HL Condition Zero To Use New HL2 "Source" Engine

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Originally posted by GLMinorThreat
Damn you people are a bunch of douchebags. I don't know why I even come here. Go eat some ass while you wait to play your HL2, CZ will still be awesome. I don't want it for the single player.

HL's multi blew until CS, and DoD.

So until HL2 has CS 2, and DoD 2. Who ****in' cares about its multi?

Your a moron. You don't even know what Half-Life II multi-player will be. Please do everyone a favor and leave these forums, rent a gun, buy a bullet and shoot yourself in the head, because your are a F***ING RETARD, and you deserve to die.

Thank you.
Originally posted by GLMinorThreat
CS has done this well.... so far with its graphics. And you are graphics whores.

Here are my systems specs... just so you're not like "omg you're just mad cuz U can't run Hl2!"

Asus A7N8X Deluxe
1 Gig of Corsair 3200 DDR TwinX(Dual Channel)
Radeon 9800 Pro
AMD Athlon 3000+
SLK 800 Thermalright, with some ThermalTake 80mm fan
80 gig 7200 rpm WD 8mb Cache
80 gig 7200 rpm seagate

Eh nothing else is that important... none of its OC'd doesn't need to be yet IMO.

3D mark scores mean jack.

and 3D Marks scores do mean jack.. it show you how well you built your system. you can take a bunch of top notch shit and slap it together, but that doesn't mean just unless you know what its capable of. It also Helps you tweak your system for the best preformance in games. As for Over Clocking I doubt your even know how to.
Originally posted by DirtySanchez
Yeah, you wouldn't be saying that if you actaully had a system that could play something with good graphics, and who would really wanna play a game that looks like it was made by Activision Value, thats just lame. We have the Technology why not take advantage of it?

people say graphics aren't everything, ide have to disagree. better graphic engines increase gameplay alot. although I would say gameplay is most important, but how far can you really go with the HL1 engine. Its maxed out.

- Larger More detailed maps. (more objects to take cover behind, instead of hiding 15 CTs behind a gaint crate or piller)

- Better Shadow effects (hide shadows to hunt down your enemys, or possibly some really interesting night missions)

- More Detailed hit location (see exactally where you shot your foe)

and these are just to name a few.

they're using old technology because CS:CZ is about the original gameplay, idiot. it's not about fancy new features.
Well i got banned, and thus i have learned my lesson :afro:
Originally posted by TAZ
Condition Zero is dead.. seriously, who wants to play a revamped version of Counter-Strike? Counter-Strike was great and still is to some extent, but seriously, the buy system is just plain retarded now. How many Counter-Terrorists have to 'buy' their own equipment to hunt terrorists? And what's the point of detonating a bunch of crates? Kill a hostage, lose some money? Whatever. RavenShield is the best Counter-Terrorism game out right now, with alot more weapons and options and 100x better graphics. I am looking more too Athena's Sword then Condition Zero, because in all honesty, CZ is worth Zero. Maybe as a free download to HalfLife like all the other mods, but not worth the price of a cd.

I agree 110%, I mean CS was cool like 3years ago, then Global Op's came out to improve upon that style, but failed due to a bad game engine.
Now Raven Shield comes out, and completely owns CS.
I just re-installed CS for the fun of it, and laughed at how dated and lame the game is. I used to love the game to death, but now it really shows it's age, and it is NOT fine wine