HL 2 review/score predictions.


May 13, 2004
Reaction score
Well, getting the obvious fact that "the game isn't out yet", out of the way, what score do you predict hl2 would get out of a scale from 1 to 10.

1 being lowest (highly unlikely in hl2's case, anyway)
10 being greatest
I think in a sensible games magazine tbh I only like PC Gamer UK, id think around 98% as much as Id like to say "kewl its gonna get 100%!!" in reality theres no such thing as the perfect game and a reviewer will have to look at it from the point of view of someone who 1. isnt a dedicated HL fan and 2. probably isnt that into FPSs. :)
well out of a scale of 1 to 10...
25/10.. on a % scale..
110% it will be so perfect that it will redefine perfection.
This is a bit of a pointless question... but seeing as you asked, I guess the score will be above 95%. For reviews of of 10, it will be either 9 or 10, and I would guess probably 9.
Well, from what I "predict" this is what I think it'll get.

(in IGN/Gamespot fashion):

Gameplay: (I can't really rate this, but I'm predicting a 9.8 at the very best and 7.8 at the very least)

Presentation: The game boxart looks good - I await the special edition box cover though-the presentation and the HUD displays are subtle, bright yellow when being used and then they fade as you stop - like the idea of HUD displays turning red when ammo or health is low. The menu screen (I'll consider the one in the e3 2004 gamespy video for the moment) seen briefly seems slick.


Graphical presentation: Amazing environments, awesome facial expressions and highly realistic atmosphere and setting. Love the sheens. You get the idea..


Sound effects/music: Music seems to be good and energetic, however the sound effects are unbelieveable! voice acting seems to be the best yet - I predict a perfect 10 here.


A.I: well they seem to throw grenades and fire at you for survival...can manipulate physics, and don't just run right at you, however from what I see they just stand and shoot, no dodging or tactics - have to see the final product for this one.

( 9.9 or even 10 if they actually plan,adapt and respond like the way valve said at the very best. 6.7 at the very worst if valve screws it up here, which I hope they not).

Replay value: If what valve says is true (30+ hours gameplay) and classic HL-style death match, then expect a full ten here.



8.2 (at the very worst)
9.5 - 9.8 at the very best.

(IGN's highest pc score is a 9.5, gamespot's is 9.4...so hopefully HL2 can beat it's own predecessor)

apply the same rules for magazines, and I assume at the very best they could give a 98%.
I think most will give it a 100% except for a few that are overly critical and pessimistic about it because it gets so much praise (kind of like elite music critics).
94%, there is bound to be something the reviewers don't like.

...ahem. I'd say mid nineties, unless it really really blows reviewers away. In that case, high nineties. With a chance of rain in the afternoon.
hiln said:
I think most will give it a 100% except for a few that are overly critical and pessimistic about it because it gets so much praise (kind of like elite music critics).

Woah! 100%, HL2 looks amazing but, I have never seen a game that gets 100% in any respectable magazine or website. I could be wrong
hiln said:
I think most will give it a 100% except for a few that are overly critical and pessimistic about it because it gets so much praise (kind of like elite music critics).
Highly unlikely though, I'm sure they'll find something negative about it...whatever it is I just hope it's not the gameplay.

BTW - As far as my memory goes, PC Gamer's highest score is also something like 95%,which they incidently gave to half-life.
Half Life 2 will probably receive a score of 97%...or possibly 98% from PCGamer...but I would love for it to receive a perfect 100%. But sadly, no game is perfect.
lans said:
Highly unlikely though, I'm sure they'll find something negative about it...whatever it is I just hope it's not the gameplay.

BTW - As far as my memory goes, PC Gamer's highest score is also something like 95%,which they incidently gave to half-life.
Actually, I think the highest score rewarded to a game was 98% back in the late 90s or something. I forget what the game was though. But to find out, go to pcgamer.com and click on reviews.
80% - 90%

nice SP game, realy well put together...

no decent MP other than reworked Counterstrike wich is the most god awful MP experience in history.

(yes i realise there will be others but Valve's silence is very troubling, if they had something to brag about they would be bragging)
ZoomaCLW said:
..because zelda is a console game, and it uses the full potential of a n64 (at that time), therefore it got a ten. Even IGN gave it 10, and a whole bunch of nintendo/console related mags. Heck, halo for the xbox got in the high nineties, but why didn't I mention it - because it's a console FPS, NOT a pc fps.

Even it got 9 or in high eighties when it was ported for the pc (halo), albeit being a bad port.
i hope that it will not get 100% anywhere. It will definitely get 95+ across the board. It would be pretty arrogant of games reviewers to think that this it the pinnacle of all PC gaming. After this comes out if they gave it 100, they would have nowhere to go but down when Half-life 3 comes out and they can't go up, they would have to give it the same score, so wheres the distiction between the games, and whats the point in giving them a rating?
No, I believe it will get a majority of perfect scores. No other game has been as immersive or polished as this game will (most likely) be. It's been hyped to shit (usually the big name titles get an automatic 94 for just being popular: like mario, metroid, final fantasy, zelda, metal gear. granted they're all good games, but they have a biased view on them compared to an underdog-low budget game.)

Most people think of Half-life as the greatest PC game ever (some say best GAME ever), I doubt much will change with HL2 because all they did was take all those elements of 1 and improve on them many folds.

And I'm not being optimistic either, I could care less what HL2 will get, I'm just being realistic. The voice acting, sound, gameplay, physics, immersion, graphics, the facial animation, the modding tools, and most likely even the story (even though reviewers usually care less about a good original story when the gameplay is superb), I don't see how these reviewers will deny it a perfect score since it will most likely be a near perfect game (of cource no game is perfect, but many games have gotten perfect scores) unless the reviewers have a pessimistic/anal bias on the game for whatever reason.

