the offical site stating something like:

"Unfortunately, due to several fake emails that are floating around claiming to be from me, we have decided that all offical information will now be posted here. If you see any information or emails that claim to be from me regarding the status of our products it is fake."
Indeed. Jesus Christ, even if it is done, what shall you do about it? Go out for a campfire with your boyscouts and sing 'Combaya' or what the twat song is about, OR shall you spam the forums with useless posts such as "HL2 IS DONE!! HORRAH!!!.." and then think: And now what?

Nah, go to bed and wake up when HL2 is in-store.
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