I bet you anything gamespot and pc gamer, AT LEAST, give it a perfect score. Just watch.

I take back all my statements if the game turns out to be piss, but I very much doubt that. From what we've seen, and from what I've been told by numerous beta people... It will just be another one of these orgasmic games that get perfect scores from a majority of it's reviewers.

But whatever, think what you like.
Andy said:
i hope that it will not get 100% anywhere. It will definitely get 95+ across the board. It would be pretty arrogant of games reviewers to think that this it the pinnacle of all PC gaming. After this comes out if they gave it 100, they would have nowhere to go but down when Half-life 3 comes out and they can't go up, they would have to give it the same score, so wheres the distiction between the games, and whats the point in giving them a rating?

For knowing which games are the best of their present times.
mobA said:
Actually, I think the highest score rewarded to a game was 98% back in the late 90s or something. I forget what the game was though. But to find out, go to pcgamer.com and click on reviews.
I think it was Alpha Centauri. Never played it.

HL2 will probably get very high 90's. However if Valve screws up even a little bit, the scores may fall to low 90's or even into 80's from overly-high expectations of reviewers.

If Valve doesn't screw up:

Presentation: 9.5-9.8
Graphics: 10
Sound: 9.5-10
Gameplay: 9.5-10
Lasting Appeal: 10
first let me say to all of you that have read my posts in the past and found it negative,that you are rigth,i was just ...trolling...,now this is how i really feel about this game :this is gonna be even bigger than hl1(just in the real life physics alone)i read a review somewhere where the guy was playing in a kids playground and he pushed the swings and what he saw was what happen if you push a swing in real life!now you know about the story ,graphics,that old hl1 feeling that you have to play to know what im talking about...now i doubt that this year or NEXT we'll see another game like this ...so im sure it will get mostly 10 out of 10.
you all seem to assume that halflife 2 will be the most mind-****ing gaming experiance ever...

there IS still a possibility (and not a remote one) that the game might totally suck...
Reaperman said:
you all seem to assume that halflife 2 will be the most mind-****ing gaming experiance ever...

there IS still a possibility (and not a remote one) that the game might totally suck...

I mentioned this, and I'd say it is remote.
Reaperman said:
you all seem to assume that halflife 2 will be the most mind-****ing gaming experiance ever...

there IS still a possibility (and not a remote one) that the game might totally suck...
Whilst i agree with you with when you say this thread is ridiculous(because A) the game isnt out b) its a HL2 fansite) I don't understand your thoughts as to why you think is a likely possibility of the game sucking (when you said not a remote one, i assume your saying that you think HL2 has a better chance to suck then to rock) Can you be a little more specific as why?
Pc Gamer UK has never given a score higher than 96% and that was to Half-Life and (I think) Quake 2. HL2? If it sucks - and I really doubt it - they will bash it to high heaven. If it doesn't (far more likely) they'll give it around 95-97%. It'd be neat if they gave it the same as it's predecessor.
Sparta said:
Whilst i agree with you with when you say this thread is ridiculous(because A) the game isnt out b) its a HL2 fansite) I don't understand your thoughts as to why you think is a likely possibility of the game sucking (when you said not a remote one, i assume your saying that you think HL2 has a better chance to suck then to rock) Can you be a little more specific as why?

what im saying it, there is still a chance (not a .00008% chance, more like 20%) of it being bad... you are all assuming before you even touch the game that its going to suck your dick for you and will be the greatest computer game of all time...
what im saying it, there is still a chance (not a .00008% chance, more like 20%) of it being bad... you are all assuming before you even touch the game that its going to suck your dick for you and will be the greatest computer game of all time...

Hl2 will be polished too a tee. Valve want what happened with hl1 to happen with 2 they want it absolutley perfect. This way in ten years hl2 mods will still be very popular. And if this happens I'd like hl1 to become freeware after 2-3 years success of hl2.
Sulkdodds said:
Pc Gamer UK has never given a score higher than 96% and that was to Half-Life and (I think) Quake 2. HL2? If it sucks - and I really doubt it - they will bash it to high heaven. If it doesn't (far more likely) they'll give it around 95-97%. It'd be neat if they gave it the same as it's predecessor.

In the latest PCGUK they laud the gameplay of the sections they played, so I think HL2 getting a score near it's predecessor is a good possibility. :cheers:
For the reviews, I basically resort to pc gamer and gamespot, so my rating was based on the way they rate. IGN gives high scores too easily, while it's very hard for a game to get a good score on gamespot unless it's really extraordinary,although some of their reviews are a bit biased (points at halo for pc). PC gamer (IMO) gives a very detailed review, and there is no hint of them being biased throughout it.
er, giving a game 100% means it can never be bettered and no game will ever be better than it..

I'd say, 85 - 95% on average
I think that the mag i read will give it a 95% .. wich is VERY rare..even far cry got like 90%
I'd say 93%, but then again, if a game like Far Cry can receive 94% scores... :rolleyes:

It won't be perfect, there will be always places where the gameplay gets a bit boring, repetitive or frustrating (Xen anyone?) or where the graphics lack detail or textures are flawed. No amount of playtesting can prevent this, and Gamespot giving Ocarina of Time a 10 is just stupid.

I think on sites where the scale is 5 stars it will receive 5/5 stars, where the scale is 1-10 it receives 9 and on sites with 1-100 it will receive 90-96.